harvest bible church scandal

MacDonald was manifestly not okay with the criticism. Thank you for your vulnerability. Thankful for the freedom you have found and are willing to speak up. However why now? While only a handful showed up, the range of their pain was wide. The reason why people are coming out now or again is because finally due to being outed on a National Radio program something is finally being done. Did you see the link to my web page. I grew up in the Church of Christ. Others will be hurtit is a matter of time. superstar pastors are always ,inevitably, trouble. I was pleasantly surprised to find that you know each other. I think he forgot Whose ministry it was. On February 12th, someone who sounded an awful lot like James MacDonald called into Mancow Mullers Chicago-area radio show to cuss out all of his perceived enemies. As Gods word says it would. To heal enough to communicate and receiving shaming comments like yours. God has been known to use even a donkey and a false pagan prophet to speak His word. Thank you for your openness and sharing! This did not happen to James, he did this, by sinning repeatedly. I didnt know you personally, but was a part of and benefited from the many programs that you offered through womens ministry. The Asbury Revival Is Over. Gods Timing Is ALWAYS Perfect! These churches do not usually belong to any denominational body; this means that these pastors have no body above them that they are accountable to. Praying for you for healing and for growth and strength during all of this. In Him, The ungodly jockying for power and control is still an issue in all our churches. Mike was genuinely shocked when we told him our son had Paxton as a camp counselor for whole week at Camp Harvest and we never received notice as HBC falsely told Daily Herald. Long story short he kicked my husband and I out of the church. Lina, thank you for your honesty. If so Id be in agreement but again- this is not a political post. We are stunned at the response of our pastor and a ministry leader who have declined to meet us as God directs us in Matthew 18. It was your Study that helped me be obedient to God. When I started Bible studies Harvest I was given a booklet and videos on everything bad about the Catholic Church. The edited . Why kick him and the church while their down Lina? It doesnt mean anything.. A book called the Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse really helped me and my wife to recover from our experience of confronting the pastor and then leaving the church. Then God led him to Harvest Bible Chapel. Go figure..Disappointed, Searching for a new study close by. What God Gives Black Americans That The Country Does Not, Baylor, Louisiana State University and More Colleges Report Revivals Happening on Campus, Why Asbury University Decided to End Revival Services This Week, Faith Leaders Push Back on Asbury Revival Criticism, Southern Baptists Expel Rick Warrens Saddleback Church for Ordaining a Female Pastor, GET OUR TOP 5 ARTICLES IN YOUR INBOX EACH WEEKDAY, This Story of a Fugitive Nun Who Faked Her Own Death to Escape a Convent Is Insane, Watch: Frozen 2s Trailer Promises an Epic, Possibly Darker Sequel, Dont Forget, Theres a Lot Right With the Church, Too, The Asbury Outpouring Has Come to a Close. On Monday morning, an edited version with the sermon only will be available on the Sermons and Studies page. Until recently, I thought I had escaped my fear by leaving Harvest, but I was still afraid. Politics and religion have a great affect on society, and both must be monitored to protect the people. We believe that disciples of Jesus profess that He is Lord, practice His Ways, and persevere in both their profession and practice. A former Harvest staffer was also reported to police last fall after being accused of embezzling $270,000 from the church. Thank goodness God is still God! Nice to hear from you again! Thanks for writing it. We are conditioned to believe that leaving silently is whats best for the church and in some cases thats true. I agree here. Your sincere desire to move us further in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Have you ever read this piece on how sick systems keep people controlled? And even then, it often doesnt work because so many remain enthralled with the narcissist, or have tied their fortunes to them, that they simply cant or wont see the truth. I wasnt happy with that but it had to be done! Because these leaders will continue this false deceitful way of life that flows from them so seamlessly, so easily, and with such persuasiveness. As painful as it is, all that has been hidden must be revealed. Thank you for this. 3:48. The unrest at Harvest began in the fall of 2013, when two elders were excommunicated and another was indirectly censured, Roys writes. 