darlie routier dna results 2021

As already established, those photos were in fact shown in court and to the jury, and discussed in detail with Dr. Santos for about 45 minutes on the witness stand. I wholeheartedly agree with the guilty verdict. When prosecutor Toby Shook began reading the letters to Darlie while on the witness stand, she asked him: "Where did you get those? Always amazes me when people can't discuss anything rationally but carry on as if they are half demented. Being a crime buff, I had obviously watched numerous TV programs about the Routier murders, and was pretty positive she had done it. They feature juror Charlie Samford stating he was incorrect in his guilty verdict; however he has since recanted that opinion. The knife block on the counter in the Routier kitchen. How would anyone know if Darlie cleaned up two footprints if she wiped them clean and all that's left for the luminol to show is a smear? What the Darlie supporters, including Darlie Kee cannot explain, is why Darlie constantly changed her accounts of what took place. luo xiao min from California on June 23, 2018: Reading through the comments is a jaw-dropping and sickening expenerience to me. 2. It was between the kitchen and the utility room." Besides being a coward she is narcissistic maybe even sociopathic. We probably will never know. Wow did yiu waste time Joseph Goebells wannabe. Who gave the children their names. Darlie's occasional housekeeper, Helina Czaban, stated that when she told Darlie how sorry she was for the tragedy and mentioned the expense of the funeral on top of that, Darlie replied, "I'm not worried. Darlie and her mother claim they watched it 9 times. He called in James Cron, a retired veteran Dallas PD crime scene investigator with an excellent career track record. A broken wine glass lay on the ground, and there was a torn window screen in the garage. ON A BLISTERING HOT DAY IN JUNE, A stunned Darin Routier sat in the back of a Rowlett police car, listening on a cellular phone as his mother-in-law told him an astonishing thing: His wife, Darlie . Update 1/19: The Darlene Routier home has been temporarily taken off the market. Darlie Routier's defense team had a copy of the entire tape made at the cemetery in their possession. ", Mercedes commented; "Right there where her boys were killed, and that's the first thing she said to me. She was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the death of her 6-year-old son Devon. These very same people turn a blind eye to the very evidence that convicted her, or simply say the crime scene processing was tainted and botched up. Many Darlie supporters claim that the 911 call proves her innocence when in fact it actually puts her behind the 8 ball. Courtroom sketches of Darlie Routier on trial. this evening, investigators from the Rowlett Police Department arrested Darlie Routier (white female, age 26). So, if there was a burglar at the Routier household, he was most likely invited there. (Discussed later in this blog) And, Sylvia Chase states the defense was never given the entire silly string video including the memorial service conducted before the spraying of the silly string. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football darlie routier dna results 2021. About 3 weeks later after forensic test results on the evidence came back, the District Attorney's Office announced they would be seeking the death penalty and Judge Tolle rescinded Darlie's bail considering her a flight risk. She actually asked the judge if it was legal to do that which resulted in the courtroom spectators (including some jurors) breaking out in laughter. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 08, 2018: Fed, I didn't retrieve the 2014 re-investigation story from the Internet, it came from a 2014 Time Magazine article I researched in a library. That explains everything, thank you! Prosecutor Toby Shook brought him in to the courtroom in front of the jury while Darlie was on the witness stand. (He had scooted himself from the couch to the wall) She stabs Damon a second time depositing her own blood next to him as was discovered, places the knife on the kitchen island, then screams for Darin and calls 911. Allison testified that on numerous occasions when she would visit her friend Renee at the Routier home with Darlie there, Darlie would purchase cigarettes for Allison, allowed her to drink Zima coolers, which were drinks containing alcohol, and even allowed her to smoke marijuana in the house. Its results, though, are currently pending, from what we can tell. That entire process could take 5 minutes maybe less. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. I am not a psychologist, but I have heard about a condition called "Malignant Narcissism." Her youngest son, 7-month-old Drake, and husband, Darin, were asleep upstairs at the time of the murders and, fortunately, escaped any harm. Why were there no slashes or stabs underneath her right arm where she was using it for defense? The deep, multiple wounds on the boys, however, showed the attack on them was quick and deliberate and was definitely personal. Darlie repeatedly stated that the intruder exited the house through the garage and went out the window. You make it sound like everyone who looks at crime cases only know how to watch youtube videos. By the paramedics request, a Rowlett fire department engine company was dispatched to the house to assist with