leonard lake and charles ng videos

Little of what had once been families of people could be identified from missing persons files. They found the perfect spot, deep in the Sierra Nevadas, about 150 miles outside San Francisco. ***NSFL*** (youtube.com), submitted 6 years ago by dettlaff to r/LPOTL, submitted 3 years ago by RoxanneeC to r/MorbidReality, Compilation of all available Leonard Lake tapes (youtube.com), submitted 6 years ago by xEazy420 to r/serialkillers, submitted 6 years ago by pulpheroe to r/creepy, Leonard Lake & Charles Ng "Snuff" Tapes (youtube.com), submitted 1 year ago by Legitimate_Ad4173 to r/eyeblech, This is what the Offline TV House looked like when they aren't filming on Youtube. Let me unpack that a bit. When the two drove into town to replace it, Ng was caught trying to shoplift one at a local hardware store (per Biography). Another bucket contained journals written by Lake which detailed the horrors he and Ng had inflicted on their victims. Upon his release from military prison in 1984, he was invited by Lake to live with him in a rented cabin at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California (via Crime + Investigation). It was also around this time that Ng met Leonard Lake, a man 15 years his senior, through a wargamer advertisement in a magazine. Ng and Lake began using the ranch as a veritable sex slave compound shortly thereafter. But Paul never returned. The nearly seven minutes of footage [Warning: disturbing content] contains segments of several of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng's victims tied or chained to a chair while their captors calmly give them instructions. Ng tells O'Connor: 'You can cry and stuff like the rest of them, but it won't do you no good. Five weeks after he had escaped from the South Frisco store manager (July 6), Charles Ng gets himself arrested in Calgary, Canada for shoplifting again. Ng still wanted to defend himself but had to settle with one of his old attorneys (to assist him) when the lawyer of his choice was busy elsewhere. Men de to holdt seg ikke for gode til utve dommedag over andre, tilfeldige mennesker. However, there have been no executions performed in the state of California since 2006. More importantly, U.S. authorities now knew where he was. Leonard Lake and Charles Ng were a pair of serial killers, serial rapists, abductors, robbers, and family annihilators believed to be responsible for as many as 25 murders. But nothing could have prepared them for what they were about to uncover when they began their search of Lake's property. Lake made bail and went into hiding inside a ranch in Wilseyville, California owned by his ex-wife and turned it into a "survivalist enclosure", stocking it with weapons and supplies in anticipation of a great siege. On the TV tape a woman is chained to a chair screaming as Lake tears her clothes with a knife. Leonard Lake and Charles Ng met because they were two ex-marines who shared similar extreme right-wing views of the government. Ng had fled to Canada after the shoplifting incident in San Francisco. In Ng's absence, the police began to investigate Lake's cabin. What would follow was an extremely long and drawn-out legal battle, in which Ng fired attorney after attorney accusing them of incompetence. During his first tour, he was hospitalized for "exhibiting incipient psychotic reactions" but was returned to duty after a short time. Rendered by PID 32 on reddit-service-r2-dynamic-69986ffc97-h77cr at 2023-03-01 20:51:22.651369+00:00 running f7e3308 country code: DE. He moved to San Jose, California and attended the San Jose University, but dropped out after only one semester and joined a hippie commune. Once alone, Lake swallowed several cyanide pills he had been hiding. Once they were done with the friends or family who came with the woman, Ng and Lake would then torture and rape the Mirandas for days before ultimately killing them for some slight. When Lake died I took his place as the sacrificial lamb, he later said in an interview. A detective in Lakes blockhouse moved a plywood shelf where a wall suddenly opened into another room. 33 of the most notorious serial killers in history met their end. The male victims who were brought back to Lakes fire pit might be subject to an especially hideous way of dying. Who should be our victorious Miranda? The Canadian authorities refused to extradite him on the grounds that Canada had abolished capital punishment and Ng could be executed if he was returned to the U.S. He robbed, raped, humiliated but Lake was the executioner. The 6.5-inch-by-3.5-inch cinderblock bunker caught the eye of the police. Finally, his trial officially began in October 1998. In adulthood, he moved to the United States and enrolled in the Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California, but dropped out after his first semester. These motherfuckers need a reckoning. Ng is also charged with a 12th murder in San Francisco. Lake had attempted to pass off the ID of one of his victims as his own. Officers looked through Lakes car and found an illegal silencer. Leonard Lake and Charles Ng: A Match Made In Murder The tapes revealed that the initial threats Lake and Ng made to the victims were not empty. Then, read up on how 33 of the most notorious serial killers in history met their end. Using the journals and videos they discovered 25 people died at the bunker. Further damning Lake that day was that he was driving a car belonging to another victim. But this decision was not fated to last either. Leonard Lake and Charles Ng are confirmed to have murdered at least eleven people. "These 