how many press secretaries did clinton have

In modern presidencies, the Public Papers title usually includes the words "News Conference," but not always. helping the President prepare for press conferences, handling press our government and the rewards of public service. Our collection includes over 6000 press briefings mostly starting with Clinton. opportunity to communicate both information and enthusiasm about what the Press secretaries act as the primary spokesperson for the United States Government and the President, senior executives, and policies. ", This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 16:31. [3]:25 As private secretary, Tumulty dealt extensively with the press. The modern idea of a press conference dates from the Eisenhower Administration. Carter said he "probably knows me better than anyone except my wife."[13]. [3]:4 While the modern equivalent of a private or personal secretary to the president of the United States would be more narrowly concerned with the care and feeding of the president,[4] the small size of the White House staff at that point meant that Nicolay interacted with the press occasionally in carrying out his duties. [3]:13 Though he was not given the formal title of private secretary to the president until later and the term press secretary had not yet been conceived, Cortelyou was highly respected by the press and William McKinley's biographer, Margaret Leach, called Cortelyou "the first of the presidential press secretaries". Lyndon Johnson confided in Salinger but distrusted the media and hobbled his next three press secretaries. The following chart and table reflect turnover among the most influential positions within the executive office of the president. "A watershed in White House journalism: Explaining the post-1968 rise of aggressive presidential news. Insiders who participate in high-level decision-making do better at explaining policy; the press has less confidence in outsiders, Towle concludes. Another interesting example is a surprise Obama appearance in the Press Briefing Room in 2012 that looks a lot like a News Conference. [3]:32 Tumulty also worked to clarify embargo rules for the press, ordering that the exact time a press embargo was lifted be noted on the confidential information that was being released. [3]:11 Competitor newspapers responded by sending their own reporters to cover the White House in a daily, sustained way and soon the White House had reporters dedicated to covering the "White House beat". The manner in which Early approached his portfolio and increasingly high-profile nature of the job have led many to state that Early is the first true White House press secretary, both in function and in formal title. What are the dimensions of the White House? PresidentRonald Reagan preferred to present himself and his policies in venues other than a formal presidential press conference. [3]:77 Early also came under fire for the rules surrounding African American journalists not being allowed to attend presidential press conferences. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax She was the Democratic Partys presidential candidate in 2016 and In replacing Jay Carneyin front of the media today, Josh Earnest becomes the 30th presidential press secretary since the post was created 85 years ago, according to Towson University professor Martha Joynt Kumar, a leading expert and author on White House communications. [12], When President Eisenhower suffered a heart attack in Denver in September 1955, and underwent abdominal surgery the following year, Hagerty brought news to the nation in a calm and professional manner. Early in the Trump Administration, the White House did not prepare transcripts of many of President Trump's "exchanges.". An interesting example is a Kennedy conference from 1961. "Presidential influence of the news media: The case of the press conference.". In those circumstances, the date of the individuals departure. The media had changed significantly by 1884, when Grover Cleveland was elected as president of the United States. accurately and completely as possible. News Conference (or Press Conference) vs Press Briefing. And then there were ten: With 85% turnover across President Trumps A Team, who remains? [3]:29 During the first such news conference, over one hundred reporters crowded into Wilson's office to ask him questions. In other words, Clinton was wrong when she said her lawyers went through every single email and were overly inclusive in what they provided to the State Department. must be ready to face the media and answer their questions for the day. Press Secretary Mike McCurry started the practice of televising the daily press briefings. The plans lacked Congressional support and were not carried out. "Questioning the president: Examining gender in the White House press corps.". At one point, after asking if they had been well fed in Key West, Truman said, I dont ask you about the drinks, because I know you get enough of that.. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Jay Carney is the White House Press Secretary. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. 1 Did not brief the press after being wounded in the Reagan assassination attempt.2 De facto Press Secretary (as White House Deputy Press Secretary).3 Did not brief the press while Stephanopoulos was Communications Director. [3]:9 In an editorial, the New York World defended the right of the press to cover the president at all times: The idea of offending the bachelor sensitiveness of President Cleveland or the maidenly reserve of his bride has been far from anybody's thoughtWe must insist that the President is public property; that it is perfectly legitimate to send correspondents and reporters to follow him when he goes on a journey, and to keep watch over him and his family. Briefings have usually been frequent--sometimes daily--meetings of the White House Press Corps with the Press Secretary (and/or others). [3]:55 Relations between the Hoover administration and the press continued to decline. As Towson University Professor Martha Kumar, a historian of presidential communications, observed in Politico Press conferences are a place where presidents establish the legitimacy of their ideas and call for public support.. [3]:25 When he was elected president two years later, he brought Tumulty with him to the White House, where Tumulty served as private secretary to the president. [6] The nascent press corps' appreciation for Cortelyou's responsiveness is similar to how a modern White House press secretary's responsiveness to the press corps can shape their positive or negative view of him or her. An exchange with reporters typically happens incidentally alongside some other meeting or event. [3]:43. 