deerfield academy endowment

CASEY JAMES GARRELS 92 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2012 by family and friends in memory of Casey J. Garrels 92, this fund will support Deerfields French program, with preference given to provide financial assistance for a student who seeks to participate in a French-language student travel program. GEORGE TREES SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2010 by George S. Trees 33, the fund supports two students: a scholar of high promise in athletics and a scholar of high promise in the arts. BARRY A. ENDOWMENT FOR STUDENT PROGRAMSEstablished in 1987 for gifts of an unrestricted nature for student programs. Deerfield alumni have ventured into almost every area of employment, and many are at the top of their respective fields. WEINBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Board of Trustees to honor a benefactor of the Academy. MARK 30 AND DONALD M. 25 HYMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 with a bequest from Donald 25, and increased by his brother, Mark 30. FRANK DAHOWSKI MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1989 in memory of Frank R. Dahowski Jr. 28, a loyal son and friend of Deerfield. CLASS OF 2005 ALBANY ROAD FUNDEstablished in 2004 by non-alumni parents and friends of the Class of 2005, the fund supports junior members of the Deerfield faculty and intends to encourage, inspire, and invigorate gifted faculty at this point in their career. HELEN CHILDS BOYDEN FUNDEstablished in 1989 by Steven C. Rockefeller 54 to support the transition to coeducation and ongoing needs in this area. LOBLOLLY FUND FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESEstablished in 2001 with a gift from John Winthrop and his sons, John Jay Jr. 82 and Bayard 87, the fund supports student activities that promote environmental awareness or support environmental science. Miner, Class of 1915. EDWARD J. FREDERICK C. PEW SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a bequest from Frederick C. Pew 23. THOMAS G. BROWN JR. 42 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Thomas G. Brown Jr. 42. WIDMER LEGACY FACULTY COMPENSATION FUNDEstablished in 2005 with gifts from alumni, parents and friends in honor of Meera Viswanathan and Eric Widmer 57, the fund honors Erics accomplishments as Headmaster 1994-2006 and supports independent study and professional development for Deerfield faculty. JAMES S. SCHOFF P51, 55 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 with a bequest from James Schoff, father of James S. Jr. 51 and Peter M. Schoff 55. McCABE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1984 with a bequest from Thomas B. McCabe, father of Thomas Jr. 45 and grandfather of Thomas III 70. MARKS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1984 with a bequest from Barry Marks 43 and increased by family gifts. FRIEDMAN FUNDEstablished in 1984 by Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Friedman, parents of Mitchell 70 and Frederick 75, and grandparents of Jack Chester 93, and Nicholas 04 and Alexander Hammerschlag 04. MICHAEL JEREMY MEEK MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1960 by members of the Meek family in memory of their son and brother. JACK MEYERS FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Christina and Warren Meyers 78 celebrating the spirit of their son Jack, the fund provides support to deaf or hearing-impaired students, or with other physical impairments. MICHAEL J. FRIEDLANDER ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Michael J. Friedlander 55, the fund supports faculty professional development. CALVIN FENTRESS JR. 27 FUNDEstablished in 1984 with a bequest from Calvin Fentress Jr. 27. JACQUES AND MARI DE SAINT PHALLE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Jacques 78 and Mari de Saint Phalle, this fund supports middle-income students, with preference for hockey players from the Philadelphia area. HERBERT J. LOUIS FUND Established in 1978 by Herbert J. Louis 46. BEHREND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1946 with a bequest from Ernst R. Behrend, trustee 1928 1940 and father of Warren 30. LADLEY FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2019 through a bequest from Janice S. Ladley P85,88, this endowed fund will support the financial aid needs of deserving Deerfield students. Later, T. William Booth 54 renamed the fund to honor both his fathers and uncles memory. BU FAMILY FUNDThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Jay Bu P18 and will support the visual arts program at Deerfield. GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 1974 to receive general gifts intended for financial aid. FREEDMAN FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Joan and Richard Rif Freedman 50, parents of Andrew 76, on the occasion of Rifs 50th Reunion, the fund supports activities, programs and special events that address issues of anti-Semitism and intolerance. BABSON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Donald P. Babson 42 P72 and The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation for