bts reaction to you protecting them

I cant believe arrogant people like that exist. you shivered. Seeing Taehyung cry openly infront of you, you knew there was something completely wrong. he can help you. Your eyes snapped to his, heart tightening when you saw the look on his face. They have phones. Shaking his head he motioned for you to open your mouth and fed you the unfamiliar dish. and suddenly when his name is being pronounced you immediately tense up. Fear which hold his body earlier slipped away but worry had taken over his heart right away. This leader had a way with words, always making you feel better and the times when the roles were switched you did not hesitate to soothe his worries. And remember what you have told me about if you love something you should let it go and than called it bullshit because heck no why would you let someone go if you love them? Done with the dishes, you wiped your hands dry and walked to the bathroom, leaving him behind to dry the pans. Oh no not again! Seokjin fake cried when he saw earrings scattered all over his room. He wasnt sure what to do or what to say afraid he would set you off in another rage however he couldnt let you continue like this. What the heck do you think youre doing? You hated conflict and you always tried to avoid them. You tried to tell yourself that, you tried to tell yourself that it was alright. And especially I love you like y/n y/l/n/ loves Kim Namjoon. And I thought they knew aswell not to stand to close. he smirked, pushing him away with a light push. Why the heck were you even nervous. If thats what you want. you hummed. Jungkook? Taehyung hated you. It was nothing and I know that but I couldnt help but think.. Jungkook stood up, dusted his shirts and pants off and walked inside when Apple returned home. Just as you were about to set the food on the table, you suddenly felt two arms around your waist and someone breathing down your neck. Now stand up because y/n will be here any minute now. They all stood up. What has it been? No! - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. Originally posted by cyyphr Yoongi: He likes it. He pressed his lips against your cheek and just as you thought he was going to lean back he mumbled that you just had to wait for a while, when he was done he was giving it to you all night long. I know I cant take it away instantly even if I want it so badly. Everyone nodded their heads. He gave you a confused look, asking what was wrong. He carefully placed the bag on the floor as he made his way into the livingroom. Chuckling he dissapeared in the bathroom and came back with the ice pack in his hands, placing it ontop of the soon appearing bruise. Well.. at first it was but we just got a mail from him telling us it was okay to hand it in the day after tomorrow. You sighed out in relief, as much as you could because having to write a 6 page essay the old fashion way for thursday was still an impossible task to do but who doesnt try wont know. He saw you sitting on the couch, staring at the tv which wasnt on at all, your hands turning white from the tight grip you had on the glass of water. It was cold, you noticed. He felt bad about yesterday and so his mind kept digging for ideas to make you feel like you were home and after some pondering he came on an idea. Minho is a big goofball, so you both may even go out of your way to bring a jealous, but protective side to each other, only making him smirk. They flew through the room while muttering under your breath, words he couldnt clearly hear and maybe did not want to hear I-is everything al-alright? Almost. The sight made your heart clench and before Yoongi could even utter some word you already pulled him down, burying his head against your chest, your hands rubbing circles in his back as you whispered soothing words in his hair. I feel so alive again. Seokjin, did you call my mother? - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. 1. You always have loved the sound of water. It just stays there, not moving at all. Understood. he replied in his soft voice, still a bit shaky from crying. But I guess I love you even more because of it. Gosh y/n! His delightful laugh hugged your heart and a laugh escaped your lips aswell. Are you awake? someone whispered, fingers tracing up and down your arm causing you to wake up slightly. Can I? you asked cheerfully back, your hand already reaching for them. He wouldnt want to see anyone that he felt stressed or sad or any negative emotion in that matter but its you were talking about. Poking your shoulder, he put on his best smile and waited for you to turn and when you did, you began to laugh and pushed his head away as it was a bit to close. Tears slowly slipping away, gently rolling down his cheeks as he silenty sobbed, head lowered, shoulders shaking. Knowing he couldnt walk properly for the first couple of days or 1 week he sat down little bowls and fed him but now Hedgies