12 people disappeared off the face of the earth," said state Deputy Attorney General Sharlene Honnaka, who is prosecuting Ng with Calaveras County District Attorney Peter Smith. Ng was born in Hong Kong on December 24, 1960. While no one escaped, ever, in the true story, I propose we have someone who does. Harvey Dubs in San Francisco placed a classified ad offering the sale of his video camera. On the property they found barrels buried with all the journals and videos, but had no signs any actual murders had taken place, especially considering this was the early 80s, so they had no way of watching the videos before getting back to the station. Names ring a bell? Trouble was police were already at the scene where a cop ran the plates on Lakes car, finding it belonged to a Paul Cosner who had been missing for several months. So, Ng and Lake made their way to the property slowly, stealing cars, identities and property all along the way to scam others out of money and loans. MurderpediaNg was not interested in following in the footsteps of his hardworking parents. Sorry lady. Help us cast our dream (or nightmare) hypotheticals. Today, we talk about Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. These "treasure maps" led police to buried five-gallon buckets on Leonard Lake's property, the contents of which provided a large window into the torture and murders.   Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Recording female victims being raped and tortured with a video camera, Arrest, Lake's suicide, and Ng's conviction. Here's where the movie version will have to stray from the outcome of the true story. After moments of convulsions and four days spent in coma, Lake ended his life but started a mystery that wouldnt end for another 14 years. The jury deliberated for two weeks before finding Ng guilty of the murder of six men, three women and two baby boys. Canadian police charged him with robbery, attempted robbery, possession of a firearm and attempted murder. Collectively, all the items they found belonged to 25 different people. "Leonard Lake and Charles Ng planned and committed the murders charged in this case.". Compilation of all available Leonard Lake tapes. They are reported to show brutal acts of sexual assault and torture. 415-553-0123. Deborah told her friend that she had to end the conversation, as two men who were interested in the items had arrived at their home. Lake swallowed a cyanide pill and committed suicide when police began questioning him about the murders in 1985. Now with a taste for getting rich quick (along with bloodlust/infanticide) they visit the family next door for another raid. Although California formally requested extradition of Ng, there was a good chance that he would never again return to the U.S.; Canada is reluctant to send anyone back to a country that will prosecute them in a capital case. Shoveling in a shallow trench used for dumping trash, police find five charred skeletons, where one appears to be a child. Proving which version is true will be complicated by the fact that Lake committed suicide in 1985, shortly after he was arrested by South San Francisco police at the beginning of the investigation. The horrific ordeals were often filmed by Lake. He died just days before the bodies of his and Ngs victims were found. Though sentenced to 14 years, he escaped and made his way to California, where he met Lake. The courtroom was closed to the public and press while the videotape was shown to Calaveras County Justice Court Judge Douglas Mewhinney and families of Ng's alleged victims. People were easy (fun) to catch and kill. The videotape was found buried near the Wilseyville cabin where Ng is accused of killing 11 people with his alleged accomplice, survivalist Leonard Lake, during the mid-1980s. As such, Charles Ng remains on to this day death row at San Quentin State Prison, where he will likely die of old age. In 1971, he was given a medical discharge, having been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. While Lake was trying to convince the store manager that he would personally pay for the item, Ng disappeared. Charles Ng . In the true story, Lake hid a cyanide capsule on his person. He also looked just like Ruffalo did in Foxcatcher. Nevertheless, his presence will be felt in the courtroom in coming days through portions of his diary and homemade videotapes that will be introduced as evidence. The Charley Project is NOT a registered non-profit organization and any donations will NOT be tax-deductible. The female victims were often videotaped and forced to perform sexual acts for Ng and Lake prior to their murders. MIKE CARTELS EASY ROAD TO SUCCESS Only he was far more successful with murdering the court system that indulged his every fantasy. A transcript of the videotape shows Ng and Lake threatening to torture and kill two women, who appear to be handcuffed, unless they submit to sexual demands. The movie just ends with her watching the dungeon burn. Charles Ng, left, June 1999, right, June 2007, is a convicted serial killer who was sentenced by Orange County Judge John J. Ryan, who presided over Ng's trial on a change of venue from Calaveras County, where Ng's murders took place. The nearly seven minutes of footage [Warning: disturbing content] contains segments of several of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng's victims tied or chained to a chair while their captors calmly give them instructions. It's a found footage film that manages not to be entirely kitschy while profiling the "lost" moments of notorious serial murderers (rapists, sadists, kidnappers) Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. Before Ng had even moved in, Lake had broken in that dungeon when he tortured and killed his own brother, Donald, and his friend Charles Gunnar. Traveling to California at 19, Ng soon finds himself running from a hit-and-run accident. Heres where the movie version will have to stray from the outcome of the true story. He met a woman named Claralyn Balazs, a 25-year-old teacher's aide whom he nicknamed "Cricket", in 1977 and married her in 1981 and moved in with her. In the meantime, Ng fled to Calgary, Alberta, Canada via Chicago and Detroit. A DATE WITH MADAM GUILLOTINE In early afternoon, the first of what promises to be a parade of witnesses took the stand, and the prosecution began to reconstruct the history of the case for jurors. . Watch The Miranda Murders: Lost Tapes of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng Full Movie IN HD Visit :: https://primeflixz.xyz/watch/tt5963354 Tlcharger : - https:/. They found that Lake was using the driver's license and credit cards of Scott Stapley, who was later identified as one of the murder victims. Now, for the first time he learns how to work the system for himself, lying that hes an American citizen and joining the Marines to get out of his latest felony. In reality, they were just fucking monsters who reveled in their evil. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. After Lake's capture, Ng made his way to Canada, where he was arrested after trying to steal merchandise from a Calgary department store. At the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station in Hawaii, Ng participated in a raid of a weapons depot. Because of the massive amount of burned, shattered bone fragments found at Lake's cabin, they are thought to have killed as many as fourteen others. Leonard Lake and Charles Ng were perhaps an unlikely duo. He was convicted of eleven murders in California in 1999 after 14 years of legal wrangling and stalling. Another team of investigators traveled up to Humbolt County to look for more murder victims. He arrived in the United States on a student visa when he was 18, meeting his future murder partner after he responded to Lake's gaming ad in a survivalist magazine. You can cry and stuff, like the rest of them, but it wont do any good. They got so used to the whole killing and swapping identities thing, that Lake even killed his best friend (who was best man at his wedding) and his own brother. This allowed the door to open on much evidence that should have remained secret to the jury, including photos of Ngs murder drawings and kill-fun bumper stickers pinned on the cell wall behind his creepy stare. The Miranda Murders: Lost Tapes of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. He was imprisoned in Canada and eventually extradited back to California in 1991. Entries RSS [9] CLICK FOR ALL of MIKE CARTEL's ESSAYS He called her an off the shelf lover, meaning he could take her off the shelf, do whatever he wanted to her and then put her back or throw her away when he was done with her. Court documents indicate that Lake once took the infant of a woman, put its head in between his legs and twisted the babys body until the neck broke and the baby was all but decapitated. Allen's sister, Diane Montemurro, attended the court hearing but did not view the videotape after discussing its contents with prosecutors. In 1980, he lied about his nationality and joined the USMC. The charges for the murder of Paul Cosner were dropped on the grounds that it couldn't be proven with absolute certainty that he had died by Ng's hand. All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. With the ID of one missing person and the vehicle of another, investigators knew they had potential murder cases. Who is the right director or screenwriter for it? We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,.css-47aoac{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#A00000;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-47aoac:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}contact us! Ng enlisted in the U.S. Marines. Getty ImagesCharles Ng at the Orange County Superior Court after being found guilty of 11 murders. Biography and associated logos are trademarks of A+E Networksprotected in the US and other countries around the globe. From Freddy to Michael to Norman Bates, icons abound. He was expelled from several schools, the first time for starting a fire in a classroom, and the second from a boarding school in England (where his parents had sent him in hopes of straightening out his behavior) for stealing from classmates and shoplifting.   Charles Ng is still on deathrow, he should have been executed years ago. But now with Ng as an accomplice, Lake could embark on a gruesome killing spree that lasted close to two years. Lake had installed a one-way mirror in this room so he could watch his captives (per All That's Interesting), also giving a view to the significant others of the victims that he and Ng were sometimes also able to imprison. Investigators found evidence in the car he was driving that helped them track Lake and Ng back to a small compound in Calaveras County, where they began to uncover evidence of the slayings. By what name was The Miranda Murders: Lost Tapes of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng (2017) officially released in Canada in English? After killing the victims by either strangling or shooting them, they would often bury them in shallow graves on the property, though there is evidence that some were also dismembered and burned and their remains shattered. On the wall of