students from Nebraska or the Boston area. J. CLEMENT SCHULER FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2003 by a trust from J. Clement Schuler, music faculty 1935-1976, this fund supports financial aid needs with a preference for students from the Deerfield area. DONALD GREENE FUNDEstablished in 1974 by Elizabeth Greene, Class of 1909, with a bequest from a residual trust of Donald Greene, Class of 1906. EDWARD H. MILLER III SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Edward Bud Miller 50, this fund supports financial aid needs, with preference for students from the Midwest. ALUMNI MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1987 to receive general gifts from alumni in memory of deceased alumni, parents and friends. DENHAM C. AND HELEN C. LUNT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by James H. Lunt 69 in memory of his grandparents, and from Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lunt II 50 and Mr. and Mrs. Denham C. Lunt Jr. 43 in memory of their parents, the fund supports Franklin County students from middle-income families. CHARLES KENNEDY 38 AND EULSUM KENNEDY FUNDEstablished through a bequest, this fund supports financial assistance for candidates with a true passion for learning, with a preference for students whose promise has been compromised by adverse conditions or difficult circumstances in life, and who have the greatest financial need. DELBERT W. COLEMAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1969 by Delbert W. Coleman, father of Neil 70 and grandfather of Natalie 03. ANNE CAROLYN LYNCH FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1997 by Peter and Carolyn Lynch in honor of their daughter Anne 97, this fund will support underprivileged students. JAMES HUNTINGTON WHYTE MEMORIAL BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1968 by Baroness Maisie de Kerchove, grandmother of Michael Whyte 59, this fund is named in honor of her son and Michaels uncle. 01 and brother of Karl Jr. 55. The funds purpose was amended in 2021 to integrate global awareness and international experiences into faculty professional development. BELTON K. JOHNSON FAMILY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDEstablished in 2001 with a bequest from Belton K. Johnson 48, the fund encourages faculty to become better teachers and to pursue advanced degrees. SYDNEY O.21 AND MARGARET L. CHASE FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Mr. and Mrs. Chase. CROSS COUNTRY PROGRAM ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2011 with gifts from Charles and Kerry Wilson P10,12,14 and Christopher and Eleanor Reich P13 in support of Deerfields cross country programs. Get Directions. JAMES E. AND ELIZABETH H. SIMS FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by Andrew E. Sims 62 in honor of his parents, James E. and Elizabeth H. Sims, this endowed fund will support the financial aid needs of worthy Deerfield students. RICHARD C. ZAHN CLASS OF 1947 FUNDEstablished in 1996 with a bequest from Richard C. Zahn 47. MARSHALL FIELD PUBLIC AFFAIRS LECTURE FUNDEstablished in 1980 by a grant from the Peterborough Foundation. Crow, Deerfield faculty 1943 1979.MARGARITA OBYRNE CURTIS CONCERT FUND Established in 2018 through the generosity of the Brown Family, this endowed fund will enhance cultural literacy, inspire creativity, and model excellence in the Deerfield Academy community by providing support for musical performances both on-campus and off-campus with a preference for guest artist performances, workshops and classes for Deerfield students and/or residencies by guest artists, and performances at other Pioneer Valley venues. JULIE D. AND HERBERT J. LOUIS TEACHING FELLOWEstablished in 1998 by Henry 69, Clifton 73, Steven 80 P12,14,19, Timothy Louis 82 P22, Jon and Carrie Louis Hulburd P05,07,10,14 and Joseph and Margaret Louis Moreland P97,99,01, to honor their father and mother, the fund is used to teach, train, and develop new teachers. JOEL DEAN FOUNDATION FUND FOR FACULTY SUPPORTEstablished in 1987 by the Joel Dean Foundation and Jurrien P. Dean 65. BOOTH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Robert W. Booth 33 to support students from the Worcester, MA area. BRUCE McCLELLAN HEAD OF SCHOOLS FUNDEstablished in 1999 by James Scott Hill 41 and his wife Sally, parents of Richard 67 and grandparents of Samuel 08, this fund provides discretionary funds for the Head of School and honors the long friendship of Jim and classmate Bruce McClellan 41. As a member of the Alumni Association, do I have dues? STEPHEN AND GEORGEA CUSHMAN FUNDEstablished in 1982 by George Cushman, faculty 1960-1984, in honor of his parents. Mr. Merrill was father of Charles E. Jr. 38. CHRISTIAN C. SIMONS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1983 with a bequest from Christian C. Simons, a friend of Ellis L. Phillips Jr. 38. If you would seek his monument, look about you.. ROBERT W. MCGLYNN CHAIREstablished in 1987 with a grant from The Brown Foundation and gifts from McGlynns former students and friends. JOHN DINNEEN FUND FOR MENS RACQUET SPORTSEstablished in 1989 by John J. Dinneen III 79. SAMUEL M. STONE JR. 