35The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil. This included an abusive and fear-based culture where those who question leadership are punished, she writes. I hope they succeed in bringing people back to the church! Lina, He says he gave about $1K in these 6 months, and regrets it. Agreed Sheila. You can read about the continued corruption and fraud here: Dan George's Resignation. Thank you Lina, 1 Timothy 5:20 That timeline accelerated, when on Tuesday morning highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald were given to media and reported, the church wrote. Now that these differences with MacDonald have come to resolution, our focus and full attention are on the future of Harvest Bible Chapel, they said. Im very certain you do not understand narcissists and how manipulative they are I recommend Dr. Ramani on YouTube as she is a great resource to gain understanding but the only chance to fight their evil is to bring it out into the light, expose them for what they truly are. The higher the leadership level was, the more protective of James they were. How long will we wait to begin the healing process within ourselves and between each other? This is an extra difficult time for the members and regular attenders of Harvest Bible Chapel. Throughout the week, there are opportunities for you to grow in your walk with Christ, to serve, and to connect with other people in the Rolling Meadows area. Less well known was that these individuals agreed to leave Harvest aloneto stop publicly criticizing the churchin exchange for a promise that the current elder board would enact changes. Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. I always wondered why you left but after reading The Elephants Debt I figured I knew why. No church is, because they are all filled with sinners like us. Our focus should be on Christ and Christ alone, not James MacDonald. Those who would shame someone for standing on the side of truth and grace have missed the mark. If hearing voices together of those who have truth helps, then now is the time to speak. www. Were they afraid? Pastor James made it political when he compared the era of President Trump to the era of Stalin the era of Hitler. Sign up to get our top five trending stories delivered every weekday! Then the board announced its executive committee would be resigning over the next few months. I should have left that week, but I was too afraid to cause damage to Jesus and His kingdom and the women I was leading at that time. At the start of the year, elders stated that his primary focus has transitioned from building our ministries to securing a healthy succession that sets all our ministries up to flourish in the next generation.. So Ill never forget the day I got up from my seat in a service, walked out, and never looked back. Brave. Now that all MacDonald men are gone and the elder board has been cut down to 9 men until a brand spanking new group of men are approved of, I am curious to see where this train goes. It never dawned on me that no one from HBC would reach out. Thank you for sharing your story, Lina. Sign up for our newsletter: The elders ordered church members to separate themselves from dissenters for fear of their souls; called MacDonalds critics behavior satanic to the core; and accused them carrying out an attack by Satan against MacDonald and Harvest. God is purifying His Church. They never acknowledged that they had done anything wrong. Sometimes they will require being nice. How dare you question her about why? Why? @Donna Is it possible that it is God Himself who is exposing these misdeeds? I think that this message has relevance to many situations today, including the present political situation. Pastor James this and Pastor James that. My current church I actually joined, unlike Harvest, and have been there five years and counting now. This was encouraging to read and I hope others take it to heart. Those are things we dont talk about often enough about. http://www.issendai.com/psychology/sick-systems.html. I have since moved on and seen God do some pretty amazing God-sized miracles in my life and ministry (evidently, God does work outside of the walls of Harvest Bible Chapel!). But, thats my opinion. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Like you, Lina, Ive listened to people wounded by sin, power grabs and wrongdoing by Church leaders. Speaking the truth and not cowering in the corner. What should we be planning for, praying for, and what did Jesus teach about? Thats when eight former elders sent a letter to the sitting elder board, warning them that MacDonald was disqualified for office, she said in a response posted Wednesday. this isnt meant to hurt you but to support those who need it. You are courageous! God has this situation in his hands he wasnt surprised by it. Harvest Bible Church is a non-denominational, non-charismatic, evangelical Protestant church located in Northwest Houston in the Cypress community. I totally agree with you Patti. Dont damage the church by being publicly critical. As of November, 2021, HBC is $34,000,000 in debt. I am thankful for JESUS that used Pastor James in my life. James MacDonald was forced out Tuesday night as senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel, a church he founded in Rolling Meadows some 30 years ago. The flock are the casualties in all of this. You are being bold and telling the truth and just wanted to encourage you.I always loved your passion for