blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

There's a good chance you have never heard of Blackrock. I just got banned from /r/scarysigns for posting CDC stats and links to scientific studies about covid, in a thread about covid, It's just a guess, but I predict that a news story will come out soon about Syria's leader Assad gassing his own people with Sarin gas, TIL after the collapse of ISIS in Syria, Turkey has been invading and taking territory in Northern Syria. BlackRock Inc. and the Vanguard Group Inc., the two largest exchange-traded fund issuers, are looking to change voting practices to include retail investors as . Chairman and founder of the WEF is Klaus Schwab, a Swiss professor and businessman. The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for decades. Our network is currently comprised of six sites: We are also building partnerships with great conservative sites like The Liberty Daily and The Epoch Times to advance the message as loudly as possible, and were always looking for others with which to partner. If youve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie. They are just being silenced. Another thing BlackRock is taking seriously, or at least seriously enough to respond to, is a series of wild conspiracy theories that have been posted about the firm on the internet in the last year or so. Building 7 fell down for absolutely no reason according to architectural expertsfrom across the world. 02 May '22 01:46. . This doesn't seem like a problem to you? If you put the big three asset management firms together being BlackRock, Vanguard and StateStreet, they control a collective of $15 trillion dollars. It appears milder but much more contagious and evades natural immunity. The second one is Mediahuis, one of Europes biggest media concerns. Back when Bush Sr. was President and setting up Osama Bin Laden as a freedom fighter, Admiral Crowe and his associates were, according to many reports, selling American made weapons-grade Anthrax to Saddam Hussein in the hopes that he would use it against Iran. The role of Mi6 in Epstein saga has been ignored. The rise of Pandemic Panic Theater, massive voter fraud, and other taboo topics have neutered a majority of conservative news sites. We see about 72% of stock is owned by no less than 3,155 institutional investors. How The Massive Money Manager BlackRock Endangers U.S. As a conservative activist I gave up on the GOP months ago for their gutlessness and their refusal to stand by the American people that (supposedly) elected them. This bot only operates in authorized subreddits. Founded by Walter L. Morgan on December 27, 1928, Wellington Fund has followed the same balanced approach to investing ever since it began operations in mid-1929. What if I told you that the same people manufacturing and pushing all these untested experimental covid vaccines have all mass-injured and killed people before with another vaccine? What could go wrong? Discover short videos related to blackrock vanguard conspiracy on TikTok. We collect the best content from fellow conservative sites that give us permission to republish them. So, it cant be excused away as political bias: The military industrial complex and the mega asset companies that own them make unbelievable money off unending wars and the deaths of American soldiers, and their lobbyists make damn sure the right political people and the government alphabet agencies are in their pocket to keep that war machine grinding for profit unimpeded. All told, their platforms juggle $14 trillion - the equivalent of 5 percent of all financials assets worldwide. Lawmakers Seek to Curb Voting Power of BlackRock, Vanguard and Other Big Asset Managers - WSJ News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and. Heres the World Economic Forums ungodly video about it here: They see the middle class as a waste of resources and firmly believe that the human population needs to be reduced dramatically and rapidly. It may be hard to believe based on what were seeing around the nation today, but there are many reasons to be hopeful. This means that Vanguard is owned by the richest families in the world. The so-called competitive brands are from factories from a few corporations who monopolize the entire industry. The silent majority that drove Donald Trump to victory in 2016 and 2020 (yes, he won by a landslide but was robbed along with the American people) is finally starting to realize we cannot stay silent any longer. Let us know what you think email Alex Steger at Because 90% of the international media is owned by nine media conglomerates. They are also heavily-sponsored by Facebook, Google, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. First and foremost, the false narrative that most of America hates traditional values or the foundations of our nation are finally being proven false. Non-profits, also called foundations are dependent on donations they do not have to disclose who their donors are they can invest the money in the way they see fit and do not pay taxes as long as the profits are invested again in new projects. Our promise is this: We will never sell out America. This is not fear-mongering but its a harsh reality. According to the website of the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation is the biggest sponsor of the WHO. Then you have Sanofi, which produces the vaccine for Moderna. They are the main characters of the play that we are witnessing. Our network is growing. In addition to The New York Times, Vanguard and BlackRock are also the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast . However, they are hopefully provocative. Because well, of course. With summer fading, take advantage of sales on camping gear that can help you survive if the crap hits the fan. Lets remember them and look up who owns the most stocks of the Coca-Cola Company, the biggest competitor of Pepsi. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen. Actually, it sounds a lot worse than extreme communism as there wont be any other country to run to since their intention is to make this grey, dystopian future hell global. They own the companies that produce our metals and also the entire car, plane and weapons industry, where a great deal of the metals and raw materials are used. They dont care if people live in miserable poverty, theyve been making money hand over fist doing that to Third World countries and communist-country slave workers for decades. These four Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway are the four largest investment firms on the planet. Social media and the mainstream news have actively hid and suppressed mentions of vaccine side effects and deaths, going as far as dismantling accounts and entire discussion groups for discussing their own personal experiences. Less than a handful of big corporations dominate every aspect of our lives. We recommend THREE options. Here he is discussing The Great Reset with another clever guy - Jay Dyer. Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. As you can see, only 10 of the investors own together nearly one third of the stock. Alexia Barakou. Whether youve been jabbed or youve been exposed to potential vaccine shedding, you need to look at Dr. Zelenkos new Z-DTox. And of course, its all done under the direction and blessing of Dr. Fauci himself. Larry Sanger (co-founder of Wikipedia) recent tweet - Child sex traffickingby elitesis a horrible reality. He had the personal financial motive, had practiced that scenario in particular, and apparently the psychic ability to know it was going to happen a week before it did. Our success is driven by spreading the truth, profitable or not. Amassing that sum will likely upend the asset management industry, intensify their ownership of the largest U.S. companies and test the twin pillars of market efficiency and corporate governance. Correctional Center) who normally have overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled "Maintenance" to jail cells and hallways. Sixteen percent of CBS, and therefore also of Sixty Minutes. The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to remove this comment. Well, at least it got the people that were scared of covid to ease up on the lockdowns, right? Since 2012, BlackRock has purchased stakes in Mexican toll roads . The conspiracies are obviously mad and sort of fun, but the interesting thing is that BlackRock feels the need to respond. Black We would need hours if we wanted to uncover everything in which Gates, the Open Society Foundation of Soros and the Clinton Foundation are involved. ET on April 29, 2022. A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. Read about the goals of freemasonry (rebuilding the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem). is? THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY (AND ENERGY & MINING), NGOs AND FOUNDATIONS AND THEIR OWNERSHIP OF BIG PHARMA, A Plan to Maintain Safety During the Event, Old Weekly Ascension Meditation Instructions, Grid Work: Delivering Light to a Sacred Site Near You, The Prepare For Change Community Leaders Brief, Join Sisterhood of the Rose and Newsletter Sign-up, The Goddess Vortex and Transmuting All Darkness, Depopulation as Public Policy: A Rationale for Vaccines, GMO, Poisoned Food and Cancer Misinformation, The Many Dangers And Effects Of Vaccines For Dummies, Holistic Cancer Treatments What The Doctors Wont Tell you, Dangers Of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) Links and Information. - Abraham Lincoln. Anthrax isnt an easy or effective bioweapon if youre wondering, which makes his recommendation even more suspect. BlackRock and Vanguard are taking over centralized food production technologies and will have near-total control over the future food supply in America Many people are still blissfully unaware of what has happened, but the global food supply has been largely taken over by the oligarchs, including financial giants BlackRock and Vanguard. BlackRock Inc. and Vanguard Group already the world's largest money managers are less than a decade from managing a total of US$20 trillion, according to Bloomberg News calculations. right near Washington DC. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #blackrockchronicles, #blackrockshooterfragment, #blackrockcottage, #conspiracygang, #conspiracy, # . Truth first. Originally the Pentagon DENIED their additional request for funding for a bail out, but in September of 1999 Pentagon contract officers, citing the interests of national security overruled them and approved a $24.1 million bailout. These agencies are not independent. Tastes like FREEDOM. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. They say that about 90% of the international media is owned by nine media conglomerates. Hes from a philanthropists family that works for the absolute elite. We fly with one of the many airlines. Jerome Hauer also actively participated in the Dark Winter simulation that predicted all this in the first place. variant.). Its true for all industries. This is done through the World Economic Forum, among others, a very important organization. By Alex Steger Since we've already put forward our thesis that 2022 is the year of the ESG backlash, it's with a heavy dose of confirmation bias that we present some further evidence of the phenomenon. In a written statement according to Rep. Walter Jones R-NC, the message is clear If a company wants to make millions without providing a product or service, enter into a sole-source contract with the Department of Defense to produce vaccines.. Ivins didnt have a motive to mail out Anthrax, but you know who did? So, not only the industries but also the information is owned by the elite. Keep in mind, these are just the short-term effects. Forget about pulling his book from shelves, why isnt this guy on trial for crimes against humanity? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Vanguard is a private company and we cannot see who the shareholders are. I don't want to get into conspiracy . Another movement related to the Great Reset is Agenda 21, also not just a conspiracy theory. How this guy is even able to walk around without mobs coming after him for killing their friends and family, I do not know. This company owns RTL, that owns 45 television stations and 32 radio stations in 11 countries. The Pentagon ultimately had paid BioPort $126 million for an anthrax vaccine that was stored and unlicensed. Rockefeller money owns Vanguard who owns BlackRock who owns all these covid vaccines who owns the government officials and companies needed to push it on people, all the media companies they need to control the vaccine narrative, and pretty much everything else you buy or use in some way. Why We Moderate a Commentors First Post, Dont eat crickets when food shortages really start hitting in America. As is all of freemasonry and Zionism. The plane we board is, in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus, also owned by the same names. It is Vanguard's oldest mutual fund and the nation's oldest balanced mutual fund, and it has been subadvised by Wellington Management since its inception in 1929. This helps to better understand our current situation, that can shed new light on past events. But now he gets murky. Unfortunately, the whole Anthrax mailing investigation died with Ivins who committed suicide before he could make it to trial (and likely clear his name). Did you know you can buy 1000 reddit upvotes for $400? Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own: Eighteen percent of Fox. . The new infrastructure, because fossil fuels are gone in 2030. They own the tobacco companies that produce all the popular tobacco brands but they also own all big pharmaceutical companies and the scientific institutions that produce medicine. Were here to spread the truth. The website goes on to praise how the lockdowns that destroyed the economy were really helpful with lowering carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. Use "NOQ" as the promo code for 10% off! Weve got reports rolling in of miscarriages and stillbirths in multiple countries and the media is trying to ignore it. . In addition to the bail out, contingencies were added and granted demanding that the government pay all the companys debts and provided a 144 percent increase in payment for each anthrax vaccine dose from $4.36 to $10.64. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. Vanguard Group announced the reopening of the $120.3 billion Vanguard Wellington Fund. While we continue to hope advertising dollars on the sites go up, its simply not enough to do things the right way. BLACKROCK & VANGUARD These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. I will also add that these companies dont do anything interesting. The reopening is effective Thursday, spokesman Freddy Martino said in an email. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going. Not just George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela but also world-famous philanthropists, like Cecil Rhodes, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and even George Soros. Funny how all this controlled covid and vaccine fear mongering sounds just like what happened with the 2020 election, and how mainstream media refused to report on any of the visible rampant . Think Im kidding? They depend on big checks from Google ads to keep the sites running. If youre wondering why no one else ever made a better vaccine, I can tell you they tried. Emergents response was to hire an army of lobbyists, and within six months and $140,000 in lobbying fees won BioPort a $122.7 million contract to supply 5 million doses of the vaccine to the Department of Health and Human Services, and created a domestic stockpile of their vaccine. they will all face divine justice soon as the light is coming for them! Investigative journalists on the other hand were looking at Fuad and Hauer although, the FBI eventually rested blame on microbiologist Bruce Ivins who was a biodefense researcher for the US Armys infectious disease lab for 18 years. The WEF says its necessary for the consumption society the elite forced upon us is not sustainable anymore. Nor did it make sense why any sane, non-evil person would purposely place sick covid patients into nursing homes to infect the most vulnerable of us all, who they claimed we were shutting down everything for in the first place. Again, the Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundation. Just a month later, BlackRock BLK paid $1.05 billion to acquire Sausalito . "Arab Spring" but in the west. CONSPIRACY theorists argue that BlackRock is an ever-growing, ever-consuming company taking over the housing market. May, 2021, for example, was amazing and we almost broke even. This conceals the conflicts of interests a bit. In the picture, you see that most brands in the food industry belong to one of these corporations. But they are not alone in dominating the . The latest report, provided exclusively to the Prospect, details a deep tangle of