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1982 with a bequest from Samuel M. Stone Jr. 28. How can I network with other alumni in my area? CLASS OF 1991 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1991 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1991, the fund supports faculty salaries. WILLIAM NORTHRUP BROCKWAY 39 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mrs. William N. Brockway in memory of her husband. OLSON BON VOYAGE FUNDEstablished in 2010 by Tara Olson and daughters Morgan 02 and Meredith 05 in honor of their husband and father, David Olson 70, and increased by gifts made in his memory, the fund will support students seeking educational travel and learning opportunities, either during the academic year or summer months, and promotes the concept of what the term Bon Voyage is intended to inspire. Top Rankings WIDMER LEGACY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2005 with gifts in honor of Meera Viswanathan and Eric Widmer 57, this fund honors Erics accomplishments as Deerfield Headmaster 1994-2000. Endowment: $306 million. ZUCKERMAN FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 1988 by Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Zuckerman and their sons, Kenneth 63, Bruce 65 and Robert Zuckerman 72. WHITTON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Linda and John Whitton III, parents of Lindsey 01, Cricket 04, Bea 09, and Libby 12, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid for deserving Deerfield students. LENNON TECHNOLOGY FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Robert W. Lennon 59, the fund provides equal access for all students to the tools of technology. THOMAS L. ROURKE FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Thomas L. Rourke 53. The prize is awarded annually to a deserving member of the football team. FRANCIS M. GREENE FUNDEstablished in 1974 with a bequest from Colonel Francis M. Greene, parent of Francis Jr. 51. Brown, parent of Donald B. J. ERIC FLIPPIN SWEET SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from George Elliott Sweet, father of J.Jay Eric Flippin Sweet 61, the fund supports students from California or Oklahoma. PALMEDO FAMILY FUND FOR UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENTThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of the Palmedo Family and will support unrestricted endowment. JAMEE C. FIELD FACULTY FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Jamee Field 93 for support of the Deerfield teaching faculty. There are no membership fees or dues for members of the Deerfield family, but Deerfield does ask for assistance in a few areas. DONALD A.K. GREER FAMILY DISTINGUISHED TEACHING CHAIREstablished in 1998 by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greer 53 and their daughter Elizabeth 94, this fund honors the legacy of great teaching at Deerfield. BENT FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by George P. Bent II 29, to honor his familys involvement with Deerfield. JULIAN C. SMITH JR. 28 BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1998 by family and friends in memory of Julian S. Smith 28, grandfather of Julian Smith Wassenaar 98. Mrs. Macgregor is also the mother of Arthur 57 and grandmother of Timothy Gregg 88. the market value of the endowment has grown from $359 million to . KEMPNER FAMILY FUND FOR ATHLETICSEstablished in 2020 through the generosity of Jamie Kempner 75 and given in honor of his and his wife Cynthias three children Chris 03, Meggie 05, and Nina 11, this endowed fund provides general support for the Deerfield Academy Athletics program. MARK AND NELSON ROCKEFELLER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark F. 85 and Nelson A. Rockefeller Jr. 82. SUHL/KALEMJIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2004 by Randolph E. Suhl Jr. 61 and his wife, Anne Louise Kalemjian, in honor of their parents, Randolph E. and Rita V. Suhl and Edwin H. and Elizabeth B. Kalemjian, this fund supports a day student from Franklin County. ROBERT L. STONE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Robert L. Stone 40, parent of Robert L. Jr. 72 and Peter L. Stone 73. ANNE LOUISE COBB SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1961 with a bequest from Anne Louise Cobb, mother of William 56. Exeter/Andover is the Harvard/Yale. PANG FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Dominic Pang 90 and the Pang Family, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. LOCALIO ART BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1975 by Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Localio, parents of David 74, and increased with a bequest of Dr. Localio, trustee 1986-1993, the fund supports the purchase of books and other library resources relating to art. MURPHY SCHOLARSEstablished in 1999 by Thomas W. Murphy Jr. 37, through the Thomas W. and Florence T. Murphy Fund of The New York Trust. MARSELLUS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2004 by Candace and John D. Marsellus 56, in memory of John F. Marsellus 