comnavsurfor esws instruction

Around the central column in the room are mounted the 2 sets of projectile hoists and powder hoists. System (NTDS) via Link 4A. antenna) - Any rig, boom, stays, whip antenna, halyards or other obstruction must be removed or lowered out of the way of the helo while it is in the hover position. d. After Spring Line - Leads aft from the ship and keeps the ship from moving forward. This allows for rapid shifting from the on-service pumping unit to the standby unit and is located between the trick wheels. f. Primary Flight Control - consists of the control of shipboard aircraft handling and those operations incidental to launching and recovery of aircraft. Mounted on the output shaft aft of the HP turbine. MAD equipment detects metal objects by monitoring disturbances of the earth's magnetic field. Condition V - Not normally a condition, IN-PORT ROUTINE. |___ Power is not required to lower boats. e. Sounding and Security Watch - Maintains a continuous patrol of unmanned spaces, taking periodic soundings of designated tanks and spaces, and is alert for any evidence of sabotage, theft, fire or fire hazards. Also shows the local CIC communications console channels, speaker patches, bridge communications, channelization of all dialable transceivers (quick shift UHF equipment) and capabilities of all equipment. 0316.16 Describe the hazards to personnel associated with steam being released into a working space through steam hoses or steam smothering systems. b. 0302.2 Define the following as applied to marlinspike seamanship. i. f. Safe Working Load - To ensure long life, a line must be used within its safe working load. Located on the bridge. f. Housing - Main support of recoiling gun parts and moves within the slide during firing. The ram is connected by links to the tillers of the twin rudders. In attempts to improve damage control and ship survivability, the updated program will add more prerequisite PQS, including the following: Damage Control 301-312. Also used for navigation and mine detection. at the waterline. 0329.4 State your ship's standard for water consumption/distribution. Kitty Hawk measures it's freeboard from the waterline to the hanger deck. The battle organization is designed to assign men with certain qualifications to specific tasks within a ship, for all conditions of readiness anticipated. Generally located near the bridge. Waiting station - An area approximately 2,000 yards aft of the delivery ship. (2) Audio presentation on control indicator. A line may be brought to its SWL without impairing the line or reducing its useful life. The bore of the barrel is rifled with a right-hand twist of a uniform diameter to the end. (b) After completion of indoctrination training, assign the personnel to departments or other major subdivisions of the command. USS Newport, LST-1179 and USS Fairfax County LST-1193), q. LHA/LHD - provide for simultaneous helicopter and landing-craft operations. f. Cease Fire Alarm - Notifies all personnel involved to cease fire. d. Variable Time - Non-fragmentation (VT-NON FRAG) - Used for antiaircraft gun practice and grading. Work should be performed only by qualified and assigned personnel using the "two man rule". b. UPDATE CASREP - An Update CASREP is used to report information similar to that in the Initial CASREP. If the control ship is over 600 feet in length, a third blue light is used. Restricted Maneuvering Doctrine - (ENGDEPTINST 9000.1, ENGDEPT STANDING ORDER NUMBER 3 $ 4) - Basically describes procedures to follow in the event of a maneuvering casualty. (3) Ship's Speed through the Water (greater than 5 kts) - Produces a lively ship, requires shorter turning area, etc. Cook off times should be known. Noticeable at the stern of the ship. Both of these functions of CASREP serve extremely beneficial purposes. As the steam exhausts from the low pressure turbine, it is condensed in the main condenser where it becomes condensate. The factors to be considered by the Conning Officer are basically the same as for any other multishaft ship. USS Stein FF-1065 and USS Barbey FF-1088 (Knox Class)), d. FFG - similar to In charge of the main propulsion plant and associated auxiliaries. (b) Ebb Tide - That period when the tidal current is flowing from the land. When the ships heading is about 60 degrees beyond the original course, the rudder is shifted and the ship is brought around to the reciprocal of her original course. i. Bravo hauled down - On both ships this means delivery is complete. Mainly used on aluminum surfaces. h. Air Summary Status Board - Lists all aircraft involved in daily events from the carriers and scheduled flights from air bases in the area of your ship's operations. Switchboards and associated generators are located in separate engineering spaces to minimize the possibility that a single hit will damage more than one component. This rewrite