npr voices annoying

Anyone care to comment? Allison Shelley/NPR Thanks for reading and commenting with such a detailed response, Adrianne. The difference in their abilities to communicate well, resolve conflicts, and reach desired goals with less confusion is notable. Politicians and reporters insist on saying Look before spewing a profound statement. I notice my three year old great-grandson now says I really miss you guys when he used to just say I miss you., Some other annoying trends are 1) super, totally and uber for very 2 the addition of ing to verbs Even if the people indulging in these patterns have an incredibly high IQ, the patterns work against them by making them: Despite all the detriments of allowingthose patterns to unconsciously creep into your own conversational lexicon, people are falling prey at rapid rates. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. The one Ive noticed the most lately is the one mentioned by Mary N. And of course the extremely annoying vocal fry. He has also shortening him and them to em. Nearly 15 years ago, a previous Public Editor bemoaned the lack of aural diversity on NPR. UGH!!! Do you experience this as an interviewer? Language is too rich. I cant keep track of the number of very interesting podcasts with important messages that Ive had to turn off because of the horrible vocal fryyyyyyyy. So So, youll also find this one at the beginning of a sentence, namely as a way to manage the conversation and sound fairly authoritative (or condescending). More common, is hearing someone speak with various combinations of several of these patterns appearing in just one sentence! This morning in class? Your observations are wonderful & interesting. Just observant. -aahh to extend words. And please stop using hangin out and you guys.. Thuh, preceding a word starting with a vowel! I have heard meara and arrow instead of error. But journalists can sound clear without all sounding the same. I can sense the pits of hell opening within my spirit and anger arising like smoke of an erupting volcano, ahhhhh! We can expect the children of millennials to pass annoying speech patterns on to their children. Since I watch a lot of network tv, I hear this and other abominations on commercials, especially. Recently I have noticed what I call the Consonant Drag where the speaker is explaining something and they drag the consonants as if to give them space to think it out. The latter pronunciations of each drive me nuts. I think its an attempt to sound more confident, self-assured and forceful. It goes this way. Im not sure if this was mentioned, but it seems to be an epidemic to list things and use the same pitch patterns ( high, medium, then lower). You forgot the most annoying example of all: that of swallowing the t Im the middle of a word, together with a glottal stop. Manhattan is apparently now Manhadden. 2001 - 2023 Debbie Grattan Voiceover Talent | Site Map | Privacy Policy. One of the most irritating forms of up talk or vocal fry is when a woman is explaining her day and each sentence is drawn out at the end with an upward inflection, then the next sentence is hooked on at the end with the same down to up trajectory and drawing out the last word to crescendo. To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. There are a lot of great voices too though. The most common is right? when used at the end of a sentence. I'm happy to have a variety of voices on NPR, but they shouldn't include those that are annoyingly shrill or are using incorrect grammar. I believe they are taught this mode of delivering content. Start the answer with a yeah., I love these comments! One study found that young women with vocal fry were perceived as less competent and trustworthy. I was thinking that I was the only hearing the incorrect use of the schwa during a recent newscast. Eckert, the linguist, found that the biggest users of vocal fry are actually men. Such as: NO-aahh!, STOP-aahh! NPR seems to be doing a full-out Jessica Rabbit Via . I put my own example of me saying it in this Youtube link: Who started this Have a good one! trend anyway? I have worked as a journalist for over 25 years, and I do not work in television for a reason. My current pet hate is the need for the speaker to promise to tell the truth as in To be honest, or Im not gonna lie, and then proceeds to reveal some piece of bland trivia! Drives me crazy every time. The biggest one that I hear it in is when celebrities say singer. I am also hearing a and an used incorrectly. As in, Yo, Im tellin you, shtraight up, this thing is yuge, aight?, Yes, no I dont like all of those bad habits either AND the inverse No, yes we should all be aware these speech patterns are happening increasingly.. Public radio should mean that all voices, relaying solid reporting, are respected enough to inform the country. Alternatively, or also, it could be an attempt to inject artificial emphasis to Every.Single.Word. Its not even with lists. On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. My dad was from Canada of English heritage. Im not about to watch that show just to find out, though. But among friends all the time. It is so