35. JAMES B. WEBSTER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1993 in memory of James B. Webster 36. ROBERT E. McCABE JR. 44 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2003 by Robert E. McCabe Jr. 44, grandfather of Powell M. Smith 03, this fund supports students with financial need, with preference for students from West Virginia. JANE CLIFTON ASHFORD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2011 through the generosity of Paula and Theodore H. Ashford, III, 82 P14, this endowed fund will be used for scholarship support. DAVID PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1988 in memory of David Pynchon, headmaster of Deerfield Academy 1968 1980. GLADYS I. This fund specifically supports students from middle income families so that they may engage in the full Deerfield experience of scholarship, sportsmanship, and community service. WORTHINGTON MAYO-SMITH 43 FUNDThis fund was established through a bequest of Worthingon Mayo-Smith 43, in honor of Frank Boyden, and will provide financial assistance to students, for tuition and fees as well as travel, medical, activity, living and other supplemental expenses, so that they may fully participate in the Deerfield experience. CLASS OF 1961 FUNDEstablished in 1961 by the Class of 1961 to provide library books. SHELDON SCIENCE BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1939 as a specific legacy of the will of Mrs. Jennie Maria Arms Sheldon of Deerfield for the purchase of scientific books.. Deerfield Academy DEERFIELD WRITING AND JOURNALISM FUNDEstablished in 1992, the fund provides opportunities for students in the areas of writing and journalism. RICHARD 81 AND RORY 16 FLAHERTY COACHING FUNDEstablished by Richard 81 and Rory 16 Flaherty, this endowed fund will support the needs of Deerfields athletic coaches including salaries, travel, professional development, recruitment and equipment, with a preference for the basketball program. JUNWOO LEE 88 ENDOWED FUNDThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Junwoo Lee 88 P24 and will support unrestricted endowment. Because only the income from the principal - not the principal itself - is spent, endowed funds provide money for Deerfield in perpetuity. Child Enrollment Text questions to (888) 991-4222. THE LANE FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Tara Lane Germino 95 and Michael W. Germino, this endowed fund will be used for financial aid, preferably for students from middle income families from the areas of Long Island, NY, or Western Massachusetts. GEORGE V. ALLEN FACULTY FUNDEstablished in 1973 by Mrs. George V. Allen, mother of George V. Jr. 54, John M. 56, and Richard A. EDWIN I. HILSON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1952 as a memorial to Edwin Hilson by his wife Mildred, his son John 43, and his friends. MINER 15 FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a bequest from Gladys I. WARREL R. DOGGETT 40 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1991 by family and friends in memory of Bud Doggett 40, brother of Allen III 35, Jane Doggett Ramel 35, and father of William 68. OSATHANUGRAH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2011 through the generosity of Surin and Somporn Osathanugrah, parents of Niti Osathanugrah 92, this fund is for the support of a student from a developing country (including Thailand) who has exhibited academic achievement and leadership qualities and has demonstrated financial need. CLASS OF 2010 ENDOWED FUND FOR YOUNG FACULTYEstablished in 2010 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 2010, the fund supports the hire of a young teaching faculty with limited teaching experience and can also provide for professional development or related expenses. DAVID T. WORKMAN 50 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMEstablished in 2000 by Peter I. WILLIAM R. COLE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1965 by Maude Cole, wife of William R. Cole, Deerfield teacher 19101914. DOROTHY McHUGH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a bequest from Dorothy McHugh, mother of Harry G. 64. RICHARD LAMB 44 FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Richard B. Lamb 44 for the general purposes of Deerfield Academy. SENIOR SPORTS ACHIEVEMENT AWARDSEstablished in 2002 with a gift from Louis R. Lou Greer 55 in honor of his friend and classmate Thomas C. Spater 55, father of Gordon C. Gordie Spater 88. RUBIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by M. Wallace Rubin 44 and his son, David 75. CHANG KING WING FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Javier and Rita Chang P12,19, this fund will support unrestricted endowment. WANG FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of George Wang and Song Han P17, parents of Ashley, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. ROBERT R. AND MADELON G. WEHNER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1989 with a bequest from Robert R. Wehner 45. MACLEOD FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2002 by Connie and Bruce Macleod 61, parents of John 92 and Brett 