targets journeyman and senior Sailors for mandatory enrollment in their commands ESWS program, unburdening junior Sailors from mandatory enrollment, giving them time back to focus on learning the intricacies of their rating. In cases where the propelling charge cannot be extracted, use external cooling only. c. Side Force - May be defined as a force which walks the stern of the ship in the direction of propeller rotation. Ammunition Transfer System - Within the superstructure, they are used to supply ammunition from the upper and lower magazines to the gun. Adjust studs and straps snugly. It is necessary to have an unobstructed area equal to a circle whose radius is the length of the ship plus the scope of the chain used to have a safe arc of swing. Target data and a view along the boresight axis of the AN/SPG-60 radar are displayed at the gun control consoles. e. Exhaust Gases/Heat - All personnel shall keep clear of the possible exhaust path of rockets at all times. The chain locker is checked for any loose gear, such as chain hooks, that may become wedged in the chain pipes or come flying out, endangering personnel on deck. c. Food/water conservation - survival at sea depends upon your knowledge, your self-control, and your training. Main Thrust Bearing - Usually located in the reduction gear casing. (2) Ship's Speed through the Water (less than 5 kts) -Produces a sluggish ship which is difficult to control. The one absolutely essential requirement for survival is drinking water. Lagging - Used as a protective and thermal confining cover over steam and hot and chilled water pipes to prevent burns and condensation. f. Gunner's Mate - Mans his station with a line-throwing gun and spare shot lines. A boat crew consists of seven men; a boat officer, coxswain, signalman, corpsman, engineman, gunnersmate and boatswainsmate (bow hook). May be an integral part of the cylinder block or it may be a separate sleeve or liner. Aft Spring. FRAMES k. Turbocharger - High speed exhaust driven turbine that drives an air compressor turbine to pressurize the induction manifold of the diesel. b. Collision - A violent crash between two objects having a steady bearing and decreasing range. Tactical Card Column 52-53, FUND CODE - two-character code entered in all requisitions except for free issues which are identified in CC-51 by a Signal Code D or M. CC 52-53 is left blank on a free issue requisition. m. Gas Ejection System - A pneumatic device using ship's high pressure air, within the mount, used to expel residual gases from the gun bore after firing. The IFF system in use is the AIMS MK XII. (6) Crosshead - Attached to the ram to prevent it from rotating. This is abreast elevator #1 near the #1 Jet Blast Deflector (JBD). Each astern element has its own steam inlet but the admission of steam to both elements is controlled by one astern throttle. Speed Pickups - Part of the internal controls which are used to regulate the fuel flow and gas generator and power turbine speeds to comply with throttle control lever (TCL) command signal. It is designed to operate in dense electromagnetic interference environments. It carries surface and subsurface search equipment with integrated target acquisition and sensor coordinating systems which collect, interpret, and store ASW sensor data. l. Starting Mechanism - Electrical, mechanical or air driven means to turn diesel engine until self-combustion (dieseling) starts. CIC is the EMCON control center on most ships. 0302.7 Describe the purpose of breast, forward and aft spring lines: Breast - keeps the ship from moving away from the pier. w. Hold - To secure the line, to prevent anymore line from running out. Painted White The primary purpose of main shafting is to transfer the torque generated by the main engine to the propeller and to transmit the thrust developed by the propeller to the thrust bearing in the ship. The lower dial indicates the apparent wind speed (true wind speed when the ship is stationary). This 2-week long course consists of. (g) Control the expenditure of funds allotted and operate the department within the limit of such funds. Can be found throughout the ship. e. Communications Status Board - Displays the radio assignments, frequencies, equipment allocation, radio remote station channelization and use. i. 0328.4 State the set points or normal operating range of compressed air pressure (HP/LP). b. Useful in weather too heavy for motor whaleboats. l. Modified Main (steaming combination) - Ready to answer bells in 15 minutes, boilers are lit off and main engine is jacking over. The arms are racked in and out by handcrank or power. Ships Service Generator Switchboards - Located on the fourth deck above the ships service generators. 0330.3 Describe the functions and locations of the following major components: a. Turbine-driven Generator - Steam driven generator supplies the ship's lighting and power requirements and the power for the propulsion exciter motor generator sets through the vital propulsion auxiliary panel. 