how can mikael drink vampire blood

When his son Kol, now in the body of a witch, was invited to the cabin by Davina and secretly searched the room with the white oak stake inside and found it, Mikael stopped him and confronted him. As the father of the Original Vampires, he was the oldest and one of the most powerful vampires in the TVD universe. They are required to drink human blood to get the proper nourishment for their survival. Mikael also admitted that he had burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children. It is not proper nourishment. $5.47. Mikael is the first of only two people who were able to wound, Mikael met his wife Esther when Vikings attacked her home and kidnapped her and. Mikael then revealed his true identity and admitted that he had been observing Marcel before informing him that he knew he would do anything to get out from under Klaus' wing, even if it meant calling the one man on earth who hates Klaus the most, Mikael the Destroyer. Despite having told her he wouldn't feed on her, he contemplated changing his mind since his wound from Papa Tunde's blade wasn't healing. It refers to him as a Hunter of Original Vampires, as well as being the first vampire hunter to exist, as well as identifying he is an Original Vampire, who hunts other vampires. Before being executed by Klaus, without a fight in a sneak attack, Mikael's last words were how he was sorry and loved Freya. Walking into the theater, Mikael seated himself behind Klaus and pointed the white oak stake at his back, right next to his heart, while Klaus sat, clearly horrified. And also if maybe damon or stefan or anyone who is a vampire drinks another vampire's blood, then . However, Mikael insisted that he could indeed kill Klaus, and that he will as soon as he was freed from his chains. Hayley quickly becomes afraid because she thinks she is dead and starts worrying about the baby, Mikael tells her that the child never had a chance, and tells her of how her bloodline is filth enough and she made it worse by merging it withKlaus'. No, I wasn't born like this. He appeared in the first season via flashbacks and was eventually brought back to life. Mikael asked Stefan a few questions about Klaus' plans and his current location, but Stefan could not answer them because Klaus had compelled him not to tell anyone his secrets. Over the centuries, I've learned to feed from the predator, not the innocent.". But there was a time when you knew me as your son! Like the other Originals, Mikael used to dress in an aristocratic manner, most reflecting his son, Elijah's attire. Pour corn syrup onto a small plate, and the sprinkles onto another plate. He appeared in the first season via flashbacks and was eventually brought back to life. Mikael realized that his wife was unfaithful to him and that Niklaus wasn't his son, and in his anger, he convinced Esther to cast a spell to keep Klaus' werewolf side dormant. He, along with Yu and a few others, possesses the seraph gene, where as a vampire, Mika is a special one believed to contain the Michaela trait. Mikael began by instructing Elena to dagger him temporarily so Stefan wouldn't technically be lying when he told Klaus that Mikael tried to kill Elena, forcing her to dagger him to protect herself. Esther obeyed Mikael's wishes and performed a variation of the Immortality Spell created by Qetsiyah, which involved calling upon the sun for life and the eternal white oak tree for immortality, and also added traits like super strength, super speed, fangs, and heightened senses that would all be superior to werewolf powers, so his family could fight back against the beasts that mauled his youngest son to death. Mikael also went after his stepson while weakened with werewolf venom, and later Papa Tunde's blade, rather than wait until he was fully recovered. Mikael knew the truth of Esther's murder and his hate for Klaus only grew more intense, vowing to kill him for destroying his family. Is hope stronger than Klaus? Unlike the relationships Mikael had with his other children, this one was the most profound as was the apparent loss of Freya that shaped Mikael into a cold and vicious man. Rebekah then proposed that he bring Mikael into town, knowing it would cause Klaus to flee in seconds. Demi-Demon Blood - Vampire becomes an unwilling slave of the demi-demon. As he butchered a few wolves, he was met by Esther, who told him that he could stop trying to hunt down Ansel since Klaus had already killed him, noting that he may not be his blood, but Klaus had inherited Mikael's violent nature. Klaus threw Mikael's staff through the cabin window, knocking Davina out. For blood that's in an actor's mouth, some new formulations taste like mint and are safe for ingestion. This isn't usually an issue because people can lose up to 30% of their blood supply before needing a transfusion. In order to create a vampire, a human must be