foot had healed, he went on little trips and brought backpresents for him such as berries and mushrooms but when it rained, it were well not something Hoseok enjoyed seeing crawling in the house. Im sorry. It seemed that Alfred liked t-shirts as he always find a pile of them at the foot of his bed. You really were. A stain! He sat down opposite, brown orbs falling on the side of your face before he looked away aswell, joining in your admiration of the night. I love you. One hand on his cheek, the other holding his gently. Not him. And guess what I want it too. Now come here and lets clean ourselves up first before we get too sticky.. At this he sighed loudly, slumping down the chair, not wanting to remember what he did. Your head instantly snapped to Jimins. it will ache so much. Do you think its okay to go outside? Stain? your boyfriend whispered, his eyes now seeing the wet towel in his hand. You scrunched your nose while doing so as you followed the black noodles hanging of the chopsticks as they made their way to his mouth but they suddenly stopped mid air. I promise., (is it me or does it looks like he actually saysI promise?). I want to see my lovely boyfriend. you spoke up after a while. She can fuck right off. You dont always have to smile Hoseok. Maybe I should have told you that I was going somewhere with him. I am so sorry baby! Mafia BTS meeting you for the first time on the job. Small blue flowers greeted him, the stickers burning in his mind. Yeah he had thinking about doing you in the bathroom here but he knew you couldnt be quiet with what he was planning to do with you. I dont want to see her cheating face ever again. he left with a loud bang of the door falling closed. Y/n! You once again shook your head as you pried yourself out of his embrace. When you close it like that it will surely break. I will catch you. The muffled sobs got louder when you pulled him away from your shirt. So here he was. The tired look was still there but a new emotion filled his charming orbs and his lips were curled in a small smile. Seokjin who was walking beside him bursted out in laughter while Hoseok quickly snatched the toy from the ground and brought it back to his owner, apologizing over and over again while scrathing his neck in embarrasment, the mother of the child silently judging him. Dont hurt yourself y/n. He whispered, wiping your tears away and rubbing your cheeks in soothing circles. Jimin.. you looked at him with hurt, the guilt eating you alive as newly fresh tears sprung into your eyes. He knew it was hard for you, but this guy would do anything for you to make feel better. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. You were visiting Namjoon and the others in their dorm, cooking dinner to let them rest after a long day practicing. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. When you did so, you were shocked. youre right. If you are as clumsy as me, please be more careful haha. I love the real and raw you.. The dark blue sky shared his space Jungkook suddenly grabbed your wrist and led you to the livingroom. With a big sigh you stood up, happily creating distance between you and the book, leaving the living room in quick steps. The wind blowing the rain in your face feeling like sharp nails scratching your skin making it hard for you to keep on going but you did, desperately hoping he wasnt out there in this weather but knowing him he probably was, searching for you made you push harder, the paper in your hands long gone, washed away by the rain. I think he is- You dropped your phone, totally forgetting Jimin was still on the phone when a voice you longed to hear called out your name. You see your friend was heartbroken, his boyfriend had left him for someone else, telling him he wasnt good enough so you wanted to comfort him and had told him he should come over for a relaxed and fun night in. Letting yourself relax in his arms, you felt the tension leaving your body in an instant. He felt you stiffen at first but not even two seconds after that you body shook, quiet hiccups entering the open space. Just tell me when its due and dont you dare say tomorrow. Getting annoyed when you couldnt find anything to write on. Without thinking he took it home with him and you know how little ducks can be Yup he began to see Taehyung as his parent and followed him around, waddeling after him, even showering with him. Always sneaking up on you. Figurines filled the bag to its top. I never thought you would do this to me. he spat. you stole my drink honey. Yes, you counted. More reactions on Patreon: reaction to BTS Protecting And Supporting Each OtherPURCHASE DEM LEVANTS MERCH:http://b. No more feeling bad baby! Im sorry! Taehyung squeeked out, eyes shut closed. Sadness is a feeling that hits you suddenly, out of nowhere, no matter where you are or what you are doing. With all the screaming and accusions thrown your way, surely you wouldnt be thinking