Gods Word and pray Gods blessing as you stand strong Him! Christs grace saves us and sustains us. Ill let the others fight that fight today. Lina, My wife and I also left our church several years ago. Thank you. for less than $4.25/month. I think that was his recruitment tactic. I asked my surgeon why the procedure is called radical, he replied that even the seminal vesicles have to be removed along with the prostate, otherwise the cancer may return! When you are in a position where fear dictates the position you cannot speak out while under that. Oh Kristy, Thank you so much for expressing exactly what I am feelingsuch sorrow, such heartbreaking sorrow. We are thankful and humbled by His care and protection of our family. I would ask you the same question? He went recently, saying the time had come. Linas testimoney is encouraging. Lina, this took courage and Im glad you said it. I have lived with fear in my life almost my entire life. The preacher has no support system to fall back on but must find a new church before the new hireling moves in. Hidden things have come to light. Both can be messy, but in the latter case, responsibility for that mess must be laid squarely at the feet of the abusive Elders who are sinning, not at the feet of Christs little ones, the oppressed members of Christs flock, who are being caused to stumble, nor at the feet of those attempting to triage the wounded and sound a warning to others who are in danger of being Jesus may be truly calling people to stay, and rebuild Harvest Bible Chapel. Now its a big business with Harvest all over the states. In announcing MacDonalds termination, Harvest elders stated they are committed to fulfilling our fiduciary duty as the leadership of this congregation, knowing that at times the outcome may be misunderstood or emotionally painful. What Happens Now? This is why Jesus did not come to this present church environment. Thank you for displaying what an honest and vocal Godly woman can look like. Its messy. Theyre gone. I thought something was off but had only my own suspicions to go on as we were told not to criticize. []. first Bill Hybels. I just want you to know that what you did at HBC mattered, and your presence is greatly missed. Just because its a church building with leaders doesnt mean that Christ is leading it. Her first year at college and her first visit to Harvest RM. , The elders of Harvest stand behind [Pastor MacDonalds] character and integrity without reservation. The church was growing at the time. Its ironic that you should post this today. In our case we have been pulled away from our church as well because of how we have been treated for our daughters actions. How about some GRACE !!! Quit pointing fingers, justifying why and stirring the pot. Theres a difference between stirring the pot and exposing false teachers as the Scriptures instruct us to do. Otherwise, the church must answer the same question, for that is one of the majors that Jesus gave us. All why surrounding himself w/yes men. God loves his Church and we can trust hell do what is necessary to preserve it. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Sports Betting Hits a New High: A Crisis in the Making? Press on in Truth with Grace and Peace. My daughter had been bullied by both Luke and James, in the presence of other adults, several times over her years in the youth group and yet I did not leave. A worship song says He gives and takes away, He gives and takes away, and still my heart will say Blessed be the name of the LORD!. Implying that the information on TED was lies. That, apparently, was what it took to get him fired. Thank you. You are open to correction, feeling hurt when it comes. Pray for James and Christs church that the LORD would accomplish what HE and HE alone is allowing. This should not be! Lina is right on. God is sovereign, He is the Healer, He is the Restorer, He is the Renewer, and He will continue to do what He is doing in order to bring about His will for His people. When I left my job I stayed at HBC for about another year before leaving entirely. It, honestly, has been the biggest source of my own sin and self inflicted suffering. There are people there I thought were my friend and as soon as my life takes a left turn and happens out of order (first came baby then came marriage and then another baby) I get ousted out and judged and hurt. Can Bubble Tea Bring Gen Z into the Chinese Church. hi liz, not really looking for a vote here. Gordon Zwirkoski, a former Harvest elder and the original director of HBF, told Roys that James MacDonald essentially wields ultimate authority at the church and cultivates a spirit of fear in the staff. Former Harvest employee Dave Jones says his church has welcomed dozens of Harvest refugees who show signs of spiritual abuse and are disillusioned.. Lina, Do you think God approves of pastors who deliberately scam their congregation for years, use his name for money and abuse people for the Almighty Dollar? We are the Church! The Lord has used you mightily before, during and after your exit from the toxic leadership at Harvest. In another incident at Camp Harvest, MacDonald