relationships between BlackRock and the outgoing government of Enrique Pea Nieto in Mexico. Trump beats DeSantis in Fox News Conducted Live in Florida Diner, American Fighting for Ukraine Defects to Russia, Blows Whistle on Nazism, War Crimes, Stew Peters: Kevin McCarthy LIED About Releasing the J6 Tapes, This is a Cover Up, Hunter Bidens Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell, Florida County GOPs Ban the Jab Proposal Heads To Ron DeSantis For Major Test of His Political Future, When the Misinformation Authorities at DGI Are Found to Be Trafficking in Misinformation, To Save America From Washington, Congress Needs Spending Reforms, Bret Baier Makes Chris Wray Squirm on 'Dual System' Disparity on Hunter Biden, Trump, Jan. 6, Things Get Tense When CNN 'Fact Checker' Daniel Dale Contacts Marjorie Greene Taylors Office for Comment, Peter Doocy Nails Karine Jean-Pierre After She Calls Biden 'Brave', Oregon Democrats Roll out Plan to Pay Homeless People $1K a Month to Spend on Whatever, Shock Report: FBI Agents Did Not Want to Raid Mar-a-Lago. Were Vanguard and Blackrock behind the Ohio Train Derailment?I break down the conspiracy gaining traction across social media, and take a dive into how publi. Its easy for people to point fingers when were not the ones paying their bills or supporting their families. First, youve got these 3 German billionaires who just made even more billions of dollars producing the Pfizer vaccine for BioNTech. In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution. But Bertelsmann is also co-owner of the worlds biggest book publisher, Penguin Random House. Metal Brain. CulturalHusbandry (@APhilosophae) June 9, 2021 For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. Weird how the only guy that would know if Bin Laden really did this died less than a month on the job and was hired by the guy trying to now blame Bin Laden for it. With $10tn of assets under management, why reply at all? To complete this overview, look at where the news comes from. Just read the Balfour declaration, its 4 sentences long and on Wikipedia. MB. Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street's dirty investments | Corporate Knights The world's top three asset managers, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street, hold US$774 in dirty investments in the worst climate offenders Walter Morgan served as Wellingtons Chairman for 42 years before turning the reins over to John C Bogle Attempts to question any of this madness on social media resulted in suspensions, shadow bans, post flags and removals; as well as a slew of prominent, vocal dismantled accounts from General Michael Flynn to the apparently ever-so-threatening My Pillow Guy. BlackRock's mission is to help our clients build better financial futures and the firm is trusted to manage more money than any other investment company in the world. This gives them a complete monopoly. Zuckerberg already spent over $350 million dollars of his own money to openly steer an election in his favor and now theyre finding election fraud in every countyhe funded, so Im pretty sure him immorally pushing an experimental vaccine down peoples throats wouldnt be beyond the realm of possibilities for him to do. The daily news of all these media outlets the diverse news media do not produce news. Want to guess what the only other marketable product this company has ever produced in their entire corporate history was? Why arent there movies and documentaries about this? With the entire Covid-19 pandemic narrative falling to pieces due to the recent release of Dr. Faucis damning emails, its got a lot of people wondering, why the hell did this guy just lie to an entire country, knowing he was wrecking lives by doing it?. It is the index investing side of BlackRocks business that might also mean the company has more to lose than other firms (like Blackstone, which actually is buying up single family homes) from crazy conspiracies on the internet. Someone owns the most that someone is the Rothschild family. In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each other's stocks . This toxic injection was sold atprice gouging profitof 300%, despite the fact it was governmentsubsidized. The reluctance of our government officials to answer even the most simple questions about the lack of election integrity coupled with the nonsensical and unreasonable actions of hypocritical politicians over all these ridiculous covid mandates the last year (and are already re-vamping up in states like California and Nevada now for no reason other than to punish people that refuse to take an untested vaccine) have not gone unnoticed by the public. On sources like Yahoo Finance, we can see detailed company info, such as who the biggest shareholders actually are. They run the financial world and all central banks. Lets take Pepsico again, as an example. The other operating system is Apples IOS. If the idea of our government faking an incident to drag the country into war for money seems like too much for you, let me remind you that President Johnson did that exact same thing which we now know from declassified documents when he pulled the United States into the Vietnam War by using the nonexistent Gulf of Tonkin incident to get war powers granted to him by Congress; something I highly doubt President Kennedy would have ever done, which Johnson infamously replaced upon a well known conspiracy theory all its own. Someone like me, who never makes videos can, with an old laptop objectively show that only two companies hold a monopoly in all industries in the world. At no point in time was congress made aware of this deal. Upon hearings held by Sen. John Warner R-VA