straight. He felt stupid, he wanted to punch himself in the face for making you feel like this. He had asked you if it could be the two of you only, not wanting to weep infront of your boyfriend since he wanted to appear strong infront of him, he always had a tiny little crush on Taehyung. The salt irritating your delicate flesh as the soft ros colour burnt a bright red. Taehyung. He was so understanding that sometimes it irked you. You will be okay. Oh fuck off you swung an arm around his neck and yanked him towards you holding him in a necklock. Yeah I know theyre important to get a job but trust me everyone in the workfield have experienced what youre feeling right now. He should not have to feel like that, he should not have to put up with your crying ass but could not help to feel the warmth surrounding your soul at the thought of him holding you close, his familiar scent and protective arms scaring away the demons, you needed him right now and it was okay to need him, it wasnt wrong. Dont you have any respect? Gosh the worst scenarios went through my head, I was losing my mind! he told you, hands falling ontop of his head, showing you with gestures how bad it actually was as if you wouldnt believe his words. Taehyung, I told you I would be home at 9? You, however were staring at the painting hanging on the wall as you thought about a story that could fit with the canvas. I dont.. Now come to bed. grabbing his hand, you pulled him off the chair, dragged him to the bedroom and tucked him under the warm blankets. You knew him well enough not to ask to many questions in this situation. Tired orbs fell on the familiar words you must have read a hundred times before. Those were thoughts that haunted through my head. With your weight leaning on your hands behind you, you faced the sun and closed your eyes, taking in the warmth and clear air. I know you dont do it on purpose but honestly sometimes I think you do because its the third shirt this week you washed to hot. Het sat down on the bed, pulled away the blanket and dried you of, shushing you when you whimpered, murming you were cold, wanting to hold him. street, now serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul. His arms dropped off the wall and landed on your butt, rubbing your bum sensually as his body began to take control. You instantly regretted your outburst, stuttering apologies. Because everyday my love for you grows. Seokjin:He quickly entered the house. Still you could not shake the feeling away, eyes locked on the door. Y/n let go of that man. The calmness that surrounded your soul at first had made place for guilt and just thinking about Jimin had you sprinting, running as fast as you could to the man who had one of the biggest hearts on earth, the one you had stepped on. SO what do you say? What the? Yoongi uttered when they arrived at their dorm after a long tour. No please. In fact, you both will. Its heartbreaking really. Babe? I am the one who should go to little cafs and go walk in the park with you. If you want to thank me for taking care of you than bring some food the next time okay? Not even Namjoon is as clumsy as you. Im sorry you choked out to Hoseok, one arm covering your eyes not wanting to see his dissapointed face. Deciding to end his suffering, you silently walked over him. The sound of his name snapped him out of it and focused his gaze once again on you. He wouldnt have trouble seducing you. Taehyung: Youve been acting weird since the morning Jimin. you eyed him suspiciously. Thats a nice surprise. You smiled at him. No words seemed right, no sentence seemed to click and overal it was just. Thats really kind of you! Right now you didnt care anymore. But the food is getting cold!. Like way way more.. Turning your face away from the other people on the bus, you looked out of the window, not really focusing on anything the only thing on your mind was not to break down right this instant. You can see it as a thank you for keeping you healthy. you spoke, your hands now wandering back to his chest and keeping it there. Yeah, why wouldnt it be? you laughed loudly and instantly winced how uncomfortable and fake it sounded. You were taken aback, mouth dropping in disbelief. And now you were here, asking Namjoon to forget about day, feeling guilty since he was so enthusiastic about it. You were unable to fall asleep. I can show her a lot of things you never can.. You both finally had time, or actually Namjoon finally had his well deserved break and immediately called you, excitingly telling you about the date he had planned for you,rewarding you for being so patient. Can you like, bend down a bit? you told him more than asking. You did not regret telling him this, you wanted him to know, you needed him to help you get out of this rut. His hands groaping everything he could all the while groaning that you werent as innocent everybody thought you were. Just let me tell you one thing. Yoongi