0312.6 Identify and state the purpose of the following flags/ pennants: a. Refueling - BRAVO FLAG, I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous materials. a. Energize Degaussing - Used to counter Magnetic Influence type mines, that are activated when they sense a magnetic field change. h. Salinity Indicator Panel - Equipped with a meter calibrated to read directly either in equivalents per million (epm) or in grains per gallon (gpg). f. Transfer station - A predesignated area aboard each ship where the rig is located and hooked up. and reduction gears. Engine - Used extensively, serving as propulsion units in a variety of installations such as ships, boats, and prime movers for auxiliary machinery. g. Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) - Provides plant and space supervisors with information necessary to enable them to recognize the symptoms of a possible casualty, to control the casualty, to prevent possible damage to machinery, and to restore plant operation to normal. 3.2_______ 0308.1 Describe the function of your ship's ASW weapon system. This towed device receives the torpedoes ping frequency, amplifies it 2 to 3 times and sends it back to lure the torpedo away from the ship. It is a polar coordinate display of the surrounding area with own ship represented by the origin of the sweep, which is normally located in the center of the scope. e. Air Intercept Controller (AIC) - Responsible for the positive control of aircraft assigned for the completion of any mission. There are many variations of the number and arrangement of the hydraulic rams, pumps and driving motors and the method of transmitting the motion of the rams to the rudder cross-head. When the ship is turned about lines, swimmers and/or cargo nets are lowered when alongside the target. c. NAVSUP 1371 - The Fleet COSAL Feedback Report (FC FBR) is used to request changes to inadequate, incomplete, or erroneous APL/AEL support. Power Tools - May be powered by electric motors or by air (pneumatic) motors. Responsible to the Division Officer via the Division (Chief) Petty Officer. The chase area is the tapered part of the barrel. The target is continually tracked, UBFCS assumes control of the ASROC launcher, and a CIC coordinated attack is commenced upon command. i. e. Corpsman - Maintains watch on station to provide first aid in the event of an injury. If the Phalynx fired 300 rounds in 5 minutes, it is considered a HOT GUN. Hot Gun Procedures for Naval Guns - In a hot gun, the possibility of an in-bore projectile or propellant cook-off is always present. When underway and proceeding ahead, the pivot point is abaft the stem about 15 to 20 percent of the length of the ship. e. Slides - Does not actually slide, but are fitted bearing surfaces which support and guide the sliding (recoiling) barrel and housing parts of the gun that move in elevation. BOARDS Commander Milestone & Captain Major Command Ashore (NAVSUPINST 1412.1B)55_56 Board Timing.pptx Command Qualification Program (OPNAVINST 1412.14)PROGRAMS Training With Industry Instruction (NAVSUPINST 1520.7C)Executive Development Program Instruction NAVSUPINST 1520.6C - Executive Development Program Internship Program Instruction (NAVSUPINST 1520.5C) Minimum score of 50 on the most recent Navy-wide advancement exam. b. An Engineman (EN) or Machinist's Mate (MM) is present to operate the anchor engine, and an Electrician's Mate (EM) must be in the anchor engineroom to take care of any electrical failure. Clear All. 2 It can detect, identify and track multiple targets and is the first USN surface ship sonar designed specifically to interface directly with a vessel's digital computers. (i) Maintain high morale within the command. c. Gunnery Liaison Officer - Acts as liaison between weapons control and CIC during surface engagements and shore bombardment operations. No eatng, drinking or smoking while work is in progress. A noun-name to item number index for the ASG is contained in the Introduction and Master Index. to the inch. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); d. Reduction Gear - An arrangement of shafts and gears such that the number of revolutions of the engine shaft is more than that of the driven shaft. handling room. b. Consequently, some measure of protection against these weapons is afforded by degaussing. If at all possible, the system should be secured completely and a man posted at the valve to ensure no-one tampers with it while work is in progress. Manual is used for bombarding slower moving shore targets in minimum threat environments, or during power outages or maintenance periods; control is by handwheel. If a person breathes steam, he may damage his lungs. (1) Positive-displacement, variable-stroke, radial-piston - hydraulic pump. F-14A (TOMCAT) - A twin engined, two-place fighter designed for aircraft carrier operations. Engine controls are regulated to comply with the TCL command signal. Tony, Monday at 08:19 PM The purpose of the MOVREP system is to collect location data, process the information by applying dead reckoning (DR) routines as applicable and distribute current location information to all with a "need to know" in the operational and administration chains of command. NTDS provides a more complete and accurate display of the tactical situation in real time. The operation of an internal combustion engine of the reciprocating type involves the admission of a fuel and air mixture into a combustion chamber and the compression and ignition of the fuel/air charge. Kitty Hawk uses an electrically powered motor that rotates the shaft at 4 revolutions. fbcen_gdocs(location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + '/comment/notify'); This website uses cookies to improve your experience. f. Loss of pitch control - Will limit attainable speed. a. Submitted to the applicable TYCOM and pertains to the following: (a) Technical discrepancies inhibiting PMS, (c) TYCOM assistance in the clarification. "Pass the stoppers." At the command h. Bravo close up - On both ships this means fuel or explosives are being transferred. The line, when tensioned to its SWL will stretch to a certain percentage of its length. May also participate in ASW operations. Such signals can be used to check the performance of the distance servo, accurate to within + or - 4 degrees. h. Gun Control Officer's Console (GOOC) - Within the director, enables activation of director power/drives and selection of the director operating mode. Suspected or contaminated water or food shall be dumped after being inspected by the Medical Officer. Press J to jump to the feed. (h) Ensure economy in the use of public money and stores. f. Work Center Supervisor - Leads a maintenance or work group. While twisting or operating astern, negatively effects a short radius turn by decreasing the efficiency of the rudder. Functions of the system are the detection, tracking, and classification of underwater targets. The pre-reqs should be listed in the ESWS PQS itself. b. engineering control methods to reduce noise levels by acoustical engineering and selection of new equipment with lowest noise emission levels. (d) Supervise and coordinate the work, exercises, training, and education of the personnel of the command. 345_ Simply put, it is a varied combination of wide band receivers used for the detection, classification and evaluation of electronic emissions which are applied to the current tactical situation. (3) Train his subordinates in their own duties and in the duties to which they may aspire. Missile Dud Procedures - When the firing key is closed, the dud and misfire lamp lights momentarily until the missile has cleared the rail. 0334.2 Describe the functions and locations of the following major components: a. This tank has three basic functions: (1) To remove trapped air and oxygen from the condensate (oxygen causes rust, Morfoline is injected to help combat rust. 5_ It is important that the boat be driven ahead and allowed to drop back on the sea painter so it will be exactly under the davit before lifting. (7) Attention Bell - Located on the steering control, it is used when rudder indicators do not match up; the bell rings in after steering. It is sometimes referred to as off-target jamming. (8) Shaft Tachometer - Indicates shaft RPM. Located in forward and after engineroom. 0335.1 Explain the function of degaussing aboard your ship. c. Radiating Fire Control Radar - The electromagnetic energy radiated by these radars will cause direct biological injury to anyone subjected to lengthy exposure to the beam. Welin Gravity Davits are rigged in such a way that when the falls are raised to the davit arms, continued heaving pulls the davit arms up to the stowed position. Consist of two track ways and davit arms fitted with rollers which travel in the trackways. (6) Gyro - Provides an audible indication of a casualty in the gyro system. Over-speed trips are normally set to trip out at approximately 110% of normal operating speed. True Bearing - The angular measurement in degrees between true north and the line of bearing of an object. Must be bolted at all times unless being accessed for maintenance. c. Ease of Handling - The synthetic line is much more flexible and therefore easier to handle than natural fiber. (3) General - Serves to call crew to general quarters. Each clutch has a flexible tire (gland) on the inner side of a steel shell. The Kitty Hawk uses 14 lines of doublebraided samson, 8 inch for the bow and afterquarter and 6 inch for the breast lines. Includes an air pump, dye marker, first aid kit, flashlight, knife, paddles, sea anchor, signaling gear, water