and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Congress uncovered that El-Hibri Fuad and his partners had invested only $4.5 million of their own money in cash and loan guarantees for the entire deal. BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, has become an increasingly influential Wall Street player in Washington, DC. All we wanted was a forensic election audit to settle it once and for all, unite a divided nation, and assure us that our votes actually mattered. There is plenty of evidence for an Anglo-American banking cabal ruling the world. But the military agreed to keep paying their bills, just to keep the company afloat. She holds a conference call with the worlds top 100 CEOs and tells them to publicly decry as Jim Crow Georgias passing of an anti-corruption law and she orders her dutiful CEOs to boycott the State of Georgia, like we saw with Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball and even Hollywood star, Will Smith. BlackRock manages nearly $10 trillion in investments. Combined, BlackRock and Vanguard own nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms. Speaking of wasting money, lets go over just how much this failed and corrupt company made from American tax payers via their lobbyists and dirty back deals. The value of these companies is beyond calculation. Vanguard has $8 trillion, and State Street has $4 trillion. Despite the best efforts of globalists and Neo-Marxists, patriotic Americans are starting to unify in droves. Sure, theyll attack Critical Race Theory, Antifa, and the Biden-Harris regime, but you wont see them going after George Soros, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, or the Deep State, among others. And all of it is being boosted along by Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Soros-funded politicians, the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Gates. Who is also listed on all of them. Together, they own almost 20% of Goldman Sachs. vanguard, blackrock conspiracythe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 . We all do what we need to do to survive. In 2003 BioPort became a subsidiary of Emergent BioSolutions led by El-Hibri, and by the end of 2003, Emergent signed a new contract with the Pentagon, worth anywhere from $29.7 million to $245 million, depending on how many vaccines they made and sold. NEW: Get a FREE Alexapure Pro Water Filtration System ($279 value) with the purchase of a 3-Month Emergency Food Supply for a very limited time. These are no conspiracy theories. This is the case, across all industries. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023. Was Jussie Smollett Right? They want the revolutions in every country so the the WEF can put in a new government. To support this tool, post it on your profile and select 'pin to profile'. At a time of maximal desperation in the U.S. housing market, giant investment banks, such as . The real-time extension alerts you when a moderator removes your content, and the linker extension provides buttons for viewing removed content. It's currently being sued by the DoJ for false claims in relation to a separate cleanup. Both are from the same small group of investors. 2021-09-29 17:25:14 If there is a Marek's disease scenario due to the leaky vaccine being promoted, that will . My question is, why is this never talked about in the media? Our promise is this: We will never sell out America. They are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Here's my question. Its CEO, Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. And then there is Bertelsmann, which is one of the 9 biggest media firms. thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. We are all being played on a scale never seen before. His Microsoft is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and Berkshire Hathaway. - or before? But it's not only in the food industry that their names come up. A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. If you decide to research this with the sources I just showed you, then you will see that most popular insurance companies, banks, construction companies, telephone companies restaurant chains and cosmetics are owned by the same institutional investors we have just seen. Shubham Saharan. Bitcoin: 32SeW2Ajn86g4dATWtWreABhEkiqxsKUGn. These include the idea that BlackRock controls every aspect of your life (due to owning a lot of a lot of companies and having alumni in the White House), that it directly buys up single family homes (er, thats Blackstone), and that it was behind the collapse of cryptocurrency Terra(that one is too long to explain in or out of parentheses). Assuming you did not know the definition of that one. The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for . In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each others stocks. My kingdom for them to dig in only to realize that not only does this all go back to Bush, but that the corruption is occurring between Big Pharma, lobbyists, and corrupt politicians on both sides. Real people don't comment on reddit or this sub anymore because anyone who comments or posts get gaslighted by bots and shills. Notice how the geopolitical goals of freemasonry, Zionism, and Israel align exactly. rhode island board of bar overseers, The people that were scared of covid to ease up on the,! That destroyed the economy were really helpful with lowering carbon emissions and gases... For an anthrax vaccine that was stored and unlicensed BLK paid $ 1.05 billion acquire! Under management, why reply at all lets remember them and look blackrock and vanguard conspiracy who owns the most someone! 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