would definitely be worried when you did not response to any of his words. I was the one who needed to reassure you. He said. There was one thing Jungkook knew that would help you relax and that was his singing. I think it does. BTS reaction to you wanting to have 10 kids. BTS reaction when their pregnant gf suddenly feels pain in the middle of their argument. Dont even ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer. -\u0026t=2sHow Much Would You Do It For - business inquiries/copyright issues ONLY:demlevants@gmail.comOriginal Video: \u0026 J React are a husband and wife duo from New York (J) and Trinidad and Tobago (Xav). Most of the times you declined, not wanting to disturb but actually you did not want to see him around all the pretty female idols who seemed so perfect. before you could pull away and ask him why, he continued. Bangtan loves you, I love you, lots of people love you. He would always try to understand your point of view or any other. I ve been insecure too you know he fumbled with his fingers kind of scared himself too about his doubts in this relationship. The His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. I am calm baby, now give them to me. You dont have to tell me babe. he winked, moving his arm around your shoulder. oh is that so? Jungkook faked ignorance. I am certain we were allowed to use the computer. you scratched your head finding it weird what she was saying. You just do what you do. He really was jealous? You know what is like to work hard for what you want and it has to be that way. you arent allowed to come near my baby. BTS reaction to their S/O making a big feast for them but it's really bad. Standing on your tippy toes you slapped against the material causing it to fall down, picking it up from you skipped back to the desk. Wrapping your fingers tightly around the pencil, the poor thing unfortunately did not escape your madness and broke into two. You turned around and nodded your head in approvement. I am the one who should make you laugh. I love you y/n., Originally posted by jungkookfortunekookies. You can do it sweets! I did not mean what I said earlier. Tears you saw rarely, fell and could feel the bed lighly shaking as he sobbed. Y/n.. please. Seokjin look at me. you whispered, lifting your head to look at him. And besides. You cant throw words together, make it into a little story or something and I cant even do that. Army wants to see you healthy and happy and if they know youre siting here, pulling your hair out at 3 a.m. Oh boy they wouldnt happy at all.. You were leaning against the door post, arms crossed over your chest, watching him writing, watching him throwing the pen on the desk, the paper feeling his frustration as it ended up crumbled on the ground. Seokjin spilled everything that was bothering him, tightening his hold on you. Nodding, you wiped away the wet trails on his cheeks beginning to feel bad again for making him cry. The pure scent of the night seemed to do Taehyung good as he already had calmed down abit. You didnt like to show that sight of you. Thats what he has been doing all day. I know baby but those lyrics doesnt write itself. He answered you, going against your words. I love you. An important exam was coming up for you and you have been studying for a couple of days already but despite all the hours youve been learning it just doesnt want to stuck and when you read the same sentece for the fifth time already you had enough. They want nothing but the best out there. and what the heck happened? Jimin murmured staring at the half eaten apples but soon after his crescent moon eyes began to show, finding it adorable that the little fox thanked him for his care. Your brother however understood rather quickly and laughed. You softly knocked on the door, opened it slighty and peeked in the room. You were always one to think positively however the words you read on social media didnt really help. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. You were certainly getting pissed because how many times had you told him that getting rid of the anger against furniture or doors was not okay but then he just smirked, a great idea popped in his mind and laughed returning to the game he was playing. Being jealous is not wrong baby. He was shaking, hands balling into fists at his side, ready to punch that smug look of his face however he learned from you to not lower himself to other people standards so he did what he could do best and stared him down, daring him to make a move. BTS reaction 3: Them reacting to your cute / strange sleeping habits Honestly, I was feeling a little weird today, so I consciously decided to write and post something warm, fluffy, light and kind of uplifting. BTS Reacts: You Having A Cute Moan (!!) He stared at the dent in the door he had kicked in anger after losing the game against Seokjin. Hey y/n I really really am proud of you of being here you know. Your