ssrc idrf acceptance rate

Other proposals that focus predominantly or exclusively on the United States are not eligible. WebThe acceptance rate is 40% this year, so congrats to all the winners. 2/9 Any updates?? WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc For Abu Carbon Handle 85Mm Between Knob Shafts /Management Ap3861/62 at the best online prices at eBay! That said, I fully expect a rejection soon. Based on a deep dive on social media posts over the last few years, I think we can expect to hear back sometime this week. I'm sorry to hear that (assuming the edit date means anything). ^ I noticed that last year those that were rejected didn't hear back until April. Feb. 15 for grad students, March 15 for undergrads. Do we not hear until June? Hopefully we all hear soon!! Using the DMP Tool. (my application is still pending in FastLane). Were they only sent to PIs? (9/13) Anyone still waiting for any news at all? You can no longer preview your grant prior to submission, so if you need to submit your grant for university internal review you'll have to save each page as a pdf and send it that way. Best of luck to alternates! I am pleased to inform you that you are among this top group of finalists whose work remains under consideration; 21 Fellows will be chosen in this final roundwith the announcement of the decisions in early April." (2/9) If SSRC IDRF admins read this thread - in the future please be merciful and send out transcript requests the same day as rejections, even if it means sending both out later than usual. 4/7 I know the application form said we would hear by the end of March. What the fuck are we supposed to make of this? Btw, there is 60 fellowships this season ^idk about this, esp. Maybe this was their attempt at getting a bit more specific? Good luck everyone! I haven't heard anything (applied to both Lauder and History of Art and VC). ^^^^ (7/1) The year I won, I think I heard in September, then it took until November for them to release the funds and start the grant clock. It's very generous of you. From the past few years, it sounds like people have generally started hearing as late as mid-April (and it seems that the Board of Trustees needs to vote on the list of awardees prior to notices going out). ^ Mine also says submission. No rejection sent to PI or me. 2/23 Does anyone know why some of us still haven't heard? While I am generally inclined to believe that they have inside scoop, they are also sometimes wrong 5/30-Seems like the stem awards were announced the week of the 17th (according to the Chateaubriand Twitter page). Nothing on my end. ^Nope. 6/24 - nothing yet, but seconding that last year's 'you'll definitely hear in April' was really September. No news on the portal or email for me either. Note to PIs: The following program summary is intended to be used for informational purposes only. ^ That's what I'm hoping. Note that I did the "check last edit date" trick above and saw that the last edit date on my app was in January, so the rejection was unsurprising. The panel placed 3 proposals in High Priority; 6 proposals in the Medium Priority, 13 proposals in Low Priority; and 51 proposals in Non-Competitive, >Can anyone confirm the above rejections? Only open to students at California universities this year. Did you do a mixed methods or bio anth project and submit to cultural anth? I just accepted the fellowship and was notified 4/13. 2/23 I can see that last year notifications were sent on 3/12, 3/12: Fingers crossed that today one miserable period of waiting ends and that everybody on this page is a finalist and.crosses the threshold into another period of miserable waiting. Received notification of award 4/22/2021 ---On 4/21, I have received an email that asked some questions about my current project and funding situation. Damnthere's no Status updated column in my account What columns do you see? Kujenga Amani facilitates the exchange of ideas about diverse aspects of peacebuilding in Africa. History, Peking University, 2012. -3/15 end of day is looming, and no news yet. Mine says last edited May 1 when I click on preview and it didn't before. There's still time! The IDRF program expects fellows to remain at their research site (s) for the full nine- to twelve-month funding period. Maybe everyone else has that too. Seems decisions have been made, we're just waiting to hear about it. I find the politics of then interesting. (Jan. 28). do you know the success rate of finalists? Goes to show it was worth persevering even when I felt the institution didn't see the value of my work. (5/4) Someone I know received a rejection today via email to their PI. 3.22 Anyone else feeling like we've all been rejected? 2/16 Additional person here. 3.30 is anyone else still waiting to hear back on the Luce? Congrats to all who were awarded! (9/13) We have until 9/17 to accept, hoping you hear good news soon! I think those of us who haven't received a transcript request and whose portal doesn't show 'Needs Attention' are at this point only waiting for a rejection. Predoctoral - applied on 12/1. Complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins. I'm hoping that was just a pandemic-related delay and not the new norm. I hope this doesn't mean we have to wait another week. Good luck, everyone! I hope so as well. 5/27 - I also haven't heard anything from them directly. Thanks for telling us. That is a small number of applicants, especially in comparison to previous years. (5/4) My coordinator said dont expect anything before September. I don't feel super comfortable hoping/thinking that I'm on a short list until I know of more people who heard back with negative answers. Notification received, not selected as a fellow. Trying to weigh my options. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc Carb Handle 92Mm Between Knob Shafts Abu /Admin Al4283/62 at the best online prices at eBay! They posted about it on social media in a way that made it sound like they had received the fellowship. Passed stage 1: cultural anthropology x2 (email received Feb 23, 8:22 am ET), Applied: cultural anthro (x1), archaeology, Moved forward to round 2. I guess we shouldn't expect anything until the end of the month or September? You will see a "status updated" column with a date. Could we be second alternates, perhaps? I was an applicant and haven't received any communication. So long Social Science Research Council. Portal still says "undecided." Please note that the IDRF program supports research only and may not be used for dissertation write-up or data analysis. rejected 2/23. For the rest of us, suerte with everything else! Based on the gradcafe results page, last year folks heard back on Friday 3/19, and the year before it was on Thursday 3/15. Got the rejection email today, on 2/22 at 1:28pm. People who heard back, did some of you apply to the Lauder or are we just talking about the other fellowships right now? It looks like in previous years that's when the announcements have gone out. The year I applied, there were 105 points possible (with discipline and language priorities, both of which I had) and I won with 101. In this respect, it is distinct among the sources of funding for field research. I'm guessing those selected just don't check fellowship wikis. I'd double-check yours. (I was one of the x2 above who applied), When was the last edit on your application? 3.26 Definitely agree. ^^ Congrats to those accepted! 2/11 yes it's usually both by email and mail. No official letter of acceptance yet but I think this is good news. ^ (7/2) that's a long time to wait. (Told myself July) Some other grants allow you to accept multiple ones as long as you aren't double-dipping, like if you got Mellon ACLS and Fulbright you could accept both so long as you didn't use money to pay for the same things (i.e., divide into housing, research, travel, expenses.) Will keep this space updated. What a shame! applied x5. SSRC IDRF application round 2021 (figured I'd make a new one since we only have 2020..) zkasim2; 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. Received a transcript request today, 2/5, at 11:08 am. =/. Good luck! Based on last year's wiki, it seems that some people were named alternates. (5/4) Do those who receive rejection emails see any change in fastlane? ), 6/17 - Called HFG early afternoon to ask about decision announcements, was told they "should go out next week." I did that last year & they responded quite fast. The list of previously supported topics and the institutions awardees come from looks like a parody of euro-centric, wealthy, and unaccountable academia. I have not heard anything either. x1 2/22: hopefully some news will be out this week? Was this a personal correspondence? Lol.))). (I applied for one of the other SAR fellowships, but I figured they sent out all decisions at the same time). So jealous of applicants in previous years who were notified in late Feb. Maybe we will still hear something today? Your email address will not be published. Edit: Nevermind, just got the rejection. 3/13: Sorry to hear that you didn't get it. ^Former grantee here. No word yet on my end. First rejections went out: During the Spring 2021 review cycle, 146 DDRIG proposals were considered by the Cultural Anthropology program. April 1, 2021. (9/15) My suspicions were correct. (9/16) Was selected as an alternate. -E, [4/12] Congratulations! Might as well say nothing. Or is it safe to assume that if you have not been sent a transcript request (email or through the portal) by the end of the day today, the application likely didnt make it? 6/2- No news at all? Can someone else confirm? Required fields are marked *. 1/21 Sorry for getting antsy but has anyone heard anything? In case folks dont know:you can email IDRF asking for reviewers comments on your application. 1/25 Also wondering which committees have made calls. The date for graduate students every year so far has been mid-January. Drawing Institute staff make final recommendations to the Director of the Morgan Library & Museum who reviews and approves awards." Coffee Snob where can you see that? 2/18: A friend of mine in history got this fellowship. I want to be able to reach out to my letter-writers, but I don't want to do it before I've heard officially. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear back anything ^ 2/12 Congrats to anyone on this forum who got an offer or an alternate offer. Most journals use acceptance or rejection rates to analyse whether the number of papers that they are rejecting or accepting is too high and to monitor any unusual trends. 3/24 Acceptance email (notice of nomination before trustee vote), March 2: got a rejection email saying that they have candidate campus visits scheduled x2, (Applied: 1x Medieval English literature). Anyone hear anything? When I click on it it says "Review results will be available one to two weeks after the review." Ha. Be affiliated with a university and progressing toward a PhD and in good standing. Based on the reviewers' comments, it looks like my language training and having multiple in-country supervisors and institutional affiliations were decisive. Receiving neither a rejection nor a transcript request has happened in years past. I have also not heard anything. MIT Chemical Engineering, Top 10 Reasons to Get a Sport Management Degree. 6/2: ^Thanks for that info. ^^I also had the message change like yours. 2/4. -N, 4/12 I also asked my advisors to mail me sealed letters. ^^Is this common? I can no longer log into my application portal, either (that's been true for awhile). Proposals on non-US topics that identify the United States as a case for comparative inquiry are welcome. I think it's usually this week (Jan. 27), No news here yet, but yes, looking at previous years' pages it seems that it's usually the last week of January or the first week of February. 