drained of their blood by a vampire and the blood lost needs to be replaced by some of the vampire's blood. Secondly, you can use your Vampire powers to compel the Sim and get them to submit, providing Plasma in either small or large amounts. He explained that once he fed, he'd be back to full strength. Elijah, who had just recovered from his own staking, showed up just in time to help his siblings free, and he insisted that Marcel was as good as dead, as Mikael was feeding on him to replenish his strength. Mikael, after a failed team up with his children against Dahlia, was executed by Klaus for a second time, in order to procure the Viking ash Mikael's corpse would leave behind, to make another weapon against Dahlia, all in front of Freya, which devastated her. "You're a vampire, Elena. Klaus' birth renewed Mikael's hope in his family but he was never the same man as he once was as his later personality can be described calculating, meticulous, aggressive, bad tempered and prideful - which Hayley described as "being a dick". Mikael was the patriarch of the Mikaelson Family . Despite sharing similar views on vampires, Finn views Mikael as a monster. The traits of modern-day vampires are pretty well established. Mikael named his Viking sword Rathul, after the early morning sun. Was mikael the first vampire? The original family of vampires create Tristan and Aurora. Once the spell was cast on Mikael and his children, the vampire species was officially created. Klaus managed to hold his own in the duel but Mikael once again overpowered him, stabbing him with the white oak stake. 7th, 8, and 9th generation vampires must drink human blood. Damon was unimpressed by Mikael's interrogation and jokingly asked if this was the extent of his capabilities. When Mikael informed her that he didn't feed on the living, Katherine became confused, until Mikael pulled her toward him and bit into her neck, much to her horror, drinking her blood until she fell unconscious. Had it not been for Elijah, she would have gone through with the act. He had said it would remind him of her while he was in battle, and that she would be by his side no matter how far afield he traveled. Mikael said solemnly that he did not know, and just did. Mikael was able to stake Klaus with the White Oak Stake after a vicious battle (it should be noted that the latter was forced to let his guard down, when Mikael threw Papa Tunde's Blade at Camille, Klaus had to save his friend's life); however, Davina and Kol temporarily drained the stake of it's power, allowing Klaus to recover once pulled out before it was reactivated. Large increase in power observed. Mikael has a deep hatred of Klaus, caused by the latter killing Henrik, then later murdering Mikael's wife and turning his family against him, (disregarding the fact that Henrik's death was an accident, that he was indirectly responsible for Esther's death when he convinced her to suppress Klaus' werewolf nature, and that his children were already against him for constantly physically abusing Klaus until, he was an adult; as well as the fact that he physically abuse his biological children if any of them tried to stop him from physically abusing Klaus), however, Mikael didn't always hate Klaus, as when he was born he was overjoyed and loved him, he even named him, however, as Klaus grew up, he acted differently to his siblings and Mikael began to see him as weak and thus he acted negative towards him, Mikael tends to degrade his worth and often referred to Klaus as "boy" rather than his given name. He drank from Vamps out of choice and not out of necessity. He also was never shown talking about Freya.,, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Monster Who Monsters are Afraid of, The Worst of All Monsters, Old Man, He had the weapons and the determination to, Klaus eventually got the upper hand (and the. His reply was:"I had a hand in creating vampires, but the bloodlust was never my intention. There are lots of considerations when it comes to fake blood, which has come a long way since the days of chocolate syrup (used in Hitchhock's Psycho) or the classic combo of corn syrup and red dye. When Klaus answered the door to find Mikael on the porch, he told his step-father that his hybrids have been given orders to kill Mikael at his command. Just a quarter of a teaspoonful is enough to initiate the process of turning. Mikael became furious and grabbed his sword from her before leaving the room. Anything that can be used to feed a real blood-drinking animal (vampire bat, biting insect, lamprey) is acceptable. Klaus convinced his siblings that Mikael had murdered their mother, probably out of anger for her infidelity, and they all ran from their father, fleeing back to the Old World. Mikael promised Marcel that he would leave Rebekahunharmed, as she was always his favorite, but he wanted his sons' exact location so he could kill Klaus. He