CPR on Damon, however, they never entered the house. Then with the element of surprise on his side, the intruder attacks her but for some unknown reason he completely changes his attack style by performing slashes, not high force stabs as he did on the children. Some of the local children even compared the house to a popular video game. darlie routier dna results 2021. Evidence investigators and technicians now began arriving along with local media trucks. Then fall into the endless debate over aspects of all sides. I put my hands on Darlie's shoulders and said, 'Darlie, look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kill the boys.' When police arrived, Darlie showed them where she had placed it on the counter top. They appear to be keeping quiet about their investigation. She said that's why her fingerprints were on it. My tears came 2 days later. I didn't realize my own throat had been cut until I saw myself in a mirror. It must not have disturbed her too much because she didn't notify police of this car until the next day after she learned of the murders. He asked her why she told one policeman one thing and something completely different to another; he asked why her dog didn't bark when the intruder entered the house, he asked why the blood at the kitchen sink and counter had been cleaned up, he asked her why the 18 minute security light wasn't on when police arrived 3 minutes after the 911 call, he asked her why there were no blood drops, bloody footprints, or bloody finger prints in the garage, at the screen, the window, the yard, the gate, he asked her how she could possibly sleep through an intruder viciously stabbing her boys just a few feet from her and cutting her without hearing anything or waking up.she began crying and would reply "I don't know, I don't remember." And she claimed she slept through her attack too ! Share: Chilling Crimes Author 2 Responses JezMyOpinion April 22, 2021 We know she didn't ask about him (or check on him) from the time she called 911 to when she was admitted to the hospital, unless she asked the paramedics enroute to the hospital (which neither mentioned in court) or Darin told her Drake was fine before she dialed 911; again, not mentioned anywhere. It was now 3 am and the paramedics were preparing to transport Darlie. Along with Darlie's own blood on her nightshirt, analysis revealed what's referred to as "cast off" blood droplets. They also discussed the state's timeline, stating that Darlie wouldn't have had time to stab the children and stage the crime scene before the police and ambulance arrived. The home at 5801 Eagle Drive in Rowlett is a member of an exclusive club that no Realtor wants their listing to be a part of. Bruises like that don't just come from someone grabbing your arm, they came from striking something. LS1 had a downward trajectory. She was also charged with Devon's murder but not tried by the prosecution for two reasons. She took a piece of cake in her hand and smashed and smeared it in Devons face. Even if by some remote chance Darlie won an evidentiary hearing and was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, the District Attorney could charge her with Devon's murder. It's difficult to accept the possibility of Darlie having planned this ahead of time. (She said that phrase 72 times during her testimony). Darlie Routier Called 911 Saying An Intruder Attacked Her And Her Sons. The Darlie supporters proudly display these photos on their blogs and websites and say "OMG, look at her, she almost died, she couldn't have possibly done this to herself.". 15 other friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances testified regarding Darlie's character prior to the sentencing phase and attorney summations. She's in Canada and that last comment originated in the Philadelphia area. Her laceration did not penetrate muscle and was less than a half of an inch deep. Currently "out". There's been a lot of controversy that I didn't do that, but I did do that. First, in the State of Texas, a murder conviction of a child under the age of 6 carries an automatic death penalty. But as you say: "This "time frame" as it's called, didn't begin until the moment Darlie dialed 911. That may be what you're referring to. -. Since her conviction, Darlie Routier's attorneys have filed several pleas and appeals to the Texas courts. Fortunately he had not been harmed. Darlie bought that necklace at a pawn shop; it was used jewelry. The dog also tried to bite Officer Mark Wyman as he ascended the stairs. Though not admissible in court, the judge ordered the Dallas County jail to allow the polygraph test without the knowledge of the district attorneys office. Originally running the company from his house, Darin's business soon took off and was even able to secure high paying contracts with Lockheed and NASA. Hi yall! While on the witness stand Darlie invoked her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself to all questions asked of her including: "Mrs. Routier, do you love your children? Sorry Mr. Phillips, but I stand by my own personal opinion along with the opinion of the prosecution and the decision of the jury. Especially with the possibility of the supposed intruder still being in the house. Those darling, precious boys:( Peace, Paula. When Darlie Routiers trial began on January 6, 1997, the prosecutors said that her main goal for staging a break-in, killing her sons, and slashing her own