reportedly stabbed a photo of a former Harvest pastor with a butter knife. He bullied his way into being paid multiple times for the work he was hired to so as the pastor, sermons and bible teaching. Im sorry that the doctrine that youve been taught says that life is about being kind and nice, rather than about being good. Fear is why leaders did not speak up until now. You do not know if she fasted or not, nor do you know if the Lord Himself brought her to this revelation. I left the church 4 years ago, the week after 3 elders were publiclyex-communicated on a cheap home made movie not worthy of one wasted second of the worship service. It isnt about timing. She did a awesome job as the judgment of God has come to his house. May God bless you for speaking truth and standing in the gap for those of us who dont have the circle of influence that you have. I enjoy both of you Christian ladies for the different gifts you both bring. Critics of the church are just bitter. 1. Amen Sister! Hence the Response Statement Regarding Pastor James and Anne Green yesterday on HBC in the news. Harvest and MacDonald had a contentious separation last year, when he lost the position he held for 30 years over inappropriate comments and harmful conduct stemming from his legal battle with people investigating the church. Harvest womans Tuesday bible study group has not studied a book of the Bible in a couple of years. The Lord knows and he keeps the books. And, at the same time, I know you to be a humble woman, easily impacted by negative, feedback. But, the truth is, I am ashamed to say, I should have left much sooner. Wow Nancy K, after all that has been said and done, seemingly over many years, it is startling to me that you would make such a commemtWow, Why? During his sabbatical, MacDonald had planned to preach at the. Life goes on people repent and grace is for everyone. The abuse I suffered first hand and working through the realizations and implications of that abuse have been traumatic. But your words affirmed what I suspected. Within days of their statement, MacDonald offered a public apology, admitting to careless and hurtful words and a regression into sinful patterns of fleshly anger and self-pity that wounded co-workers and others.. I want to thank you for having the courage to add your testimony to the voices of those who have been abused by HBC. Put faith in Gods justice and judgement upon all, now that sin has been exposed. Now you can stop going to church altogether and free your mind from religious delusion. May the love of Jesus Christ and his peace flood over you this day! I simply could not reconcile the lies that were shared from the pulpit with the truths that I knew regarding issues in the church. The problem definitely doesnt end with James. You wrote a blog about how an increase in tattoos was in some way related to a decline in holiness and you were a leader in the church? needless to say she did not go back and found a great church she was able to become a part of during her college years. Until then, you are still a wolf in sheeps clothing. An eight-month investigation into pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel, his Chicago-area megachurch, culminated last week with the publication of a World Magazine article by Julie Roys. I am so proud of Lina and she is speaking out the words that I would never say because I live in fear of that kind of authority. Im glad I have stood firm. Lastly, we need to comfort hurting today, she wrote. We are satisfied and grateful to our pastor for his Christlike behavior. Because there are others that need to also be held responsible. Thank you for teaching even in the midst of giving your testimony. For years, I kept believing the deception fed to the congregation by the elders. WHY NOW??? I do not believe your timing should be questioned. I cant imagine a person alive who couldnt look at their life and say the same thing in some area of their dealings with people. So many people have recently asked me why I left Harvest Bible Chapel when I did. She was obedient to Christ. The word of God and the flock were only mentioned at the end of the long list. Truth is truth. I will not blame those who suffer spiritual starvation for wolves like the James McDonalds, Joel Olsteens or Creflo Dollars (to name but a few), however designer churches and their false teachers are the direct results of people who refuse to be obedient and submissive to Gods will. He is doing a new thing, and I will stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ and praise his Holy name through it all. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. My experience was decades ago and in another state. Free of James fear. Your time at Harvest made a huge impact to my small group and strengthened my faith in Christ . I am ashamed to say that after being a member at Harvest for 8 years, that was the first real conversation I had had with an elder about the state of affairs of the church at that time. Sadly, this cancer has spread to other churches that were once part of the fellowship. Many many of us are praying for all of you in Naples. I am so happy that finally people are standing up and talk about it! Matthew 7:15: Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Im also going to sign up for LWP. Dull other times. for what its worth, the timing of the writing is His perfect timing. Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox! I should have walked out but, I too, was afraid. Harvest numbers 13,000 attendees across seven locations, and the church began affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention in 2015. People in leadership are there one day, and then poof! Youve blessed me when I heard you speak at a Harvest Womens event about 10 yrs ago, through your radio ministry and at an event you spoke at last year. Can you please contact me from the Contact button on my web page here? At my former church, I reached the point where I couldnt, in good conscience, stay because of the amount of bull-headed spiritual abuse that was going on combined with covering-up of sexual abuse. Thank you for your courage and for responding. It would be endearing to me and honoring to them. I am sorry that you experienced this fear. We have seen this very truth of Jesus teaching publicly demonstrated by Mancow and many other witnesses. Im grateful that the sin of James and the elders/staff who allowed his tyranny to prosper is finally coming to light, so that the abuse can come to an end. You are a blessing to many in need. Streaming Video Broadcast. It was so hard not to be bitter, and it took a long time to want to be part of another church and not be so cautious. And a few days later James MacDonalds sons, Luke and Landon MacDonald, also announced they are resigning. Praying for this church also that Gods Holy Spirit is cleaning/healing/humbling/teaching his people. However, James is not the same person he was when he began that church and if he was to continue leading it, he would hurt countless others. Please have your Passports Ready. I loved his book Vertical Church. So are you saying that there is mind control of the underling staff and of the rank and file members going on at HBC? When I talk to people about this, they are quick to disqualify anyone who went along with James, who did not stand up to him. Ive never been able to foster the same level of trust and thats the residual I wrestle with. In my lowly position, I have said, like others, I would have put my head in the sand and continued to do the job God gifted me to do in the interest of the body. SHERI PINE. I pray to our Father who loves us all that His truth and reconciliation and peace, healing abounds in this circumstance. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Your truth was not conceived in fasting or deep prayer and it sure isnt loving. ! Last November, Harvests new elders (all those who served under MacDonald stepped down) declared that their former pastor failed to meet the elder qualifications laid out in Scripture and could not return to their church. But should never be a pastor again! A friend sent a link showing a video of a former Willow pastors return to that church to speak after leaving a decade ago for similar reasons as you left Harvest. I have 3 small groups now that are like this but we lack music. I also assumed that because of the size of Harvest, those closest to you would reach out. Be blessed. It is a biblical teaching that unrepentant public sin in a public representative of God ((ie, pastors and elders) must be publicly rebuked for the sake of the church as a whole. My mom, who doesnt attend HBC, says that the church is going to die because James was the bread and butter. It was engaging at times. These are the same elders who signed the letter of unconditional support for James, and then they fire him? And the truth of many at Harvest. I used to go to a church in AZ pastored by Jon Gaus. Those that have gone through it ask themselves, should I speak up?. We confronted him basically because of the way he had attacked a youth at the time and his mother for bringing up how the pastor was making this youth to feel. In eras of prosperity, their hearts drifted. Most of my friends as well. Instead, they have chosen to remain on the elder board and continue with the deep-seeded corruption and fraud that has plagued Harvest Bible Chapel for many years. I will remember to pray for you and the fallout of this situation each time I see somethyfrom you come across my in box. We dont know each other, but I found this via Julie Roys Twitter. *For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. I still would like to read the blog on tattoos. Publicizing viewpoints rejected by the elder majority for any reason is satanic to the core. Our cold hearts lack love that shows the world we are His. Embezzling $ 270,000 from the church daughters actions and after your exit from the pulpit with the Southern Baptist in., we need to also be held responsible remember to pray for James, and have been there years... A great affect on society, and the church began affiliating with truths... Womens ministry often enough about was encouraging to read and I also left our church well. 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