desalting kit and a whistle. Local Control - When the control selector lever is moved to local, the handwheel drive is connected to the fine pilot valve. Data 12 17 33 100 167 240 362 507 983 |, N| f. Stern Line - Runs through the stern chock to control forward movement and assists the breast lines. The gun is capable of automatic and semi-automatic fire. It is used in place of a line throwing gun. with emphasis in ASW (i.e. Has precedence over all other bridge alarms. Kitty Hawk has two rudders, one behind shaft #2 and one behind shaft #3, each having an effective area of 490 square feet and weight of 50 tons. f. Landing signal officer (LSO) - Monitors all approaches and acts as safety officer. Supply System - The Supply Officer will furnish equipment casualty parts and MILSTRIP information to maintenance personnel for the preparation of CASREPs in accordance with NAVSUP Publication 485. |____ primary mission affected by this casualty. (Each Pelorus has a placard indicating the distance from centerline to that position.). The unauthorized disclosure of top secret information could result in "Exceptionally grave damage" to the U.S. and its allies. b. Low-Pressure Turbine - Used for ahead and astern movement, and is coupled to the reduction gear. Whether the signal to the turbine is sent from any of the above stations the sensors convert signals for further transmission. Prior to granting permission, the OOD will ensure all applicable emitters are secured and tagged. It is a high-power, long-range system evolved from the AN/SQS-26CX. Kitty Hawk has the WRN-5. (8) Call Bell/"E" Call System - Has various circuits for notification of communications. c. Freshwater Pumps - Used to distribute or transfer water throughout the ship. Simply put, the gunfire control system (GFCS) is used to direct and control the gunfire of a ship's mount or mounts, by solving the gunfire control problem using a combination of elements which comprise a GFCS. Some have Harrier V/STOL aircraft. The #2 and #3 screws are set deeper in the water for maximum power transfer. Some specific safety precautions which the technician must observe with respect to these weapons and ordnance devices include the following: (1) Turn off all RF transmitters during weapon handling operation in the area. g. Ear Plugs/Protectors - Should be worn when working with tools and machinery designated as producing hazardous noise levels. The officer requiring work aloft must ensure all materials for the job, including safety harnesses, OBA, tools, rigging and replacement parts are readily available prior to sending their men aloft. To do so would cause the boat to dive against the ship when the boat begins to ride the painter and probably capsize. |__ (9) Sonar Contact - Initiated by sonar control, alerts the bridge and CIC of the contact. 0204.9 Describe three activities that must not be performed by personnel repairing MSD components or exposed to sewage. At the satellite, SHF signals are converted to a UHF signal for retransmission as the down-link signal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. g. Division Damage Control Petty Officer - Responsible for all division damage control equipment, trains divisional personnel, sets and/or verifies material conditions and assists the Division Officer in inspections of damage control equipment in assigned spaces. Tony 0101.7 Describe your ship's in-port watch organization. Kitty Hawk mainly uses seawater to trim. 25 407|, E| Tony, February 21 Located in the stern tube. (2) To preheat the water prior to entering the economizer (2nd preheater). ECCM optimize the electromagnetic capabilities of own forces by negating the effectiveness of enemy EW actions. Surf block - Same as traveling surf block. i. they provide a means of linking the power of the generator with the distribution load centers. (i.e. d. Cold Iron Watch - Inspects main machinery spaces that are secured and do not have a regular watch posted, and reports hourly to the quarterdeck. Ryan Petersen thinks so, A strategic approach to cost reduction for banks and fintechs, Study examines supply chain issues and opportunities, Instacart acquires hyper local grocery e-commerce platform, Top 5 Supply Chain Certifications that are in high demand | Top 5 Certifications, Top 5 Globally Recognized Supply Chain Certifications, 3 Best Procurement Certifications that are most valuable | Procurement Newz, Globally Recognized Supply Chain Certifications, International Institute for Procurement and Market Research (IIPMR). USS Tripoli LPH-10, USS New Orleans LPH-11 and USS Okinawa, m. LPD - lands troops and equipment mainly by landing craft, can use helicopter if needed. Has some surface to air missile capabilities. (1) Secure/Unsecure Radiotelephone (R/T) Handsets and RHMS Controls - Provide for secure voice communications between various units of the fleet. Part of the engine room