added, "Niklaus is an abomination. Upon feeding, Mikael's body returned to its natural, undesiccated state, but he became angry at Katherine for feeding him human blood, though he did not go into detail as to why that bothered him before he fell asleep again. Hours later, Mikael awoke again and apologized to Katherine for his behavior before revealing that he has abstained from drinking human blood for as long as he can remember. A more recent testament to his strength has been shown where he single-handledly slaughtered Werewolves wearing Moonlight rings and once again, overpowered his son, Elijah. In Alive and Kicking, Davina is trying to find a way to unlink Marcel and Josh from Klaus' sire line but she isn't able to do it. Klaus then staked Mikael for a second and final time, executing his step-father without a fight. Her goal was that Alaric would become the ultimate vampire hunter like her husband Mikael before him, and would rid the world of the "plague" she believed she caused. However, vampires cannot survive on their own blood. Drinking blood isn't what Hollywood makes it out to be, according to real-life vampires. They lived in peace with their neighbors at first, hiding in caves during the wolves' transformations, during which time Mikael and Esther had more children: Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. Mikael is the reason vampires came to exist, it was his idea to turn his children and himself into immortals with superpowers superior to werewolves, where they could then sire more of their kind as ordinary vampires. He is the father . He also remembers that Rebekah tried to kill him in his sleep. A vampire might drink his own blood if cut off from all blood supplies. Blood has about 700 calories per liter . Katherine chose to ignore her warning, and she and Jeremy eventually located his tomb in Charlotte, North Caroline. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Not even once - not to his wife or children, (although the loss of his first born child was understandable, this did not excuse his behavior for what he did to Klaus and his other children). They almost overcame Dahlia together, but she was too strong and destroyed their weapon to kill her. . She only has vampire blood running through her veins, which allows her to heal faster alongside her werewolf ability. Niklaustried to apologize, but Mikael saw him as a weakling and starts severely beating him, using the justification that his punishments would make Niklaus stronger. He overpowers his son and prepares to drive the White Oak Stake into his heart when Marcel recovers Davina's bracelet, allowing her to regain control over him. Marcel and Hayley arrived, using their combined strength to hold off Mikael. Mikael doesn't like Klaus for two reasons, the first reason is that somehow he knew when he was a child that Klaus was different, Klaus tries to compensate and tries to hard, which only infuriates Mikael and causes him to discipline and taunt and downright brutalize Klaus. Elijah toldHayley that for a 1000 years Mikael had hunted them, even away fromNew Orleans, where they were happiest of all. Mikael then starts to mock Klaus. Mikael didnt want to drink human blood, so he only drank vampire blood. Stay indoors most of the time for a pale look. ~ Blood prank - scary! For a thousand years, Mikael tried to destroy Klaus, but during this time, still loved his biological family, telling Rebekah that she and the others were never who he was after. Once Elijah insisted that he was standing with his brother, Mikael stake him with a regular stake, leaving him incapacitated while Mikael left to go to the New Orleans Opera House. Is vampire blood capable of healing humans? Mikael entombed. He eventually formed an alliance with his wife, Esther, and a resurrected Finn, and vowed to stop at nothing to kill Klaus. Klaus then put Mikael in a trunk, sparing him so he'd suffer, but Mikael managed to pull the blade from his own chest, the only Original who was strong enough and had enough willpower to do so. As said above Mikael has over-powered Klaus while still weakened with werewolf venom, and Klaus was far from calm in said fight and should Klaus ever become enraged or transform completely into his Werewolf form, Mikael still has superior fighting skills and a tolerance for werewolf venom, making a werewolf's primary attack, its bite, useless. Mikael was the reason Klaus was in hiding when Elijah and Klaus were introduced in TVD, as he vanished from the world due to being imprisoned by Abby Bennett, causing Klaus to become so paranoid he decided to withdraw from society completely as explained in TO season three. However, Mikael has shown multiple cruel and sadistic traits (far worse then Klaus), mostly when it comes to the target of his hatred, Klaus. Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. When Freya awoke, he was no longer there as he had gone out to war. Elijah also says he should have killed his father the moment he laid a hand on Klaus. Freya proceeded to revive her father with a spell and a drop of her blood. Mikael is the first of many parents to be turned into vampires, followed by, Mikael was the one that caused the 1000+ blood feud between, Mikael was the only Original vampire that wasn't neutralized by the, Mikael is the first vampire shown to drink other. At the Witchescoven house,Davina Claireconvinces her friend Abigail to do asimple sence, so that they can connect with the spirit world and to connect with her friend Timothy. To do this, the gang needed Klaus to believe that Mikael had truly been neutralized, and their story needed to be as true as possible to limit the risk of Stefan's compulsion betraying their plans. Katherine broke the chains binding him, and when Mikael rubbed at his stiff elbows, she remarked that if he drank human blood, he would feel much better. In Farewell to Storyville, Elijah remembers how Mikael punished Niklaus when they were both children for missing a shot at a doe back in the 10th century. Mikael then revealed that he intended to humiliate Klaus before he killed him, and stated that he planned on killing everyone who knew Klaus existed, to ensure that no one would miss him after he was dead. But they needed a powerful witch to locate him. Stefan remains adamant that Elena steer clear of human blood, fearing the repercussions if she can't control her thirst. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the strawberries with the orange juice and sugar. Mikael later fed on party goers and Camille in a desperate attempt to heal himself which proved fruitless. are the procedures of transformation. Boris is an Original Vampire and the son of an alpha werewolf Ansel and Esther whom is an incredibly powerful witch. Mikael stated that together, they would be successful in their crusade and Finn responded by telling him that he could really use a man of his strength. It is not needed to survive. He was a loving and caring father for both of his children, but his favorite was his beloved daughter. Mikael then appeared behind Davina, calling her name and when she turned around, he was gone. In the 1990s, Mikael was desiccated and entombed by Abby Bennett Wilson when he came to town in search of the baby doppelgnger, Elena Gilbert. Upon seeing Klaus' first transformation as a true hybrid, Mikael stated, "He's a beast. When Evangeliya saw Mikael raise the white oak stake, she jumped between them, tackling Mikael to the ground, pinning him down and slashing her ring across his face while the other hand reached into his heart. View complete answer on Of all the Original vampires, Mikael can be considered the most threatening and proud. Mikael was enraged that Klaus was showing off and being foolish when the Vikings were fighting for their survival. Her you fight for; lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. Davina says he can't, and that she will let him kill Klaus when she finds a way to remove Marcel and Josh from Klaus' sire line with help from Esther's Grimoire. When Freya tried to reveal that she was the daughter he lost so long ago, Mikael angrily attacked her, calling her a liar. First, you can ask nicely if they'd give you a drink of blood. He is then staked by Mikael with theWhite Oak Stake, he tells him, "Greetings, boy." She then flees with Mikael. It should be noted that Mikael still had werewolf venom in his system during this fight as his wounds were still not fully healed. Mikael's skills were impressive enough that he had seemed to have single handedly slaughtered other raiders who had come to pillage and raid the village that he and his family lived in. He also absolutely refused to feed on human blood, even to free himself from desiccation. Klaus was furious with his mother for making his werewolf side dormant and seemed to murder her in revenge, putting the blame on Mikael. She is not required to drink vampire blood, cannot compel, and cannot use vamp speed. At this point, Mikael became a more strict father, becoming more cruel in teaching his children to survive, so he would not lose anymore children like he thought he lost Freya. Klaus speaks to Camille, Hayley and Elijah about dreaming of Mikael. Shortly after being turned, Elijah compelled Lucien Castle to believe he was Klaus, Tristan de Martel to believe he was Elijah, and Aurora de Martel to believe she was Rebekah, so that Mikael would hunt them in his children's place as a misdirection. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In the movies, vampires often feed on their victims until they expire. Mikael went outside, to confront his son. Dahlia tortured them both for specific acts, especially Mikael for taking her sister from her. Mothers love their children, fathers make them strong.Mikael.

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