4Two press secretaries served a month or less in the post. A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, a separate story that provides more details, Clinton repeatedly claimed that she did not send or receive any information that was marked classified in her personal emails. President William Howard Tafts limited interactions with the press, compared to his predecessor, led to accusations of withholding news. [3]:75 A congressional investigation several years later revealed that across government, fewer than 150 employees were engaged in public relations along with an additional 14 part-time workers. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California. President Ford's first secretary was Jerald F. terHorst he resigned in protest when Ford pardoned Nixon. [3]:31 Wilson often requested that reporters not publish answers given in these settings and on one occasion threatened to cancel the news conferences when a reporter revealed comments he had given regarding Mexico. Under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Stephen Early expanded the role of Reporters who regularly covered the White House became alarmed at rumors that the Congressional Standing Committee of Correspondents would be entrusted with choosing reporters for a series of regular press conferences planned by President Woodrow Wilson. The press secretary is responsible for collecting information about actions and events within the president's administration and around the world, and interacting with the media, generally in a daily press briefing. A main take-away: Presidents have many avenues for providing information to the Press, and different Presidents combine them in different ways. There, Mr. Lockhart briefs them on the President's schedule for Sources: Multiple news websites, LinkedIn,, and other government websites. As a candidate for president, Dwight D. Eisenhower tapped James Hagerty, a former reporter for the New York Times, to be his press secretary. Consider interviews both on and off the record and deliberate "leaks" of information indirectly. Clinton said none of them contained classified information. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Its worth noting that Steve Early, who spent a dozen years working for Roosevelt, actually returned briefly (for about two weeks) to work for Truman in 1945. Every single email. [3]:3 For example, the Gazette of the United States won an early U.S.Treasury contract and was supportive of then-president Washington. 2The longest-serving press secretary was Steve Early, who worked for President Franklin Roosevelt for 12 years, from March 1933 until March 1945. Alternatively, the President may decide at the end of remarks to respond to questions from reporters. [3]:14 Around the time of the outbreak of the SpanishAmerican War in 1898, the reporters covering the White House were invited into the mansion itself and provided with space to write, conduct interviews, and generally cover the White House. ALSO SEE: Table showing length of time in days from presidents taking office until their first solo news conference. Press briefings rarely involve the President--notable exceptions involved Trump's participation in Coronavirus Task Force Press briefings. window.__simplechart_public_path__ = window.__simplechart_public_path__ || He requested having unfettered access to the president, having his quotes and statements directly attributable to him as press secretary, and offering as much factual information to the press as it became available. [3]:74 During the administration, U.S. News reported that "The machinery for getting and giving the news runs about as smoothly as could be wished from either side. [2], During the United States' early years, there was not a single designated staff person or office responsible for managing the relationship between the president and the growing number of journalists and media entities that were covering him. On January 25, 1961, John F. Kennedy became the first president to hold a live televised news conference, showing his comfort with members of the media. the day and finds out what questions they have. The The executive offices were moved from the Second Floor of the White House to the newly erected Temporary Executive Offices, later known as the West Wing. The president has appeared in numerous one-on-one televised interviews and briefer question-and-answer sessions. After the inspectors general reported its findings, Clinton and her campaign amended their public statements to say that she did not send or receive information that was marked classified. John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters. Hillary Clinton was a U.S. senator from 2001 to 2009 and secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The information includes items such as a summary of the president's schedule for the day, whom the president has seen, or had communication and the official position of the administration on the news of the day. On March 6, 1933,First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt became the first First Lady to hold an official press conference. 1The first man to officially hold the post of press secretary was George Akerson, who served President Herbert Hoover from March 1929 until February 1931. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Stephen Early expanded the role of Press WebHe was appointed to this position by President Herbert Hoover in 1929 and served until 1931. Among those several thousand work-related emails that were not provided to the State Department, Comey said, three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received; one at the secret level and two at the confidential level. As the official spokesperson for the leader of our country, the Press [3]:67 When Roosevelt was nominated on James Cox's ticket as the vice presidential nominee in 1920, he asked Early to serve as an advance representative. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has denied mishandling classified information ever since theNew York Timeson March 2, 2015, disclosed that Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state.. ", George Akerson faces the press during President Hoover's [3]:3 It was not until after President Abraham Lincoln's administration that Congress formally appropriated funds for a White House staff, which at first consisted merely of a secretary. By 1930, the position of press secretary was established. Unlike the trackers above dedicated to the presidents A-Team, these resources look at every departure from the presidents Cabinet, even if multiple people have occupied the same position. After January 19, 1955, PresidentDwight D. Eisenhowers Press Secretary James C. Hagerty permitted radio, television, and newspaper equipment to record coverage of news conferences. (Thesis. A: There is currently no strong evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy causes autism or ADHD in children. This data is compiled and tracked by Brookings nonresident senior fellow Kathryn Dunn Tenpas, who refers to this group of advisers as the presidents A-Team. The list of positions that make up the A-Team is based on National Journal Decision Makers editions, and Tenpass methodology is described in detail in a related piece published in January 2022. 3There have been two women who have served as press secretary. a related piece published in January 2022, Information on the Cabinet is available below, The Biden A-Team after 24 months: A significant uptick in year two departures, A-Team turnover in the Biden administration: A return to normalcy. meet with many young people, and he often encourages them to learn more about The White House Press Secretary is the primary spokesperson for the White House. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. In traveling with the President, Mr. Lockhart has the opportunity to 5Several press secretaries went directly from a journalism job to the White House: Theodore Joslin (Boston Evening Transcript) for Herbert Hoover; Stephen Early (Paramount News and Associated Press and United Press before that) for Franklin Roosevelt; Charles Ross (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) for Truman; Joseph Short (Baltimore Sun) for Truman; Jerald terHorst (Detroit Free Press) for Ford; Ronald Nessen(NBCNews and earlier United Press International) for Ford;and, Tony Snow (Fox News and earlier Detroit News) for George W. Bush. The White House press secretary is a senior White House official whose primary responsibility is to act as spokesperson for the executive branch of the United States federal government, especially with regard to the president, senior aides and executives, as well as government policies. [3]:72, Though some reporters were unsatisfied with the amount of real news or new information they were getting from the press conferences, the Roosevelt administration under Early's leadership was considered by many to be effective at managing the White House's relationship with the press. Update: This post has been changedto reflect Tony Snow worked at the Detroit News, not the Detroit Free Press. [2], Beginning in 1898, the White House allowed journalists covering the administration into the White House to conduct their writing and interview guests of the president. Willards model of progressive religion is evident today in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I did not send or receive any emails marked classified at the time. Prior to the 1880s and the presidency of Grover Cleveland, the relationship between the president, his administration, and the small but growing number of newspapers covering him was such that there was little need for a formal plan or designated spokesperson to manage it. It is important to note the following: if ( ! US media has the lowest credibility, 26%, among 46 nations, according to The press secretary is responsible for collecting information about actions and events within the president's administration and issues the administration's reactions to developments around the world. The death of a chief executive, regardless of the circumstancessudden or expected, still in office or decades lateris alwa Gerald Ford was an avid swimmer, swimming twice a day in his backyard pool in Alexandria, Virginia. [3]:3132, Joseph Tumulty also put into place a more regular schedule of briefing the press. [12] Hagerty had previously been press secretary for New York governor Thomas E. Dewey during his two tries for the presidency. Michael J. Towle weighs four factors determining the success and popularity of all seven press secretaries 1953 to 1980. The Party Politics of Presidential Rhetoric (Cambridge University Press. Mr. Lockhart's other duties include The count for turnover among Joe Bidens administration is ongoing. [3]:16 The correspondents relied on him for information and his tenure as private secretary was noteworthy for some of the same working traits modern press secretaries have become popular for,[5] including providing information to reporters later in the evening if events had transpired in the afternoon, offering advance copies of remarks prepared for the president, and ensuring reporters received transcripts of unprepared remarks made by the president while traveling, which were recorded by a stenographer. Woodrow Wilson held the first press conference on March 15, 1913. The first set of resources, immediately below, tracks turnover among senior-ranking advisers in the executive office of the president (which does not include Cabinet secretaries); the second set of resources tracks turnover in the Cabinet. For all media inquiries, contact [3]:4 Though the title and establishment of the roles and responsibilities of the press secretary job was still decades in the future, the small and growing White House staff was increasingly interacting with a growing number of professional journalists and mass media entities covering the president and the White House. Towle, Michael J. The position has often been filled by individuals from news media backgrounds: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Since its founding, the Association has given more than $100 million to the White House in fulfillment of its mission. ". Mr. Carney became the White House Press Secretary on 2011 February 