the larger room, 21 photos of nude and partially dressed women are pinned. At one point, one victim asks Leonard Lake why they are doing this to her, to which Lake calmly replies, "Because I hate you." Ng was apprehended in Canada later in 1985. But of course, Ng still played his best card, wanting again to change lawyers while filing oblique motions. Ng maintained his innocence throughout the trial, pushing a narrative that he was acting merely on the direction of Lake because he wanted to make him proud. This is what sexual sadist Charles Ng muttered to his victim, 19-year-old mother Brenda OConnor, as she was pleading for her life in his homemade snuff video. At the station, before he was even interviewed, he took the pill and killed himself. We are pretty, ha ha, coldhearted, so to speak. Revised/updated 2016 third edition, NOW on KINDLE AMAZON Make your choice,' Lake told the woman, according to the transcript. 4.3 1 h 18 min 2017 18+. On Feb. 11, 1999, the jury found Ng guilty of 11 murders. In July the next year, he was found guilty by the jury on almost all counts and sentenced to death. Ngs father would later admit to beating him regularly. Lake and his wife would even film pornos of themselves role playing his work with the Mirandas and would give people in their swinger groups these porns. He can kill and not even think about it. Lakes three-acre property was now an immense archaeological site with the Calaveras County specialists digging, brushing, sifting at every grid point. Their friendship was interrupted shortly after becoming acquainted when Ng was jailed for stealing weapons and going AWOL during his very brief stint in the U.S. Marines. How fucked up is that? Eventually, enough human teeth, clothing, jewelry and documents are unearthed to indicate the murders of perhaps two dozen souls. In total, Ng's legal battle with the state of California cost over $20 million. He was charged and convicted of shoplifting, felonious assault and possession of a concealed firearm and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. Serial Killers - Charles Manson committed one of the most terrifying crimes in American history. Create an account 141 Leonard Lake's Tape ( youtube.com) submitted 2 years ago by RoxanneeC to r/MorbidReality NSFW The jury also was shown a short clip in which Ng's alleged crime partner, Leonard Lake, describes his plan to capture young women and hold them as sexual slaves in special cells built in the basement of his home. Inside was a bed equipped with a foam pad alongside a bucket and rolls of toilet paper (via WWAYTV3). Lake was born in San Francisco, California, on October 29, 1945. Leonard Thomas Lake (October 29, 1945 - June 6, 1985), also known as Leonard Hill and a variety of other aliases, was an American serial killer. Around this time, Lake became obsessed with the idea of a global nuclear war and developed a kind of survivalist paranoia and with it an obsession with guns. Contents 1 Backgrounds 1.1 Leonard Lake 1.2 Charles Ng 1.3 Criminal Activities and killings 2 Arrest, Lake's suicide, and Ng's conviction 3 Modus Operandi 4 Known Victims Not only that, they allowed her to go clean up before the police executed the warrant. Claveria, Jenna Keefner, and Theresa Ireland. The lawyer told the court that it would take another three years for him to prepare Ngs case. The film is the true story of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng, two former veterans who between . At least one of the pictured women is identified from a missing persons file. Investigators walked into Lakes cabin and into a horrific nightmare where none of them would ever sleep well again. No execution date has been set, as he is appealing his conviction. Ng fled the scene, but when police questioned Lake at the precinct, he identified Charles Ng as his accomplice - and then swallowed two cyanide capsules he had taped to his lapel. And so, what they called Project Miranda (Miranda is the name they gave all women, which ought to be sign number one of their value in Ng and Lakes eyes) began. 'If you dont go along with us, we'll probably take you into the bed, tie you down, rape you, shoot you, and bury you. When Lake told this to Ng, however, he was all in. When many of the dead are believed to have come from the Bay Area, a special task force is organized from San Francisco to assist in the now overflowing case. Canada kept Ng in jail to serve for the crimes committed in Calgary (he had also shot a security officer while being detained for the shoplifting). For the next year, Lake and Ng would torture and kill 25 or more victims on this remote property. The trial finally took place in 1999 and lasted eight months. He remained a fugitive for a month but was once again caught shoplifting. And when I'm tired or bored or not interested, I simply want to put her away, lock her up in [her cell], get her out of my sight, out of my life.Lake in one of his video tapes. Would that be something youve never heard of? In October of 1979, he was arrested in relation to a hit and run accident and forced to pay for damages. Up on how 33 of the murder of six men, three women and two baby boys Networksprotected in Sierra! Cyanide pill and killed himself two weeks before finding Ng guilty of 11 murders attempted. Charged with a knife and joined the USMC and any donations will not be tax-deductible forced to perform sexual for... Visit the family next door for another raid met Lake no good wont any... Miles outside San Francisco placed a classified ad offering the sale of his video camera be.. 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