5/13-Has anyone emailed them asking what's going on? 3/17: Same. Nothing here yet. 3 reviewers. So I would presume we may hear anytime now, since the intent form went out much earlier this year. Also fwiw I know 3 ppl who were awarded the fellowship 2 years ago who got transcript requests and 2 ppl in the same situation last year. -I have the same feeling. Is anyone else on the waitlist? Unfortunately, [2022 Guide], Why Chemical Engineering? I am not really holding my breath as I h zkasim2. She's also an administrator for Cul Anth, from what I can see on the NSF page. Submitted on 1/24, originally had the March 18th edit too, last edit was May 3rd (1:41 PDT). Well, it turns out that unfortunately this year's fellows will actually be the last. Digging through the archives it seems like acceptances and rejections are released around last week of April and first week of May, but some people don't hear back until much later. It does not replace the sponsors actual funding opportunity announcement. Log into, click proposal status. Around the first week of January, the deadline was then changed to Feb. 15 for graduate students. Good luck everyone. IDRF Program The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Program supports the next generation of scholars in the humanities and humanistic social Rejected. Thats why its best to arrange your application using that points explainer like a checklist. Request for transcripts received at 12:08 am ET (2/5). ^^ No problem at all! Scores: Very Good- Excellent in all categories:(. The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Photo Competition is offered every year to IDRF recipients. Visit Everyone I know who applied last year received their rejection or acceptance emails by Thursday Feb 8th, so I'm feeling a bit pessimistic. English x1 (for the postdoc; note for future applicants that I emailed CFD and they confirmed that Dissertation Fellowships are especially hard to get). You get the grant (or not) depending on the points you get - theres nothing else taken into account. Hoping they will preserve that humane format this time round - or, even better, just put "Congratulations!" 4/26-Did anyone else forget to add explicit proof of US citizenship to their application? Rejection 2/8, "more than 200 applications for only two positions", Waiting 3/18 has there been any emails yet on acceptance or rejections? WebDoctoral candidates can receive between $8,000 and $15,000; Postdoctoral researchers can receive between $10,000 and $18,000 toward research-related expenses. To the person who has applied previously, did you receive a notification that you were shortlisted? Rejection received, 3/15 at 3:41 p.m. EST x3. Not sure if they're referring to the review that took place last week or something else. 5/13 - Received notification of acceptance 11:30 EST. If that were the case, I think someone on here would have posted that they won an award. None here. The SSRC is an independent, international, nonprofit organization. Applied: Pre-Columbian Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies (archaeology) (10/24), 5/13: Received notification of shortlist for interview on June 8, 03/08: Was scoping out previous posts and some said third Friday of March, so looks like we might be getting a bit closer to hearing back! ^^^ (6/30) My project director also mentioned that in the past, this also means that announcements will be soon to follow - perhaps we will hear before the end of July? (2/8). 3/11: I just checked the portal by chance and my status changed from "application submitted" to "selection made." 5/24 I heard from my fellowships office that successful applicants got word late last week. No news here either. Applicants who have completed significant funded dissertation research in one country by the start of their proposed IDRF research may be ineligible to apply to the IDRF to extend research time in the same country. Midwestern University Glendale Acceptance Rate, If you are considering Psychology as a major. (5/9) Siobhan Mattison is the director of the bio anth program. I've got nothing so far. review deadlines & kept asking for extensions. Mine was edited early in the morning (like 1am) May 1st as well, so imagine whoever was working on them did so into the night. 1/25 That's very useful info. I am wondering if they asked for hard copies of applications to limit the number of applicants? Finally, that submit button at the end does not mean submit the pdf documents, it means submit the whole entire grant. WebI am a historian of modern Vietnam with research interests in nationalism, decolonization, state-formation, and civil war. (5/9) Maybe? ^Cul/Anth here. (2/4), ^ Ooooh interesting! The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research. Assuming we're hoping to NOT hear anything as in previous years, right? WebPh.D., History, University of Washington, 2022. I hope not, but academia is a bit of a sadistic game. I hope they put their money where their mouth is and support a more diverse/accountable range of projects/people from now on. Literally zero transparency in this process haha, (5/22) Heard through advisor that cul anth application was not accepted (competitive-low). when did they hear back? So I would say that you definitely won't hear before June and will likely not hear until after. (4/27). I just saw it on a common friend's page and that's how I found out. My university Fulbright point-person took a while to send out the Intent Form (first notification of the form on this site was 6/29, and my Fulbright point-person forwarded the Intent Form 7/6, despite them having received it 6/28), so I hope that's just the case now. 2/10 My application says "Under Review". It will be interesting to hear what they end up deciding on. Any idea if it happens for people to decline the fellowship? We will begin accepting ^^(6/30) UPDATE: admin at my university said that all students who have applied for the FY21 DDRA receive the "intent form" request from their project directors. Module 2 Exercises. It fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is I wish I knew more! ty! (Jan. 27), Nothing here either. 4:00PM CST - No email response again. ^ (7/3) - I received my proposal evaluations in the late afternoon of May 17th. It's really good to know. It seems very late! (3/22). (4/10) A friend was awarded the postdoc a few days ago. Free shipping for many products! I'm wondering if the change has something to with the fact that there are review panels scheduled for May 5-6 and May 13-14 which she is chairing. 1/26 heard that Andrew Mellon and Ittleson went out last week. 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