11. Its also likely that there are other work-related emails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not produce to State, and the lawyers then cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery. Secretary has one of the most important jobs at the White House. Coolidge data from Lyn Ragsdale, Vital Statistics on the Presidency (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1998), 170-71.Roosevelt - present data compiled by Gerhard Peters, The American Presidency Project. He held about six conferences a year and usually staged them in the East Room at night. President Theodore Roosevelt had the West Wing built in 1902 in order to house the growing contingency of journalists. Indeed in several early instances (e.g., Coolidge, Hoover), reporters submitted questions in writing, and the President selected which to answer. [3]:3 The relationship between government and the press was not as inherently adversarial and arms length as in modern times. Other Black men followed in Hatchers footsteps, including Arthur Jones, who was a deputy press secretary for President Bill Clinton, and Bill Burton, who worked for In the early afternoon, Mr. Lockhart calls a formal press briefing in Throughout the rest of the In 1929, Lou Hoover became the first to have multiple secretaries a total of four by the time she left the White House. [3]:47 Akerson did not have the formal title of "press secretary", but was the designated person to speak on behalf of President Hoover. Earlier this year, as 300 days passed without a formal briefing, a bipartisan group of past administration press secretaries called for restoration of the daily briefings. Under Carter, Jody Powell followed the Hagerty model, and was also judged successful. Baron, the former director of litigation at the National Archives, told us that what Clinton described is what should have been done. When the lights in the Press Room dim for President Harry Truman proposed a major West Wing expansion that would add a studio and auditorium for press briefings. Hagerty remained press secretary for eight years, still the record for longest time served in that position. We have examined press briefings in an Analysis. Robert Pierpoint of CBS became the first non-print media journalist to be elected head of the WHCA. [3]:78 When African American reporters from daily publications requested access to the conferences, Early reportedly told them to seek accreditation from Capitol Hill press officers, which was another sometimes insurmountable challenge. [11] Roosevelt held well over 300 press conferences during his first term. As an advance representative, Early traveled ahead of the campaign, arranged for logistics and attempted to promote positive coverage for the candidates. [3]:42 The term "White House spokesman" was used extensively for the first time during the Coolidge administration, as press conference rules mandated that reporters could attribute quotes or statements only to a "White House spokesman" and not directly to the president himself. [3]:7 In general, though coverage of the president could be harsh and opinionated, newspapers were to some degree extensions of the political party apparatus and subsequently not seen as entities requiring specific, sustained management by the White House or administration. Its highly likely that their search missed some work-related emails and that we later found them, for example in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server. Some of the emails containing classified information boremarkings indicating the presence of classified information, contrary to Clintons claims that none was marked classified. Carney became the White House Press Secretary on 2011 February 11. [3]:75 This is a significant increase given that White House staff numbered at 11 in total when Roosevelt took office. [3]:65, During the administration of presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, journalist Stephen Early became the first White House secretary charged only with press responsibilities. Experts generally agree that James C. Hagerty, under Eisenhower, set the standard by which later press secretaries are judged. This link will take you to Press Briefings during the Biden Administration. On May 13, 2022, Karine Jean-Pierre replaced Jen Psaki and became the 35th White House press secretary. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. At a Dec.8, 1949,press conference in Key West, Florida, where Truman vacationed, the president turned inquisitor, asking of the assembled journalists: What time each one of you went to bed last night. [1], President Richard Nixon had the press briefing room constructed in 1970, covering the indoor swimming pool, to host the briefings. The media pays more attention to secretaries who are allowed to elaborate, and expound on the president's thoughts, and answer probing questions. There is no classified material. Because of that methodology, Comey said it is highly likely the lawyers search missed some work-related emails. 7Press secretaries can also be used as presidential props. WebWith live television a presidential resource, presidents have increased their contacts with reporters. [3]:42 During his over five years in office, Coolidge held approximately 520 press conferences, which averaged out to nearly 8 per month. This is often while the President is moving from one location to another and pauses to take questions from reporters (e.g. And, he said, some of them may be included among the several thousand work-related emails discovered by the FBI that were not among the 30,000 provided by Clinton to the State Department in 2014. [3]:67, When President Roosevelt won the presidency in 1932, he chose Early to be his secretary responsible for handling the press, or as the role was becoming known, "the press secretary". The term "news conference" refers simply to an interaction between the President and multiple members of the press in a relatively formal setting. "Presidential News Conferences." [3]:71 Unlike some of his predecessors who filled the role, Early routinely prepared Roosevelt for press conferences, bringing the president's attention to issues that might come up, suggesting the appropriate answers, and even planting questions or issues with certain reporters. 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