throat was to collect the money from her boys life insurance policies and deal with the familys financial difficulties. She looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm gonna get new carpet, new drapes, and fix this room all up.". Darlie in hospital Five minutes later, police arrived at Darlie's home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. In turn, Mize was upset with Darlie and supposedly called her and according to Darlie, he threatened her. Shook told her they had been intercepted by her jailers. As recently as June, 2018 a multi-part ABC documentary: "The Last Defense" aired discussing the Routier case. Can we get an execution date this year Texas? There were two, two person paramedic team ambulances from the fire department on scene tending to the boys and Darlie, two medics inside, two medics outside. What has always fascinated me about these types of murderers is the mask they wear. Ironically in the state of Texas, 83% of past filicide cases (parents who murder their children) were committed by the mother. Eileen Shirmer, a neighbor of Darlie's that took her child to Devons fifth birthday party, testified in court that Darlie became enraged over getting water on her from the kids playing with their squirt guns. Darlie's younger sister Danelle suddenly shouted out, "They're all lying," Greg Davis (the lead prosecutor) is the killer." Did you even READ this article before you wrote your comment? The speculations range from people thinking he may have murdered the boys and attacked Darlie himself in order to cash in on a $250,000 insurance policy, to his helping Darlie stage the crime scene and attempt to cover up what she had done. Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Perhaps she just laid there on the couch stewing over the fight they had just had. After not finding anyone they returned to the kitchen area. After the birth of their third one, Drake, Darlie began to suffer from post-partum depression. Shocked by your desire to defend a rightfully convicted BABY KILLER. Lol. These new test results utilizing new and improved technology as opposed to 1996 technology, just all the more confirmed Darlie Routier's guilt. Utter and complete NONSENSE!!!. Were all these people paid to do this? Your blog has given me that, and now I feel like I can definitively say Darlie Routier is guilty. The vacuum cleaner in the kitchen with blood underneath it. Some even go so far as to invent evidence to support these imaginary theories. Darlie support sites as well as some authors that believe in her innocence are notorious for engaging in a journalistic tactic known as "cherry picking." (Their director, Mike Ware, thought she was guilty). Prosecution: And when she told you that she had a struggle with the individual, did she indicate to you that morning where that struggle had taken place? Darlie must have sensed her guilty verdict. Let me know your thoughts. I know he did it." Forensic testing was conducted on this knife to replicate what Darlie had claimed. I ran back through the kitchen, and realized that the entire living room area had blood all over everything. I dont feel that he did the actual stabbings, I think that was all Darlie, but I firmly believe he knows she did it and quite possibly assisted in the staging/cover up process to keep her from being charged. HOW could she have done this?. She suffered the trauma of having been awakened by an intruder who slit her . I am a career criminal in and out of prisons for nearly 40 years. If she is the cause of the childrens death her suffering will be worse. *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. I know this. I firmly do not believe that Darin was in anyway involved in the actual murder of his two son's or that he even suspected Darlie would do such a thing, but I tend to lean toward the possibility of Darin directing the scene staging and concocting the intruder theory to keep Darlie from going to jail. In one of Darlie's versions of the intruder leaving the house, she claimed that as she was chasing the intruder out of the house, she saw him drop the knife on the floor of the utility room. WAS DARIN ROUTIER MORE INVOLVED THAN WE KNOW? They blamed it all on Darlies post-partum depression. Fortunately, Toby Shook had other people in the conference room where she was being interviewed and everyone in the room said Shook did not do that. Ryan Kester, a teenage crime . I could see an argument, a discussion, and a quick plan between the two of them to get stories consistent before the 911 call was made. darlie routier dna results 2021. Prosecutor Davis: Shes not over here with Damon? She was convicted by a jury of her peers and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. 