rehearsed and not natural. I agree with your comments whole-heartedly, and also wish that more attention be paid in the school environment to identifying and correcting inappropriate speech and speech patterns. "You're on the air, not having a conversation with a buddy in a bar. Offer them a mask as they debark the plane while thanking them for flying F.U. If you ask me again, Id also predict the tide will turn and people who drop these phrases will come out on top in the long run. Awesome and absolutely. I hear it on NPR a lot. It makes the person listening want to say Please, just get to the point!, Can I just add..yeh yeh yeh yeh.. (in a convonot a song chorus. Vocal fry irritates the hell out of me! Unfortunately the word, the shouting and the angry demeanor are now used by many standup comedians in place of jokes. I thought, I am absolutely not going to have my child taught by this woman., Short as become like oswords like class and that are pronounce as closs and thot.. It is always annoying, but sometimes makes the report(s) unlistenable. That means some listeners have to adjust to new sounds. A question mark has a specific purpose in the English language. The sound of 2020 America is a chirpy vocal fry. Bull***t. Its just people being influenced by media influencers (Kardashians) and then copying each other to fit in. Five lines from the bottom, auto correct changed Sanskrit to sandscript. It seems to be the new normal. As in change the sheets or change a lightbulb. And what about people now pronouncing the t in often? Though Sanders, of It's Been a Minute, has heard from listeners that he and his panelists use "like" too much, he thinks it's indicative of a good conversation. Our and Hour is pronounced and sounds the same. Im not trying to be critical or mean, but it used to be if you had a speech impediment, you went to speech therapy and got rid of it before you went on public media. For example, presenters who do both on-screen and voice over work in the same programme, often utilise a completely different speech pattern/tone in both contexts. What truly bothers me is that this type of coddling in primary and secondary school continues into college, and beyond. I change channels whenever I hear it. To say that all these fad-driven speech patterns are kinda, sorta, well I dont know, annoyingmay seem a bit harsh. Not sure if it has anything to do with trying to be overly sensitive or PC or whatever about things and needing to couch language. It sounds like a popular catch phrase sports people use to show they are a sport person who know what they are talking about. To totally be, but, like, its totally not! It is an art not a nuisance. Often theyll be a so tacked on to the start. Its not even super cute. Was the Mike Lindell one, Thats why I curated MyPillow? Their tone raises up at the parts of the word I typed in capitals.. (Said in a condescending nerd voice: So. Please. The latest speech fad that I am noticing a lot, here in the UK, in presenters on the radio, interviews, everywhere in fact, with seemingly well educated people, is that they are suddenly starting to drop their Ts in the middle of words-poveree(poverty) clariee(clarity) etc theyre all doing it. Ive been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and obviously, most of them have commercials. Shell draw out her sentences with filler words and phrases such as now this adding in a firm yeah this speak continues with nonsensical words until she brings in another thought. benefit, I wish to now address your repeated use of the term so They are not harmonious. The only thing more annoying is the continuation of the last syllable in a series of items. Sorry about that, but its the only way to bring awareness to this type of conversational disease in hopes that it can be eradicated very soon. Then I grabbed a coffeeeee. We lost thou as its use changed to refer to social subordinates long story short, we ended up with you for both the second-person singular and second-person plural pronouns. Thats what it sounded like to me in your video. Anywho.. E.g. YESSSS!,,,,,, the staccato speech is driving me away from tv. Thank goodness I stopped listening to American mainstream news with all their Aussie employees. Even if something just happened and I witnessed it with him. Important..pronounced Im-por-ent. Sounds like a 2 year old learning to speak. dontgetaphd 6 mo. Sportscasters use it, friends use it in convos, but uh, hey, whats wrong with that? And then I had to take the Range Rover in for serviiiiiiiiice, I mean, Im like sooo worn out ( vocal fry). Yet its undocumented. It is difficult to give an example because this is a pitch pattern not just certain words. Its so distracting! Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. I just wish I had a remote control that worked on people with a tangible presence. Tomorrow WILL be a hot day or Stop talking like that!. Well, if you look at the data, youll kind of notice that theres a trend that sort of jumps out at you.. Pretty much everywhere to enunciate the ts in button is not correct. Together with NPR's Training Team, she created a 10-minute voice coaching video, which offers tips to solve common vocal problems. While it may not be pleasing to US, it may be a more recognizable and standard sound to those who are currently hiring VO talent, or even on-camera talent. She is one of the favorite voices in the NPR. and I was totally unprepared for it? Not only I improperly placed but me used at the start of a phrase. Other specialties include female narration voice overs for corporate narration, web videos, tutorials, explainer videos and technical medical narration. Perhaps Mr. Stein would be willing to hand over the reading honors to him. Its not a conscious thing. Sounding clear and natural on air takes time and practice. The pervasive use of hypophora, mostly in spoken media, is more than annoying to me! You know what I mean? I guess it works when communication is between persons with a combined vocabulary of less than 100 words, but for everyone else its extremely annoying. I hear it all of the time especially as I live in a very affluent, lily white area. No, sorry. For example, a word with almost any vowel (most commonly an a) is pronounced, instead of with the actual long or short vowel sound for that letter, with a somewhat nasal awww ie the schwa. That happened to Mike Cooper, a voice-over artist who recently stumbled upon his voice being used without his knowledge for AI. I think it was about a year ago that I first noticed this creeping into speech. Eleanor Beardsley, and other unique female radio voices. Some time around the late 90s, early 2000s, it was taken off the graded subjects. LITERALLY no one? Back in the day you would be fired for delivering news that way. This is certainly not limited to lower social groups; its becoming endemic in very educated middle class professionals. In the U.S., though, the phrase is different from. When I hear than, I want to scream. I agree with all the comments. We have come so far with representing what a diverse world we are in the media. . a. period. The education system. Would my friends laugh if I developed the chirpy voice? No. This is a great discussion! My husband and I both react as though were hearing nails on a chalkboard when people speak as though theyre trying to manipulate us. This is what annoys me and I am a woman. I didnt know there was a word for that! Maybe thats it. The first part of the sentence is on a lower pitch and then last word is HIGHerrr, and then the next is back to the first lower and last word is in the MIDDleee , etc. Plus, at the end of the day. Listening to NPR is what got this whole thing started a few years back But now these patterns are showing up everywhere. One day Im sure Ill lose my job after losing my temper with a patient. Yes, I have an accent, but I use proper English as my model to imitate. Not up-talk exactly, as in ending every sentence as if it were a question, but more when people are listing things that are maybe a little tedious. An overheard conversation: The other day I was walkiiiiiing, and, like, this dude flicked a cigarette butt on the graaa-ound, and I said, hey! These little speech micro trends seem to pop up every now and then, then fade away over time (thank God!). 3 length vs. lenth, H (long a and ch) vs. (long a and shuss), streaming vs. shreaming. It is very annoying! Hell start a sentence, but then even before he gets to the part that he wants to bully you into agreeing with, hell stick in a right?! When closed captioning cannot get a good portion of the words right, Houston we have a problem! not pronounce the actual vowel, but rather make it the aaaaah sound. I suppose if the heart is in the right place, we can forgive some of these transgressions of speech. Button, mountains Stoooop with the glottal stop! They dont even allow their white announcers in Texas to sound like theyre from Texas! Drives me nuts. I appreciate your attention to the proper usage of the English, especially since its NOT your native language, and the respect you hold for it. Speaking as an African American woman, if being more inclusive is the aim it fails. More on that idea here. Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? And the speech pattern that led me to your page is the one Ive observed in the voice overs on virtually all home improvement shows. I will change the channel when people speak in this manner, and when I have to put up with an advertisement before a video starts, I will simply repeat over and over to block them out, la la la la la until it is over. A major part of the Biden plan is to sort of prioritize pandemic assistance. If you really sit down and read every word its a fascinating phenomenon. I wonder if its the education system, or perhaps social media or television. Ive also noticed uptalk transcends position and demographics. What is that? I do not want to hear anyone speaking with mosquito tones. Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. When he was starting out, he found editors "strip[ping] away [his] character" by removing vernacular and colloquialisms that felt unique to him. I often hear young women in their 20-40s, speak in a monotone for a few words and then raise the pitch to a a bit higher monotone level for a few words before ending sentence. The one voice that NPR does have on hand that presents a good marriage of youthful freshness and traditional diction while remaining pleasing and understandable is David Greene, currently on Morning Edition. Oh, and yes, I know I left off many other annoying speech patterns. Yes!! I find that contrary to the quality of education that many of us older folks received. Whenever I hear someone begin a statement with Look, I long to interrupt and say, Im looking.. Where did that come from?? The best example is stuDENT. The letters arent required to be immediately next to each other, as in hiSHtoRy, either. Theres a name for it, but I cant remember what its called. Mark, your comments are very well spoken, and I also consider language and ones command and understanding of it to be a sign of class and proper education. She regularly records commercial voice overs for radio and tv as well as infomercial voice overs and direct response marketing for children's toys, health, fitness and beauty products. Hearing Americans and Britons speak is psychological torture. Small talk usually calls for this kind of language unless youre writing a research paper. I first heard this on a home decorating tv show. It may be a form of ageism, but there is truth to every stereotype. Thanks for commenting Doyle, thats a new one I havent noticed yet. He has become hyper-sensitive to even the most polite criticism, and I blame this solely on our P.C. fer instead of for (are they hillbillies?!) OMG! Questions. The NPR Podcast. What happened to Have a good day/afternoon/evening/morning ? terrible annoying. I see and hear it every dingle day and never heard a man do it. Firstly, I would like to say that I quite enjoyed reading your article. My goodness! Do TV news announcers take classes in speaking this way? Society doesnt need to do anything. "Like" is a sign of a relaxed conversation. What about the most recent one where you say structure with a glottal g/sh that sounds like struh-sherr? I mean, if it really was a problem that I say that phrase whenever Im trying to make my point, what difference does it make? Whatever! to make it sound as it is so amazing, and all-important. Right!? Part Two: Here Comes AI, Is the Golden Age of Voice Over Gone? Didnt sonds like Di-int, Couldnt sounds like Cou-int. I have noticed lately female newscasters seemingly trying to avoid monotony by raising then lowering the pitch of the last syllable in a sentence. Great use of the word literally there, Amber. Also, some news reporters will pepper their stories with obviously. Just on the cursive I used to teach my 5th and 6th graders cursive writing for at least 30 minutes a day. I get far more hung up on language misuse, though. Ive only been annoyed once by the over use of the word like. Many people ARE taking advantage of the hot weather. I see it in the office at work and from my 16 yr old Daughter. In fact, theres a show on HBO where EVERY lady character has a speech impediment. So annoying. Filet Mignon: Min-yoh, not min-yawn. I saw it as SORE-ree. This is supposed to be pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable: STUdent. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? Dont do that-ah! Its so annoying-gah!. p.s. Look at any Hugh Grant movie, and youll see. And then those styles get copied and go viral and pretty soon you hear it everywhere. I dont know how these people get voice over jobs and why anyone would use them. Ayesha Rascoe is involved in most of the National Public Radio programs. Initially I read your comment as a knock on the Canadian pronunciation of sorry. I mean This completely unnecessary phrase seems to just be a habitual way to start sentences for many people. I like to call this Laundry Listing because it is like they are giving you this boring laundry list of things. The bulk of revenues coming from programming fees, grants from foundations or business entities, contributions and sponsor-ships. I call this the singing list, the intonation conveys a meaning that the list is long, maybe endless, and whats being sung is a representative/illuminating example, but not exhaustive. Sam Sanders, host of It's Been a Minute, said that learning to write in his own voice was difficult. This usage of So is incorrect!!! She dragged out the word and pitched it higher. This is only a small portion of the sissification of men that I could rant about but it is the most annoying. Immediately next to each other, as in change the sheets or change a lightbulb Rascoe... Influenced by media influencers ( Kardashians ) and then, then fade away over time thank! Rascoe is involved in most of them have commercials driving me away from tv the actual vowel npr voices annoying but is... The plane while thanking them for flying F.U pitch of the schwa a. A profound statement phrase is different from part of the hot weather has hyper-sensitive! It higher, friends use it, friends use it, but I cant remember its... Honors to him in this Youtube link: who started this have a problem hell opening within spirit! ( s ) unlistenable America is a pitch pattern not just certain.... 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