console. Angling the rudder to the flow of water creates a high pressure force on the leading surface and a low pressure force on the trailing side. (b) Prepare and maintain the bills and orders for the organization and operation of the department. g. EW Information Board - Displays equipment emission control conditions (EMCON), radar guard in use, anticipated intercepts, identified radiations and intercepted emissions. USS Conserver ARS-39 and USS Recovery ARS-43), u. ASR - submarine rescue. b. d. Rudder Angle Indicator - Transmits indications of the actual position of the rudder to the after steering station, conning stations, throttle stations and other remote positions throughout the ship such as the bridge, secondary control, DCC and CIC. It then offsets the image so that the weapon guides itself to a false "ghost" target some distance from the real one. r. Anchor Buoy - A small buoy secured by a light piece of line to the anchor to indicate the position of the anchor. A major saving in dollar value. |_ It may result in steam burns or heat exhaustion. 0312.2 Discuss naval messages, including precedence, classification and speed of handling. u. Mousing - A small line strung across a hook. Required to be familiar with the Ship's 3-M System, responsible for the smooth operation and administration of the divisions 3-M/PMS program. g. Strut Bearing - Supports the end of the shaft just forward of the propeller and has a composition bushing which is split longitudinally into two halves. It is very difficult to see actual targets located within sea return, because their pips are lost in the clutter of echoes caused by the sea return. j. Flashing Light (Directional, Omnidirectional). Bilge water that contains oil must be pumped to a truck on the pier or stored in tanks until 50 nautical miles out to sea before it can be pumped over the side. j. The Surface Supervisor - Exercises general supervision over the enlisted personnel assigned to the surface area and assists officer personnel in maintaining an efficient watch and in the interpretation of tactical signals. 0304.2 Describe the override priority of the collision, chemical, general, helo crash alarms and voice transmissions over the 1MC; identify the control switch color and describe the sounds of the alarms. All plants operate independent of each other, therefore producing its own steam. 0328.3 Describe typical end uses of HP, LP and Control Air. d. Breaking Characteristics - Synthetic line has a higher breaking strength than natural fiber. 0305.6 Discuss the purpose of the following projectiles: Within limits, a gun can fire projectiles of different weights. (i.e. The Sea Sparrow missile utilizes a semi-active guidance system with initial guidance being provided by the ship's fire control radar and final guidance being provided by an active homer in the missile. There are only two in the fleet. USS St. Louis, o. LSD - deliver waterborne landing craft via a floodable well deck in the after section. Assists the Evaluator by making recommendations for tactics. On Kitty Hawk, this means one generator for each switchboard. Second, it provides a crypto-secure method of identifying military craft. 1049_____________________|. containers and stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated area where there is no danger of contact with oxidizable materials. b. A synthetic line parting under tension will snap back at near the speed of sound, giving no time for reaction. n. Breech Mechanism - The plug or block which closes off the chamber end of the barrel. USS Camden AOE-2 and USS Sacramento AOE-1), h. AOR - fuel, stores replenishment. Signals appear as vertical or horizontal deflection on the time scale. Sponson #1 has 3 and the officer's brow has 8 breakers, afterbrow has 8 and sponson #5 has 5 for a total of 24. Length - 30 ft, weight - 7000 lbs., effective range over 70 miles. c. Control ship - Local guide for the underway replenishment and is responsible for maintaining a steady speed and course. Used to control reverse propulsion orders. b. Dead-reckoning Tracer (DRT) Plotter - Maintains a comprehensive geographic plot of own ship's track, other surface targets, and any assigned shore bombardment targets. SINS (SHIP'S INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM) BY HARDWARE TO COMPUTER. c. Winch - The primary source of power for cargo handling and replenishment at sea rigs. 0311.2 Explain the purpose of Emission Control (EMCON), and how it is implemented aboard your ship. c. Cleat - Device consisting mainly of a pair of projecting horns used to secure a line. Range over 70 miles specific tasks within a ship, for all conditions of readiness.! Upon your knowledge, your self-control, and a view along the axis! Line is much more flexible and therefore easier to handle than natural fiber replenishment is. 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