smile fell and Hoseok could see your eyes welling up and your lips trembling. Turning the shower off, a towel sucking up the drops of water, you stepped into your pajamas and waited for him to come home. Normally you wouldnt mind going alone since you liked to be on yourself sometimes. Seeing the white bandage on his tail he immediately knew and couldnt help but chuckle. Mafia BTS reacting to you cutting onions. Y/n? he questioned from the hallway when he wasnt greeted with the usual, or greeted at all. (Whose going to believe that a freaking bunny stole their childs stuffed animal). Tears were already spilling down your cheeks, of course they noticed so why were you even trying to hide. He sighed, putting down the book he was reading in peace before Hoseok broke his bubble. Nobody likes to dissapoint their mum and dad, their grandparents. Youre right. Koreaboo. Were still young y/n but sometimes I think that you already lived a lot of lives because youre so wise and mature. Read You Getting In A Fight Defending Them from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (chloe) with 10,116 reads. I love you too Tae. You confessed, lifting your head up a little so you could give him your eskimo kiss. With quick footsteps he stomped his way over to you and cleared his throat. He was simply protecting you. I can say that I am sorry. Just as you could see his face clearly, you tucked him down with one hand holding his neck and pushed your cheek against his and began to rub. Im not only there for you in the sunny days. Scoffing jokingly, you opened your eyes and greeted the man who you have known your whole life. Because I want to do something but youre too tall. you whined, sending some pressure to his neck. Scoffing you turned back to your laptop, jacket throwing on the ground and continued with what you were doing, furiously typing away. Im sorry about yesterday. Dont shut me out. Aah yeah everything is just peachy Seok. you chuckled. Was it his fault? I was thinking you would be better off with someone who could do all those things I cant. He had seen you working on those papers after he came home from a photoshoot since you had left the door open and could see the stack of papers laying on the desk as you massaged your temples, a sign that you clearly didnt feel well so the good boyfriend he is, he went to the kitchen and prepared some healthy dishes. Seconds turned into minutes and still none of you had made a move. His words had lighted up the darker side of your heart, his words filled with loved chased away the beasts as it bit their skin. If it makes you feel like being ripped apart inside, its not. Hmm you know I love you everyday more and more he whispered in your ear and you giggled. You were talking with Yoongi. Now, please return the ring where you got it from and we will discuss your punishment later. You told me it was okay for me to not always be the best, and I couldnt always be the best even if I wanted to. You were a grown woman living with the love of your life eventhough there was now a 15.000 miles distance between your family you should not cry. Right at that time Hoseok deciced to show up however from his point of view, what you were doing looked more like coupley stuff than what actually was going on. Know what I mean?, Dont worry angel. What did he see in you? "Sure, baby." Hoseok said, smiling at you. It yearns for you y/n how desperate it may sound. He is just stupid. Yoongi is a perfect example of the words: a hard shell but a soft core. My heart fell for yours and my soul fell in love with your soul. Oh, I was just calling to ask you if you can help me with the essay. You know I am ticklish Tae! you whined looking down on his favourite shirt. Fine. Jungkook laughed and bend down now facing you at the same height. A song was playing softly in the background and his eyes looked at you with so much love and admireness when a tiny smile appeared on your face. Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction! How does that sound? he smiled at you, brushing his thumps over your cheeks and lips to clear all the evidence of your previous mood. After what felt like an hour to him he had found you. And when he suddenly heard smashing and crashing noises he literally facepalmed himself, still getting up to check up on you. He isnt your boyfriend the last time I checked. The blue inkt bled down the dark white paper which was struggling not to fall apart, clung on to your hand, weakenig with every drop of water they drawed in. I have. ! you beamed, orbs sparkling after discovering a whole new level of deliciousness. Your eskimo kiss that, you opened your eyes welling up and down your cheeks, of course noticed... However the words: a hard shell but a new emotion filled his charming orbs and his were. Serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul ever again dont even ask me because... 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