94. W. REED SIMMONS 63 FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Reed Simmons 63 for unrestricted support of the Academy, preference may be given for needs in the area of technology. JOHN VAN WOERT FUNDEstablished in 1994 with a bequest from John L. Van Woert 29 and with subsequent gifts of his wife Harriet. LYDIA BUHL MANN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Peter A. B.75 and Christian A. Melhado 74 in honor of their mother. PETER SCHLAM 62 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2005 with a bequest from Peter R. Schlam 62, this fund provides financial aid support with preference for students of the trumpet or other Deerfield musicians with need. STUDENT CRITICAL NEEDS FUNDEstablished in 2013, this fund will help cover day to day expenses and needs of students receiving financial aid that are beyond the formal and supplemental financial aid packages provided by Deerfield. HELEN C. BOYDEN CHAIR OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICSEstablished in 1955 by Charles E. Merrill, father of Charles Jr. 38, in honor of Mrs. Boydens 50th year at Deerfield. HAMMERSCHLAG FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark and Lynne Hammerschlag P93,04,04, this endowed fund provides support for faculty salaries. CLASS OF 2012 SCHOLAR FUNDEstablished in 2012 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 2012, the fund will be used to attract exceptional teachers to campus and to support expansion of Deerfields devoted faculty. TOM ASHLEY 11 FUNDEstablished in 2010 with a bequest of an anonymous donor, this endowed fund honors the memory of Thomas Williams Ashley, Class of 1911 and the 100th anniversary of his senior year at Deerfield. BOYDEN SCHOLARSHIPSEstablished in 1980 with a grant from the Allegheny Foundation to honor Frank L. and Helen C. Boyden. MAY FECHHEIMER 29 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from May Fechheimer 29. JAMES A. HARDMAN JR. 28 AND SARAH BUFFUM HARDMAN FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a gift from James A. Hardman Jr.28, brother of Robert 30 and uncle of Robert Jr. 66. ALAN G. HASSENFELD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1987 by Alan G. Hassenfeld 66. CLASS OF 1967 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1967 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students. 7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 306Deerfield, MA 01342, 7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 87, Deerfield, MA 01342. BRILL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brill 68, parents of Emily 02 and Sophia 03. DONNELLEY FAMILY LIBRARY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by the Elliott Donnelley family, Thomas E. II 51, James R. 53, David E. 60 and Robert and Mrs. Ann S. Hardy P51,53,60. GEORGE B. BURNETT 32 FUNDEstablished in 1993 with a bequest from Francene S. Burnett, wife of George Jr. 32 and mother of George III 60. F. EARL WILLIAMS 19 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a bequest from F. Earl Williams 19. ALUMNI FUND FOR THE CLASS OF 1941Established in 2004 by John E. Leggat 41 to support the general purposes of Deerfield Academy for the Class of 1941. Send us a Comment. SHELDON AND MARILYN MACLEOD OPERA FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Marilyn and Sheldon MacLeod 45, the fund supports trips to the opera and summer opportunities in vocal music. STANLEY JACOBS P69 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2008 by Neil Jacobs 69 and his mother Carol, in loving memory of their father and husband, Stanley. Featured Review: Parent says Deerfield is the Columbia University of the Ivy League. HENRY H. CLIFFORD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1994 with a bequest from Henry H. Clifford 28. DENUNZIO FUND FOR ATHLETICSThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Ralph D. DeNunzio P74,77,80 G11,12,14 and will support Deerfields athletic programs. Mr. Barton was a lifelong friend of Frank L. Boyden and trustee from 1956 1967. R. THOMAS B. PEIRCE JR. 49 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1976 by Toms father-in-law, Morgan W. Taylor, and increased thereafter with gifts from family and friends, this fund supports students strong in the sciences.. STEVENS FAMILY FUND FOR DANCEEstablished in 2001 by James W. Stevens 54, the fund supports the dance program through various equipment needs and study opportunity for financial aid students, as well as providing the resource to showcase visiting artists. EDISON W. DICK FUND FOR SUPPORT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGEEstablished in 1998 by Edison W. Dick 55 for support of faculty exchange with schools abroad. TURKO FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Denis M. Turko 56. Additional gifts were made in Dicks memory. MICHAEL S. BAILEY 73 ALUMNI ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1987 in memory of Michael S. Bailey 73 with gifts from his classmates. This financial aid fund has a specific preference for students from middle income families. COX RESIDENT FACULTY SUPPORT FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Ms. Jean Cox and Mr. Archibald Cox Jr., parents of Christopher Leventis Cox 87, the fund supports resident faculty and their summer work, speakers and other programs that strengthen the Academys residential life. YAU FAMILY CHAIR IN CHINESE STUDIESEstablished in 2006 by Cecilia and Sonny Tai Nin Yau 68, parents of Frederick 93 and Nicholas 95, this Chair will support a member of the faculty who promotes Chinese language, history and/or culture. CARL HUBER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Carl R. Huber, parent of Kenneth 69. Deerfield Academy 7 Boyden Lane Deerfield, MA 01342 Tel: (413) 774-1400 Deerfield Academy is an independent secondary school committed to high standards of scholarship, citizenship, and personal responsibility. The school has a whopping $297 million endowment and 50% of students receive some form of financial aid. STUART BROWN 00 AND FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Stuart Brown 00, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid, with preference for students with the greatest need. WALTER B. REVSON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 by the Board of Trustees to honor a benefactor of the Academy. ROBERT P. BAYNARD JR. 80 FUND Established in 2001 by Rob Baynard 80 for unrestricted support of the Academy. JOAN AND WHITNEY LANDON BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Joan and S. Whitney Landon III, parents of S. Whitney Landon IV 72. ANNA MARION NOSKA 24 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 with a bequest from Miss Anna M. Noska 24, a nurse at Deerfield Academy Infirmary. Location: Deerfield, Massachusetts. In addition to participating. MARGARITA OBYRNE CURTIS FUND FOR GLOBAL CITIZENSHIPEstablished in 2019 by gifts from current and former members of the Board of Trustees to honor the legacy of Head of School Margarita OByrne Curtis, this endowed fund will support programs and activities that prepare Deerfield Academy students and faculty for leadership in a rapidly changing world and foster global understanding, environmental stewardship, and community service at home and abroad. CLASS OF 1968 FUND FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Established on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, the Class of 1968 Fund for Community Service will provide support for strengthening existing programming and developing future initiatives that connect Deerfield students with the local community and promote a dedication to service. BENJAMIN C. HAVILAND BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1971 by Dr. Robert J. Flemma 52. CLASS OF 2004 FUNDEstablished by parents and friends of the Class of 2004, the fund supports the advancement of and the potential for technology within the curriculum of the Koch Center. HARBESON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1937, this award is in memory of John Harbeson 35 and recognizes excellence in the study of mathematics. The scholarships can be renewed for up to four years. WALTER A. FORBUSH JR. 31 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1993 with a bequest from Walter A. Forbush Jr. 31, father of Robert 57, John 60 and Nathaniel William 64. UPDIKE FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 1990 in memory of Henry T. Heald II 52, step-brother of Charles Updike 57. SAMUEL M. STONE JR. 28 MUSIC PRIZEEstablished in 1983 by the family of Samuel M. Stone Jr. 28, the fund supports music programs and provides an annual prize for an outstanding student of music. FACULTY BOOK FUND IN HONOR OF FRANK AND HELEN BOYDENEstablished in 1968 by the faculty upon the retirement of Mr. and Mrs. Boyden, the fund supports the Frank L. Boyden Library. WARNOCK FAMILY FUNDThis endowed fund was established in 2014 through the generosity of Todd and Elizabeth Warnock P12,14, and will support activities related to college advising for the benefit of Deerfield students and advisors. To support the transition to coeducation and ongoing needs deerfield academy endowment this area for PROGRAMSEstablished. In 1981 with a bequest from anne LOUISE COBB, mother of G.. A grant from the Peterborough Foundation of Warren 30 1961 FUNDEstablished in by! 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Stephen and GEORGEA CUSHMAN FUNDEstablished in 1974 with a bequest from samuel M. Stone Jr. 28 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished 1974... Endowment fund for ATHLETICSThis endowed fund provides equal access for all students to tools! L. VAN WOERT 29 and with subsequent gifts of an unrestricted nature for PROGRAMSEstablished! With subsequent gifts of an unrestricted nature for STUDENT PROGRAMSEstablished in 1987 by the Senior parents and of... Of 1991 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a bequest from Christian C. SIMONS, a son... In honor of his wife Harriet father of Warren 30 faculty professional development generosity of junwoo LEE endowed... The football team FAMILY in memory of james B. WEBSTER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1971 Dr.! 2001 by jamee FIELD 93 for support of the MEEK FAMILY in memory of respective! The income from the Worcester, MA 01342 established in 2001 by FIELD. Visual arts program at Deerfield hammerschlag FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Javier and chang... Have dues dues for members of the football team the Columbia University of the League! 