1 - measures end-tidal co2, your exhaled air2 - measures oxygen saturation at the capillary beds, the little clip they put on your finger with a wire attached to it. Nightmare324: You are certainly entitled to your opinion. The evidence all points to her, and nothing shows there's an intruder. She told the dispatcher "I was fighting" but in court she tried to say her words were "I was frightening," which obviously makes no sense at all. Darlie Routier had no medical certification or training of any kind. CHANGING STORIES RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, Darlies 5 different versions of waking up, Darlies 4 different versions of fighting the intruder, BLOOD AT THE KITCHEN AND THE LIVING ROOM COUCH, Darlie's 2 different versions about her standing at the kitchen sink, 1. Her statement is totally untrue. (What possible reason would the medics have for lying?). It's proof of nothing. lol. No blood spatter marks were found on any floor; the kitchen floor, the utility room floor or the garage floor indicating the knife being dropped or "thrown down" as she told the 911 operator. THE ARREST, THE INDICTMENT, AND THE TRIAL. With the various cuts that Darlie presented upon arrival of the police, only a small amount of blood was found on the couch or the pillows where Darlie's second version of what happened claims the knife fight took place. Darlie and her family of course maintain her innocence, but what family says their loved one convicted of crime is guilty? They say "Look how close the laceration came to her carotid artery; who would do that?" Mrs. Routier was then transferred to the Lew Sterrett Justice Center. The state of Texas allows three appeals for retrial. As Darlie's accounts of what happened continued to change in the days following the murders, she now said that she fought the intruder on the couch who was a male, about 6 feet tall, wearing a black t-shirt ball cap and blue jeans that was holding a large knife while still on top of her. Finally found voices of reason about this case! The blood on the towel was Darlie's, and no water was found on the towel. Secondly, what are the chances that an intruder would pick the very household where the husband had just increased the life insurance on his wife and was having financial troubles that would be taken care of if she would just go away? "Within the past year, a Dallas County judge ordered the prosecution to permit inspection of its files on the case by Routiers team of defense attorneys. They bought an SUV, bought a Jaguar, bought a 30 foot cabin cruiser, installed a large somewhat gaudy fountain complete with running water and lights in their front yard, and had a $9,000 redwood spa built in the backyard. Only he made one mistake - he killed the kids first instead of killing Darlie first. Devon's covered up body with what appears to be a towel next to it. On June 6, 1996, at 2:31 am, the emergency communications center (911) in Rowlett, Texas received a call from a private residence in the upscale Dalrock Heights subdivision owned by 28 year old Darin Routier and his 26 year old wife, Darlie. So glad I allowed myself to read your outstanding article. Please don't think I'm doing this with bad intentions. I'm eager to read the reactions and thoughts so we can exchange & discuss! Obviously, a lot more occurred between Darin and Darlie that night than either one of them cared to tell investigators about. But Im not a humble person and Im good with that so let me be CLEARDoug Mulder is dead now and thats a sign that Darlie is circling the drain. In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. 12)darins polygraph test 13) the 911 call. What mother in the world would leave their baby all alone upstairs in that situation? Darlie later added, Im at peace with myself I did not murder my children, I did not attack myself. There also appeared to be wiped up blood smears on the water faucet and the sprayer as well. On the 1998 Leeza Gibbons show, Darin's mother, Sarilda Routier, claimed he failed it because he hadn't eaten and all he had was a Dr. Pepper that day. This is her sentencing and it can surely be argued she deserves such lethal punishment..I am of the belief that natural life in prison w/o the possibility of parole (especially because it is Darlie) would be a far worse price for her to pay. My neck. We already have so much on him. However, we weren't there, so how can anybody know what happened. This is a portion of the trial in which Davis questions Dr. Parchman: DAVIS: Can you give us an estimate of how long this child might have lived if, say, stab wound 1 had been inflicted and then the other three were inflicted sometime later on? And yet here you come parroting this RIDICULOUS Darlie-was-drugged theory that is supported by ZERO evidence, and nobody on the defense INCLUDING DARLIE has made such a claim in 21 years. It is beyond frustrating. Darlie has said more than once in post-conviction interviews from prison "How could I have done those things to myself? Moments before the funeral service for the boys began, Darlie approached her two sons in their caskets. Which in this case, they did. In the affidavit signed by Darin Routier where he admitted to looking into hiring someone to burglarize their home as part of an insurance scam that never took place; he also admitted that Darlie asked him for a divorce on the night of the murders. Alone upstairs in that situation tape made at the Routier case blood droplets is a and! Began, Darlie showed them where she had placed it on the water faucet the. Given me that, and there was a burglar at the cemetery in their possession that do just! Screen in the Philadelphia area what we can tell points to her, and no water was found on counter. Drake, Darlie approached her two Sons in their possession take 5 minutes maybe.. Recanted that opinion possibility of Darlie having planned this ahead of time in part 1 we discuss crime! Darlie bought that necklace at a pawn shop ; it was now 3 am and the TRIAL Damon! No water was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the State of,! 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