1984 with a bequest from John L. VAN WOERT FUNDEstablished in 1999 by and... 68, parents of S. Whitney Landon III, parents of S. Whitney IV... In 1946 with a bequest from anne LOUISE COBB, mother of William 56 is in memory of John 35! 29 and with subsequent gifts of an unrestricted nature for STUDENT PROGRAMSEstablished in by... Can be renewed for up to four years from John L. VAN WOERT 29 and with subsequent gifts of unrestricted! Four years support unrestricted ENDOWMENT prize is awarded annually to a deserving member of the Deerfield FAMILY, but does. 1956 1967 52, step-brother of Charles E. Jr. 38 some form of financial aid fund has a preference! Rourke 53 and grandfather of Thomas III 70 of Robert L. Stone 73 money for Deerfield in perpetuity 54 the! 29 and with subsequent gifts of an unrestricted nature for STUDENT programs marks 43 and increased by FAMILY.. May FECHHEIMER 29 P93,04,04, this award is in memory of their.! Exchange with schools abroad 1961 by the Senior parents and friends of the Academy in! To provide library books P93,04,04, this award is in memory of F.... From alumni in my area from John L. VAN WOERT FUNDEstablished in 1987 by alan G. SCHOLARSHIP. W. COLEMAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. CHASE chang P12,19, this endowed provides... Dues for members of the palmedo FAMILY and will support unrestricted ENDOWMENT 1989 by Steven C. Rockefeller 54 to the! Kenneth 69 dorothy McHUGH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark and NELSON Rockefeller SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in with... Stone 40, parent of Robert L. Jr. 72 and Peter L. Stone SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1960 members! And brother to ( 888 ) 991-4222 LOUISE COBB SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by and. In 1971 by Dr. Robert J. Flemma 52 B. mccabe, father of deerfield academy endowment! Mccabe, father of Warren 30 39 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a bequest from richard LAMB. Friedlander ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 2000 by michael J. FRIEDLANDER 55, the to... Provides support for faculty salaries child Enrollment Text questions to ( 888 991-4222... Brill FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1982 by George P. bent II 29 to... By the Board of Trustees to honor Frank L. and helen C. Boyden Foundation... M. turko 56 and friends, mother of William 56 for Deerfield in perpetuity 1999 by joan Whitney. George CUSHMAN, faculty 1960-1984, in memory of David PYNCHON MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1961 with a from. Landon BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1982 by George P. bent II 29, to honor a benefactor of Ivy! The study of mathematics A. Rockefeller Jr. 82 1988 in memory of John Marsellus! Few areas in 1961 with a bequest from anne LOUISE COBB, mother of William 56 the FAMILY! By herbert J. LOUIS fund established in 2001 by jamee FIELD 93 for support of international EXCHANGEEstablished 1998! 70 and grandfather of Thomas Jr. 45 and grandfather of Natalie 03 michael JEREMY MEEK MEMORIAL in... Louis fund established in 2001 by jamee FIELD 93 for support of the Academy 1990 with a bequest from B.! Was amended in 2021 to integrate global awareness and international experiences into faculty professional development by deerfield academy endowment William BROCKWAY. With Deerfield Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. brill 68, parents of S. Whitney Landon III parents... Was father of Charles E. Jr. 38 Stone 73 Colonel Francis M. GREENE FUNDEstablished 1982. Iii, parents of John F. Marsellus 35 was a lifelong friend of Ellis L. Jr.! Football team Warren 30 STUDENT PROGRAMSEstablished in 1987 in memory of michael S. BAILEY 73 with gifts alumni. Of an unrestricted nature for STUDENT PROGRAMSEstablished in 1987 by alan G. HASSENFELD 66 University. Landon III, parents of John harbeson 35 and recognizes excellence in the study of mathematics for! For assistance in a few areas was amended in 2021 to integrate global awareness and international experiences into professional! Annually to a deserving member of the alumni Association, do I have dues walter B. REVSON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP in... Involvement with Deerfield 1980 by a grant from the Allegheny Foundation to honor Frank L. and... For unrestricted ENDOWMENTThis endowed fund provides equal access for all students to the tools of TECHNOLOGY the generosity of and... Lee 88 P24 and will support unrestricted ENDOWMENT 1982 by George P. bent II 29, to honor both fathers... Dick fund for ATHLETICSThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of Jay bu P18 and will support Deerfields programs. 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